Professor Mukunda Das

Das, Mukunda profile
Position Honorary Professor
Department Fundamental & Theoretical Physics
Research group Mathematical physics group
Office phone (02) 612 53066
Office Physics New 2 28
Publication list Das publication list (76KB PDF)


Book chapter

Noise and Transport in Mesoscopics: Physics Beyond the Landauer-Buttiker Formalism (Add book chapter)
The Random and Fluctuating World
World Scientific Publishing Company Pty. Limited, USA (2022) 125-138
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Mesoscopic Transport: The Electron-Gas Sum Rules in a Driven Quantum Point Contact
Condensed Matter Theories Vol 19
Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York (2005) 161-172
Coupled Plasmon-Phonon Modes in a Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in Presence of Spin Orbit Interaction
Phonons in Condensed Materials
Allied Publishers, New Delhi, India (2004) 24-31
The Landauer Formula: A Magic Mantra Revisited
Condensed Matter Theories Vol 18
Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York USA (2003) 441-453
Mesoscopic Transport as Many-body Physics
Condensed Matter Theories Vol 17
Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York (2003) 83-102
De portefeuillekeuzes van Nederlandse huishoudens
De Rol Van Vermogen in de Economie
KVSH, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2002) 1-30
Transport and Noise in Mesoscopic Conductors: A Censervative View
Noise and Fluctuations Control in Electronic Devices
American Scientific Publishers, California, USA (2002) 31-48
Shot noise in mesoscopic quantum systems
Condensed Matter Theories Vol 24
Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, USA (2001) 29-39
Shot Noise in Fractional Quantum Hall Systems
Science and Technology of Nanostructured Materials
Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York USA (2001) 217-222
Aspects of Transport and Noise for Mesoscopic Charge Detectors
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Experimental Implementation of Quantum Computation
Rinton Press, New Jersey USA (2001) 335-339

Density Functional Theory of Super-Phenomena
22nd International Workshop on Condensed Matter Theories
Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York USA (2000) 97-104

(11 publications)

Journal article

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Sound reception system by an acoustic meta-lens
International Maritime Safety, Environment Affairs, and Shipping 5, 2() 56-61
Anomalies in one-dimensional electron transport: quantum point contacts and wires
Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10, 1() 1-6
Anomalous conductance quantization in the inter-band gap of a one-dimensional channel
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30, 38() 1-7
Conductance anomalies in quantum point contacts and 1D wires
Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 8, 2()
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Acoustic Eaton lens array and its fluid application
Modern Physics Letters B 31, 8()
Revisiting the Fermi Surface in Density Functional Theory
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Print) 726, 1() 1-14
Novel superconductivity: from bulk to nano systems
Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 6, 1() 1-14
Right and Wrong in the Conduct of Science
Tattva Journal of Philosophy 6, 2 (2014)() 25-43
Beyond the standard model of Ginzburg-Landau theory: Multiband superconductors
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26, 32()
Kohn singularity and Kohn anomaly in conventional superconductors-role of pairing mechanism
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 12() 5
Artificial seismic shadow zone by acoustic metamaterials
Modern Physics Letters B 27, 20() 9
Time-reversal-symmetry-broken state in the BCS formalism for a multi-band superconductor
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 42() 7
Nonequilibrium mesoscopic transport: A genealogy
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24, 18() 183201-183201
Seismic Waveguide of Metamaterials
Modern Physics Letters B 26, 17() 8
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Low-temperature UV photoluminescence of ion beam synthesized Si nanoclusters embedded in Si
Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 3, 2() 4
Attractive Vortex Interaction and the Intermediate-Mixed State of Superconductors
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 24, 1-2() 57-67
Kohn Anomaly Energy in Conventional Superconductors Equals Twice the Energy of the Superconducting Gap: How and Why?
International Journal of Modern Physics B 24, 25-26() 5172-5178

Mesoscopic systems in the quantum realm: fundamental science and applications
Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 1, 043001() 11
Mesoscopic transport revisited
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21, 101001() 5
Collective Modes of Trapped Interacting Bosons
International Journal of Modern Physics B 22, 25() 4349-4357
Superconducting Order Parameters in the Extended Hubbard Model: A Simple Mean-Field Study
International Journal of Modern Physics B 21, 13 & 14() 2371-2383
Interacting Bose gas confined by an external potential
International Journal of Modern Physics A (IJMPA) 22, 27() 4923 - 4936
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Ground-State Energy Density of a Dilute Bose Gas in the Canonical Transformation
International Journal of Modern Physics B 21, 32() 5309-5318

