Albooyeh M,
Simovski C,
Menzel C,
Helgert C,
Kroll M,
Pertsch T,
Etrich C,
Rockstuhl C,
Kruk S,
Decker M,
Neshev D,
Kivshar YProperties of periodic metasurfaces versus amorphous arrangements at oblique incidence2013 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, APSURSI 2013 ?,
Altstadt S, Audouin L, Barbagallo M, Becvar F, Billowes J, Dillmann I, Guerrero C, Heil M, Lederer C, Schumann D, Wallner A
Neutron induced reactions for the s process, and the case of Fe and Ni isotopes
12th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos, NIC 2012 ?, ?(2013)
Audouin L, Paradela C, Altstadt S, Barbagallo M, Billowes J, Boccone V, Brugger M, Calviani M, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Eleftheriadis C, Ganesan S, Guerrero C, Jenkins D, Jenkins D, Lederer C, Milazzo P, Tsinganis A, Vlachoudis V, Wallner A, Diakaki M, Ferrari A, Kadi Y, Kokkoris M, Losito R, Marganiec J, Mastromarco M, Pavlik A, Praena J, Quesada J, Valenta S, Wright T, Vermeulen M, Wallner A, Ware T
Measurement of the fission fragment angular distribution for Th-232(n,f) at the CERN n-TOF facility
13th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, NRM 2012 ?, ?(2013) 253-260
Berthoumieux E, Calviani M, Chiaveri E, Guerrero C, Gunsing F, Tsinganis A, Vlachoudis V, Audouin L, Barbagallo M, Billowes J, Boccone V, Brugger M, Cerutti F, Chin M, Duran I, Eleftheriadis C, Fraval K, Ganesan S, Jenkins D, Jenkins D, Lederer C, Milazzo P, Paradela C, Wallner A, Weigand M, Diakaki M, Ferrari A, Kadi Y, Kokkoris M, Losito R, Marganiec J, Mastromarco M, Pavlik A, Praena J, Quesada J, Valenta S, Variale V, Wright T, Andriamonje S, Giomataris Y, Iguaz F, Vermeulen M, Wallner A, Ware T
Neutron beam imaging with micromegas detectors in combination with neutron time-of-flight at the n-TOF facility at CERN
4th International Conference on Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy, NPAE 2012 ?, ?(2013) 366-368
Boyson T,
Rittman D,
Spence T,
Calzada M,
Kallapur A,
Petersen I,
Kirkbride P,
Moore D,
Harb CRapid, wide bandwidth pulsed cavity ringdown spectroscopyCLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2013 ?,
Buchler B,
Hosseini M,
Sparkes B,
Geng J,
Bernu J,
Campbell G,
Glorieux Q,
Pinel O,
Robins N,
Lam PProgrammable quantum memory in atomic ensemblesFrontiers in Optics 2013/Laser Science XXIX ?,
Carter I,
Kandasamy R,
Dasgupta M,
Hinde D,
Rafiei R,
Luong D,
Williams E,
Cook K,
McNeil S,
Rafferty D,
Harding A,
Muirhead A,
Tunningley TAn ion beam tracking system based on a parallel plate avalanche counterHeavy Ion Accelerator Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Science 2013 63(
Collins M,
Clark A,
He J,
Choi D,
Williams R,
Judge A,
Steel M,
Luther-Davies B,
Xiong C,
Eggleton BUltra-low raman noise correlated photon-pair generation in a dispersion engineered As2S3 waveguideBragg Gratings, Photosensitivity, and Poling in Glass Waveguides, BGPP 2012 ?,
De Cesare M,
Fifield K,
Sabbarese C,
Tims S,
De Cesare N,
D'Onofrio A,
D'Arco A,
Esposito A,
Petraglia A,
Roca V,
Terrasi FActinides AMS at CIRCE and U-236 and Pu measurements of structural and environmental samples from in and around a mothballed nuclear power plant12th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 294(
Der Sarkissian H,
Recur B,
Normand N,
Guedon JRotations in the Mojette Space2013 20th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2013 ?,
Desyatnykov A
Optical Vortices in Discrete Rings
Conference on Coherence and Quantum Optics, CQO 2013 ?, ?(2013) 1-2
Eckerskorn N,
Kirian R,
Kupper J,
DePonte D,
Krolikowski W,
Chapman H,
Rode AOptical Injector of Particles for X-ray Diffractive ImagingOptical Trapping Applications, OTA 2013 ?,
