Dr John Debs

Debs, John profile
Position Other
Department Physics Education Centre
Quantum Science & Technology
Research group Atom laser group
Office phone (02) 612 58420
Office Physics North G 11
Webpage http://makerspace.anu.edu.au

Grants and awards

2017 National Award for University Teaching Excellence

2015 National Citation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning

2014 ANU Vice-Chancellors Award for Teaching Excellence

2012 USA Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Fellowship


Dr Debs is a passionate educator and researcher with a background in Ultra Cold Atomic Phyiscs, and Innovative Physics education. He convenes the nationally recognised course, Foundations of Physics, where students are taught to "think like a physicist". He is also founder of the ANU MakerSpace, a community and place on campus for student and staff to learn by doing, and access tools and resources to build and make anything from artwork to electronics.