Helping set the nanorecord straight [8]
Physics World 20, 10() 21-
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Depletion of Harmonically Confined, Interacting Bose Atoms from the Ground State
Modern Physics Letters B 20, 28() 1839-1845
Ballistic Transport is Dissipative: The Why and How
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 17() V13-V16
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Where is the Shot Noise of Quantum Point Contact?
Physical Review Letters 92, 15() 156804-1-4
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Sum-Rule Contraints for Open Mesoscopic Conductors
International Journal of Modern Physics B 18, 10 & 11() 1479-1488
Landauer Formula without Landauers Assumptions
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15() L687-L693
Excitonic Superconductivity in Charge Injected Organics
Nonlinear Optics 29, 4-6() 219-225
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Dynamical theory of strongly coupled two-dimensional Coulomb fluids in the weakly degenerate quantum domain
Physical Review E 64() 046125-1-14
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Compressibility sum rule for the two-dimensional electron gas
Physical Review E 64() 012103-1 - 012103-4
Classical to Quantum Crossover in High-Current Noise of One-Dimensional Ballistic Wires
Fluctuation and Noise Letters 1, 4() C21-C33

Compressibility sum rule for the two-dimensional electron gas
Physical Review E-Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics 64, 1() 1-Apr
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Bose-Einstein Condensation of Atoms with Attractive Interaction in a Harmonic Trap
Australian Journal of Physics 53() 157-165
Anomalous Resurgence of Shot Noise in Long Conductors
Australian Journal of Physics 53, 4() 499-512
Comment on Conductance and Shot Noise for Particles with Exclusion Statistics
Physical Review Letters 85() 222
Coulomb Screening in Mesoscopic Noise: A Kinetic Approach
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12() 5251-5273
High-Field Noise in Metallic Diffusive Conductors
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12() 5233-5250

'Anomalous' Resurgence of Shot Noise in Long Conductors
Australian Journal of Physics 53, 4() 499-512
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Bose-Einstein Condensation of Atoms with Attractive Interaction
International Journal of Modern Physics B B, 13() 625-631

Local moment formation in Zn-doped cuprates
Physical Review B 58, 5() 2838-2843

Electron superconductivity in coupled electron-hole layers
Physical Review B 57, 3() 1801-1804

(49 publications)

Conference paper

Understanding metamaterials in the realm of smart materials
International Workshop on Advanced Materials, IWAM 2017 ?, ?()
Kohn anomaly in phonon driven superconductors
17th International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories, MBT 2013 ?, ?() 1-6
Kohn Anomaly in Conventional Superconductors: A Surprise
Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting 2010 ?, ?() 4

High temperature superconductivity: The mystery we are ever after
Pipelines 2009 Conference, Pipelines 2009: Infrastructure's Hidden Assets 360() 19-24

High Temperature Superconductivity: The Mystery We Are Ever After
International Workshop on Advanced Material for New and Renewable Energy 1169() 19-24
Dissipation in a Quantum Wire: Fact and Fantasy
International Workshop on Mesoscopic, Nanoscopic and Macroscopic Materials ?, ?() 26-34
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Effect of Interaction on a Bosonic Condensate Confined in a Harmonic Trap
Annual Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting 2006 ?, ?() 3
What Causes Dissipation in a Ballistic Quantum Point Contact?
National Congress Australian Institute of Physics 2005 ?, ?() 170-1-4
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The Conservation Laws in Mesoscopic Noise, and their Observable Consequences
Fluctuations and noise 2003 , ?() 1-15
Mesoscopic Noise Theory: Microscopics or Phenomenology?
Unsolved Problems of Noise and Fluctuations ?, ?() 422-433

(10 publications)

Journal short contribution (non refereed)

Book Review: Fundamentals of Condensed Matter Physics
Australian Physics 54, 5() 182

Superconductivity: One hundred years of discovery
Australian Physics 48, 5() 137-142

(2 publications)

Journal short contribution

Correlated Electrons - Preface
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19() 120302

(1 publications)