Evers M,
Hinde D,
Dasgupta MExploring mechanisms inhibiting nuclear fusion12th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos, NIC 2012 ?,
Feige J,
Wallner A,
Fifield K,
Korschinek G,
Merchel S,
Rugel G,
Steier P,
Winkler S,
Golser R,
Winkler S,
Wallner AAMS measurements of cosmogenic and supernova-ejected radionuclides in deep-sea sediment coresHeavy Ion Accelerator Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Science 2013 63(
Gao Q,
Jiang N,
Joyce H,
Paiman S,
Wong-Leung J,
Lee Y,
Fu L,
Tan H,
Jagadish CCompound semiconductor nanowires for optoelectronic devices10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, CLEO-PR 2013 ?,
Giner L,
Veissier L,
Sparkes B,
Sheremet A,
Nicolas A,
Mishina O,
Scherman M,
Burks S,
Shomroni I,
Kupriyanov D,
Lam P,
Giacobino E,
Laurat JDiscriminating between the autler-townes splitting and the electromagnetically-induced transparency models: A tool for probing the medium propertiesCLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, CLEO:QELS FS 2013 ?,
Giner L,
Veissier L,
Sparkes B,
Sheremet A,
Nicolas A,
Mishina O,
Scherman M,
Burks S,
Shomroni I,
Kupriyanov D,
Lam P,
Giacobino E,
Laurat JDiscriminating between the Autler-Townes splitting and the electromagnetically-induced transparency models: A tool for probing the medium properties [DUPLICATE]2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2013 ?,
Grafe M,
Solntsev A,
Keil R,
Tunnermann A,
Nolte S,
Sukhorukov A,
Kivshar Y,
Szameit APhoton pair generation in quadratic waveguide arrays: A classical optical simulationConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics-Int Quantum Electronics Conference CLEO_Europe_IQEC 2013 ?,
Grillet C,
Ma P,
Luther-Davies B,
Hudson D,
Monat C,
Madden S,
Moss D,
Brun M,
Labeye P,
Ortiz S,
Nicoletti SLow loss SiGe waveguides in the MID-IRConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics-Int Quantum Electronics Conference CLEO_Europe_IQEC 2013 ?,
Gutman N,
Sukhorukov A,
Eilenberger F,
Martijn de Sterke CLow-power all-optical switching through frozen light at degenerate band edgesBragg Gratings, Photosensitivity, and Poling in Glass Waveguides, BGPP 2012 ?,
Hemming A, Richards J, Davidson A, Carmody N, Simakov N, Hughes M, Davies P, Bennetts S, Haub J
A high power mid-IR ZGP ring OPO
CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2013 ?, ?(2013)
Hemming A, Simakov N, Davidson A, Bennetts S, Hughes M, Carmody N, Davies P, Corena L, Stepanov D, Haub J, Swain R, Carter A
A monolithic cladding pumped holmium-doped fibre laser
CLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2013 ?, ?(2013)
Hinde D,
Dasgupta M,
Carter I,
Cook K,
Evers M,
Luong D,
Kandasamy R,
Rafferty D,
Simenel C,
Wakhle A,
Williams ENuclear reaction dynamics research at the Australian National UniversityHeavy Ion Accelerator Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Science 2013 63(
Hinde D,
Dasgupta M,
Evers M,
Lin C,
Luong D,
DuRietz R,
Simenel C,
Wakhle A,
Williams EInvestigating quasi-fission dynamics through mass-angle distributions11th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, NN 2012 420,
Howard J,
Svensson J,
Wolf R,
Reich M,
Hobirk JFirst results from the imaging motional stark effect diagnostic on ASDEX upgrade40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2013 ?,
Iorsh I,
Buslaev P,
Belov P,
Shadrivov I,
Kivshar YPlasmons and magnetoplasmons in single and multilayer graphene structures7th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (Metamaterials 2013) ?,
Janousek J,
Armstrong S,
Hage B,
Morizur J,
Lam P,
Bachor HMulti-mode Quantum NetworksConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics-Int Quantum Electronics Conference CLEO_Europe_IQEC 2013 ?,
Jones K,
Lind A,
Hatem C,
Moffatt S,
Ridgway MA brief review of doping issues in III-V semiconductorsInternational Symposium on Silicon Compatible Materials, Processes, and Technologies for Advanced Integrated Circuits and Emerging Applications 3 - 223rd ECS Meeting 53,
Jones O, Michael C, McClements K, Conway N, Crowley B, Akers R, Lake R, Pinches S
Fast-Ion Deuterium Alpha observations of the effects of fast-particle-driven MHD in the Mega-Ampere Spherical Tokamak
40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2013 ?, ?(2013) 381-384
Joyce H,
Docherty C,
Yong C,
Wong-Leung J,
Gao Q,
Paiman S,
Tan H,
Jagadish C,
Lloyd-Hughes J,
Herz L,
Johnston MProbing the critical electronic properties of III-V nanowires using optical pump-terahertz probe spectroscopy2013 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2013 ?,
Joyce H,
Docherty C,
Yong C,
Wong-Leung J,
Gao Q,
Paiman S,
Tan H,
Jagadish C,
Lloyd-Hughes J,
Herz L,
Johnston MMeasuring the electrical properties of semiconductor nanowires using terahertz conductivity spectroscopySPIE Micro+Nano Materials, Devices, and Applications 2013 Conference 8923(
Kapitanova P,
Slobozhanyuk A,
Shadrivov I,
Belov P,
Kivshar YMicrowave metamaterials with competing light-controllable nonlinear response2013 43rd European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2013 - Held as Part of the 16th European Microwave Week, EuMW 2013 ?,
Kibedi T,
Stuchbery A,
Copp P,
de Vries M,
Pitt R,
Alshahrani B,
Margerin V,
Dracoulis GPair conversion spectroscopy of the Hoyle state12th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos, NIC 2012 ?,
Kingston A,
Maniotis A,
Varslot T,
Myers G,
Sheppard A,
Trumpf J,
Hartley RGeometric Alignment of Helical Tomographic Projection Data Using Pi-LinesInternational Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures (ICTMS 2013) ?,
Kingston A,
Shadwell M,
Myers G,
Varslot T,
Sheppard APractical Region-Of-Interest TomographyInternational Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures (ICTMS 2013) ?,
Knackstedt M,
Riepe LQuantitative mineralogical and petrophysical analysis of cuttingsPetroleum Geoscience Conference and Exhibition 2013: Innovative Geoscience: Securing Energy Needs, PGCE 2013 ?,
Kruk S,
Decker M,
Helgert C,
Staude I,
Menzel C,
Powell D,
Etrich C,
Rockstuhl C,
Pertsch T,
Neshev D,
Kivshar YSymmetry properties of metamaterials at oblique incidence7th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (Metamaterials 2013) ?,
Lam P,
Hosseini M,
Campbell G,
Pinel O,
Sparkes B,
Twamley J,
Rebic S,
Chrzanowski H,
Assad S,
Bernu J,
Ralph T,
Walk N,
Symul T,
Buchler BBuilding a quantum repeater with quantum memories and noiseless amplifiers10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, CLEO-PR 2013 ?,
Lapshina N,
Noskov R,
Kivshar YNanoradarThe 4th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (NANOMETA) ?,
Lapshina N,
Noskov R,
Kivshar YPlasmonic analogy of a phased-array antenna7th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (Metamaterials 2013) ?,
Lederer C,
Altstadt S,
Barbagallo M,
Billowes J,
Boccone V,
Brugger M,
Calviani M,
Chiaveri E,
Chin M,
Duran I,
Eleftheriadis C,
Guerrero C,
Jenkins D,
Jenkins D,
Leal-Cidoncha E,
Milazzo P,
Paradela C,
Schumann D,
Tsinganis A,
Vlachoudis V,
Audouin L,
Wallner A,
Dressler R,
Ganesan S,
Kappeler F,
Diakaki M,
Kadi Y,
Kokkoris M,
Losito R,
Marganiec J,
Mastromarco M,
Pavlik A,
Praena J,
Quesada J,
Robles M,
Sabaté-Gilarte M,
Saxena A,
Valenta S,
Variale V,
Vlastou R,
Wallner A,
Wright T,
Vermeulen M,
Ware TExperiments with neutron beams for the astrophysical s processNuclear Physics in Astrophysics, NPA 2013 ?,
Lee K, Granzow N, Schmidt M, Chang W, Wang L, Coulombier Q, Troles J, Toupin P, Leindecker N, Wondraczek L, Fermann M
Mid-IR frequency combs from coherent supercontinuum generation in chalcogenide nano-spike waveguides
CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, CLEO:QELS FS 2013 ?, ?(2013) No. QTh5B.7
Lee K, Granzow N, Schmidt M, Chang W, Wang L, Coulombier Q, Troles J, Toupin P, Leindecker N, Wondraczek L, Fermann M
Mid-IR frequency combs from coherent supercontinuum generation in chalcogenide nano-spike waveguides
Frontiers in Optics 2013/Laser Science XXIX ?, ?(2013) 1-3
Li H,
Kingston A,
Myers G,
Varslot TReducing Blur in X-ray Micro-CT Due to a Non-point SourceInternational Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures (ICTMS 2013) ?,
Luong D,
Cook K,
Williams E,
Dasgupta M,
Hinde D,
DuRietz R,
Rafiei R,
Evers MBreak-up array for light nuclei: A new tool for exploring nuclear reactions of relevance to the cosmological 7Li problem12th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos, NIC 2012 ?,
Luong D,
Dasgupta M,
Hinde D,
DuRietz R,
Rafiei R,
Evers M,
Lin C,
Wakhle A,
Kandasamy R,
Carter I,
Diaz-Torres ABreakup mechanisms for 7Li + 197Au, 204Pb systems at sub-barrier energiesHeavy Ion Accelerator Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Science 2013 63(
Luther-Davies B,
Kuyken B,
Yu Y,
Ma P,
Gai X,
Campenhout J,
Verheyen P,
Madden S,
Roelkens G,
Baets RNonlinear absorption in Silicon at mid-infrared wavelengthsNonlinear Optics, NLO 2013 ?,
Marpaung D,
Morrison B,
Pant R,
Choi D,
Madden S,
Luther-Davies B,
Eggleton BA tunable RF photonic notch filter with record 55 dB suppression using sub-1 dB on-chip brillouin gainFrontiers in Optics 2013/Laser Science XXIX ?,
Middleton J,
Latham S,
Sheppard APerformance Comparison of Segmentation Methods: Automated Watershed and Thresholding Methods with Iterated Conditional Modes Post ProcessingInternational Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures (ICTMS 2013) ?,
Morjean M,
Chbihi A,
Dasgupta M,
Drouart A,
Frankland J,
Fregeau M,
Hinde D,
Jacquet D,
Nalpas L,
Pârlog M,
Simenel C,
Tassan-Got L,
Williams ELong lifetime components in the decay of excited super-heavy nucleiHeavy Ion Accelerator Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Science 2013 63(
Noskov R,
Smirnova D,
Kivshar YSubwavelength solitons and pattern formation in two-dimensional lattices of nonlinear metal nanoparticles7th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics (Metamaterials 2013) ?,
Pant R,
Byrnes A,
Li E,
Choi D,
Poulton C,
Fan S,
Madden S,
Luther-Davies B,
Eggleton BPhotonic chip based tunable and dynamically reconfigurable microwave photonic filter using stimulated brillouin scatteringBragg Gratings, Photosensitivity, and Poling in Glass Waveguides, BGPP 2012 ?,
Pant R,
Li E,
Poulton C,
Choi D,
Madden S,
Luther-Davies B,
Eggleton BBrillouin dynamic grating on a photonic chipCLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2013 ?,
Paziresh M,
Kingston A,
Myers G,
Latham SSoftware X-ray Beam Hardening Correction of Cylindrical SpecimensInternational Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures (ICTMS 2013) ?,
Pemasiri K,
Perera S,
Wang Y,
Montazeri M,
Jackson H,
Smith L,
Yarrison-Rice J,
Gao Q,
Tan H,
Jagadish CDetermining wurtzite band structure using optical spectroscopies on single InP nanowiresInternational Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors ICPS 2012 ?,
Pemasiri K,
Perera S,
Wang Y,
Montazeri M,
Jackson H,
Smith L,
Yarrison-Rice J,
Gao Q,
Tan H,
Jagadish CDetermining wurtzite band structure using optical spectroscopies on single InP nanowiresInternational Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors ICPS 2012 ?,
Rahimi-Iman A, Schneider C, Kim N, Fischer J, Savenko I, Amthor M, Worschech L, Kulakovskii V, Shelykh I, Kamp M, Reitzenstein S
An electrically driven polariton laser
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, ACP 2013 ?, ?(2013)
Rapp L,
Haberl B,
Bradby J,
Gamaly E,
Williams J,
Juodkazis S,
Rode AEvidence of new high-pressure silicon phases in Fs-laser induced confined microexplosionCLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2013 ?,
Recur B,
Frederique L,
Parraud J,
Guillet J,
Manek-Honninger I,
Desbarats P,
Mounaix P3D millimeter waves tomosynthesis for the control of aeronautics materials2013 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2013 ?,
Reece P,
Wang F,
Toe W,
Andres-Arroyo A,
Gao Q,
Tan H,
Jagadish CUsing Spectroscopic Techniques to Interrogate Trapping Dynamics of Nanoscale ObjectsOptical Trapping Applications, OTA 2013 ?,
Reece P,
Wang F,
Toe W,
Andres-Arroyo A,
Gao Q,
Tan H,
Jagadish CUsing Spectroscopic Techniques to Interrogate Trapping Dynamics of Nanoscale ObjectsOptical Trapping Applications, OTA 2013 ?,
Santra S,
Parihari A,
Singh N,
Nayak B,
Behera B,
Mahata K,
Kandasamy R,
Singh V,
Pal A,
Chakrabarti RFission fragment mass and angular distribution in 6;7Li+235;238U reactionsHeavy Ion Accelerator Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Science 2013 ?,
Shadrivov INonlinear gyrotropy in isotropic metamaterialsConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics-Int Quantum Electronics Conference CLEO_Europe_IQEC 2013 ?,
Sheng Y,
Roppo V,
Kalinowski K,
Krolikowski WNonlinear Cerenkov Radiation from a Single Ferroelectric Domain WallConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics-Int Quantum Electronics Conference CLEO_Europe_IQEC 2013 ?,
Sheppard A,
Kingston A,
Myers G,
Varslot T,
Knackstedt M,
Fogden A,
Sawkins T,
Cruikshank R,
Saadatfar M,
Francois N,
Arns C,
Senden TNew Methods in Helical Scanning, Dynamic Imaging and Image Segmentation for Improved Quantitative Analysis in Micro-CTInternational Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures (ICTMS 2013) ?,
Shi T,
Fickenscher M,
Smith L,
Jackson H,
Yarrison-Rice J,
Gao Q,
Tan H,
Jagadish C,
Etheridge J,
Wong BOptical spectroscopy of quantum confined states in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well tubesInternational Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors ICPS 2012 ?,
Shrivastava A,
Navin A,
Diaz-Torres A,
Nanal V,
Kandasamy R,
Rejmund M,
Bhattacharyya S,
Chatterjee A,
Kailas S,
Lemasson ADynamics of fragment capture for cluster structures of weakly bound 7LiHeavy Ion Accelerator Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Science 2013 ?,
Silburn S,
Sharples R,
Michael C,
Harrison J,
Meyer H,
Howard J,
Gibson K2D impurity flow imaging on MAST with coherence imaging40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2013 ?,
Solntsev A,
Setzpfandt F,
Clark A,
Schreiber A,
Katzschmann F,
Schiek R,
Sohler W,
Silberhorn C,
Pertsch T,
Sukhorukov A,
Neshev D,
Kivshar YNonlinear quantum walks at the edge of quadratic waveguide arraysNonlinear Optics, NLO 2013 ?,
Staude I,
Decker M,
Renner M,
Waller E,
Neshev D,
von Freymann G,
Kivshar YHybrid fabrication of tapered gold double-helices for near-infrared frequenciesCLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, CLEO:QELS FS 2013 ?,
Staude I,
Miroshnichenko A,
Fofang N,
Liu S,
Gonzales E,
Dominguez J,
Decker M,
Luk T,
Neshev D,
Brener I,
Kivshar YMerging magnetic and electric resonances for all-dielectric nanoantenna arraysCLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, CLEO:QELS FS 2013 ?,
Symul T,
Assad S,
Lam PFast real-time random numbers from vacuum fluctuationsConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics-Int Quantum Electronics Conference CLEO_Europe_IQEC 2013 ?,
Tan H,
Jiang N,
Saxena D,
Lee Y,
Mokkapati S,
Fu L,
Gao Q,
Joyce H,
Jagadish CIII-V nanowires for optoelectronic applicationsInternational Symposium on Silicon Compatible Materials, Processes, and Technologies for Advanced Integrated Circuits and Emerging Applications 3 - 223rd ECS Meeting 58,
Vandewal M,
Cristofani E,
Brook A,
Vleugels W,
Ospald F,
Beigang R,
Wohnsiedler S,
Matheis C,
Jonuscheit J,
Guillet J,
Recur B,
Mounaix P,
Manek-Honninger I,
Venegas P,
Lopez I,
Martinez R,
Sternberg YStructural health monitoring using a scanning THz system2013 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2013 ?,
Wallner A, Altstadt S, Audouin L, Barbagallo M, Billowes J, Boccone V, Brugger M, Calviani M, Cerutti F, Chiaveri E, Chin M, Duran I, Eleftheriadis C, Ganesan S, Guerrero C, Jenkins D, Jenkins D, Lederer C, Milazzo P, Paradela C, Tsinganis A, Vlachoudis V, Wallner A, Diakaki M, Ferrari A, Kadi Y, Kokkoris M, Losito R, Marganiec J, Mastromarco M, Pavlik A, Praena J, Quesada J, Valenta S, Variale V, Wright T, Vermeulen M, Ware T
Neutron studies for advanced reactors at n-TOF (CERN)
11th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerators, AccApp 2013 ?, ?(2013) 183-187
Wallner A,
Altstadt S,
Barbagallo M,
Boccone V,
Brugger M,
Calviani M,
Cerutti F,
Chiaveri E,
Chin M,
Eleftheriadis C,
Jenkins D,
Jenkins D,
Korschinek G,
Lederer C,
Milazzo P,
Schumann D,
Tsinganis A,
Vlachoudis V,
Wallner A,
Billowes J,
Ganesan S,
Guerrero C,
Diakaki M,
Ferrari A,
Kokkoris M,
Losito R,
Marganiec J,
Mastromarco M,
Pavlik A,
Praena J,
Quesada J,
Variale V,
Wright T,
Vermeulen M,
Ware TAngular distribution in the neutron-induced fission of actinidesFission 2013 62(
Wallner A,
Bichler M,
Buczak K,
Fink D,
Forstner O,
Golser R,
Hotchkis M,
Klix A,
Krasa A,
Kutschera W,
Lederer C,
Plompen A,
Priller A,
Schumann D,
Semkova V,
Steier PHigh-sensitivity isobar-free AMS measurements and reference materials for Fe-55, Ge-68 and Pb-202g12th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 294(
Weigand M, Bredeweg T, Couture A, Jandel M, Kappeler F, Lederer C, Korschinek G, Krticka M, O'Donnell J, Reifarth R, Ullmann J, Wallner A
Neutron capture on the s-process branch point nucleus 63Ni
12th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos, NIC 2012 ?, ?(2013)
Wu C,
Solntsev A,
Neshev D,
Sukhorukov A,
Kivshar YPhoton pair generation in nonlinear adiabatic waveguiding structuresCLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, CLEO:QELS FS 2013 ?,
Xiong C,
He J,
Clark A,
Collins M,
Gai X,
Choi D,
Madden S,
Luther-Davies B,
Eggleton BCorrelated photon-pair generation in the low-raman window of a chalcogenide Ge11.5 As24 Se64.5 nanowireCLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, CLEO:QELS FS 2013 ?,
Yokoyama S, Somphiphatphong C, Kaji T, Ukai R, Armstrong S, Suzuki S, Yoshikawa J, Menicucci N, Furusawa A
Experimental Generation of 2000-Mode Entangled Graph States
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics-Int Quantum Electronics Conference CLEO_Europe_IQEC 2013 ?, ?(2013) 1
Yokoyama S, Ukai R, Armstrong S, Yoshikawa J, van Loock P, Furusawa A
Demonstration of a Fully Tuneable Entangling Gate for Continuous-Variable Cluster Computation
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics-Int Quantum Electronics Conference CLEO_Europe_IQEC 2013 ?, ?(2013) 1
Zhang Y,
Neo R,
Schroder J,
Husko C,
Lefrancois S,
Choi D,
Madden S,
Luther-Davies B,
Eggleton BPump-degenerate phase sensitive amplification in chalcogenide waveguides10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, CLEO-PR 2013 ?,