Professor Vladimir Bazhanov

Bazhanov, Vladimir profile
Position Emeritus Professor
Department Fundamental & Theoretical Physics
Research group Mathematical physics group
Office phone (02) 612 55500
Office Physics New 2 28

arXiv pre-prints

, , ,
Some Algebraic Aspects of the Inhomogeneous Six-Vertex Model
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA) 17 (2021) 1-29
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Equilibrium density matrices for the 2D black hole sigma models from an integrable spin chain
Journal of High Energy Physics 2021 (2021) 1-47
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Scaling limit of the ${\cal Z}_2$ invariant inhomogeneous six-vertex model
Nuclear Physics B 965 (2021) 1-156
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On the scaling behaviour of the alternating spin chain
The Journal of High Energy Physics 2019 (2019) 1-30
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On the Yang-Baxter Poisson algebra in non-ultralocal integrable systems
Nuclear Physics B 934 (2018) 529-556
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Quantum transfer-matrices for the sausage model
The Journal of High Energy Physics 2018 (2018) 89pp
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Bukhvostov-Lipatov model and quantum-classical duality
Nuclear Physics B 927 (2018) 468-515pp
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Quasi-classical expansion of the star-triangle relation and integrable systems on quad-graphs
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49 (2016) 1-44pp
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Vacuum energy of the Bukhvostov-Lipatov model
Nuclear Physics B 911 (2016) 863-889
Yang-Baxter Maps, Discrete Integrable Equations and Quantum Groups
Nuclear Physics B 926 (2018) 509-543pp
From Fuchsian differential equations to integrable QFT
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47 (2014) 8
, ,
Winding vacuum energies in a deformed O(4) sigma model
Nuclear Physics B 889 (2014) 817-826
Integrable structure of Quantum Field Theory: Classical flat connections versus quantum stationary states
Journal of High Energy Physics 147 (2014)
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An integrable 3D lattice model with positive Boltzmann weights
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (2013)
, , ,
An Elliptic Parameterisation of the Zamolodchikov Model
Nuclear Physics B 871 (2013) 127-144
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Comment on star-star relations in statistical mechanics and elliptic gamma-function identities
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (2013) 152001 (1-7)
Elliptic gamma-function and multi-spin solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation
Nuclear Physics B 856 (2012) 475-496
, , ,
A Shortcut to the Q-Operator
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2010 (2010) 40
, , , ,
Baxter Q-Operators and Representations of Yangians
Nuclear Physics B 850 (2011) 148-174
A master solution of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation and classical discrete integrable equations
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 16 (2012) 65-95
, , ,
Scaling and universality in the 2D Ising model with a magnetic field
Physical Review E-Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics 81 (2010) 4
Eight-vertex model and Painlev\'e VI equation. II. Eigenvector results
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43 (2010) 16
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Quantum Geometry of 3-Dimensional Lattices and Tetrahedron Equation
XVIth International Congress on Mathematical Physics 2009 (2010) 23-44
Baxter's Q-operators for supersymmetric spin chains
Nuclear Physics B 805 (2008) 451-516
, , ,
Variational approach to the scaling function of the 2D Ising model in a magnetic field
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42 (2009) 10

Chiral Potts model and the discrete Sine-Gordon model at roots of unity
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 61 (2011) 91-123pp
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Quantum geometry of 3-dimensional lattices
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment July 2008 (2008) 27p
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Exact solution of the Faddeev-Volkov model
Physics Letters A 372 (2008) 1547-1550
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Faddeev-Volkov solution of the Yang-Baxter Equation and Discrete Conformal Symmetry
Nuclear Physics B 784 (2007) 234-258
Analytic theory of the eight-vertex model
Nuclear Physics B 775 (2007) 225-282
Zamolodchikov's Tetrahedron Equation and Hidden Structure of Quantum Groups
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (2006) 3295-3310
Eight-vertex model and non-stationary Lame equation
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38 (2005) L145-L153
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Higher-level eigenvalues of Q-operators and Schroedinger equation
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 7 (2003) 711-725
Excited State TBA for the $\phi_{2,1}$ perturbed $M_{3,5}$ model
Nuclear Physics B 647 (2002) 404-432
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Integrable structure of W_3 Conformal Field Theory, Quantum Boussinesq Theory and Boundary Affine Toda Theory
Nuclear Physics B 622 (2002) 475-547
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Integrable Structure of Conformal Field Theory III. The Yang-Baxter Relation
Communications in Mathematical Physics 200 (1999) 297-324

Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz for the subleading magnetic perturbation of the tricritical Ising model
Nuclear Physics B 512 (1998) 563-580
V. V. Bazhanov, S. L. Lukyanov, A. B. Zamolodchikov
Integrable Quantum Field Theories in Finite Volume: Excited State Energies


Book chapter

Chiral Potts model and the discrete Sine-Gordon model at roots of unity
Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 61
Mathematical Society of Japan, Japan (2011) 91-123
, ,
XVIth International Congress on Mathematical Physics 2009
World Scientific Publishing Company, Prague (2010) 23-44

(2 publications)

Journal article

An Ising-type formulation of the six-vertex model
Nuclear Physics B 986() 59
, ,
Equilibrium density matrices for the 2D black hole sigma models from an integrable spin chain
Journal of High Energy Physics 2021, 3() 1-47
, , ,
Some Algebraic Aspects of the Inhomogeneous Six-Vertex Model
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA) 17, 025() 1-29
, , ,
Scaling limit of the Z2 invariant inhomogeneous six-vertex model
Nuclear Physics B 965() 1-156
, ,
The hidden symmetry of the asymmetric quantum Rabi model
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 54, 12()
, , ,
On the scaling behaviour of the alternating spin chain
The Journal of High Energy Physics 2019, 87() 1-30
, ,
On the Yang-Baxter Poisson algebra in non-ultralocal integrable systems
Nuclear Physics B 934() 529-556
, ,
Quantum transfer-matrices for the sausage model
The Journal of High Energy Physics 2018, 21() 89
, ,
Bukhvostov-Lipatov model and quantum-classical duality
Nuclear Physics B 927() 468-515
, ,
Quasi-classical expansion of the star-triangle relation and integrable systems on quad-graphs
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 49, 46() 1-44
, ,
Vacuum energy of the Bukhvostov-Lipatov model
Nuclear Physics B 911() 863-889
From Fuchsian differential equations to integrable QFT
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47, 46() 8
, ,
Winding vacuum energies in a deformed O(4) sigma model
Nuclear Physics B 889() 817-826
, ,
Comment on star-star relations in statistical mechanics and elliptic gamma-function identities
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46, 15() 152001 1-7
, , ,
An elliptic parameterisation of the Zamolodchikov model
Nuclear Physics B 871, 1() 127-144
, ,
An integrable 3D lattice model with positive Boltzmann weights
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46, 46()
A master solution of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation and classical discrete integrable equations
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 16, 1() 65-95
, , , ,
Baxter q-operators and representations of yangians
Nuclear Physics B 850, 1() 148-174
, , ,
A shortcut to the Q-operator
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2010, 11() 40
The eight-vertex model and Painleve VI equation II: eigenvector results
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43, 8() 16
, , ,
Scaling and universality in the two-dimensional Ising model with a magnetic field
Physical Review E-Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics 81, 6() 4
, , ,
Variational approach to the scaling function of the 2D Ising model in a magnetic field
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 42, 042005() 10
Baxter's Q-operators for supersymmetric spin chains
Nuclear Physics B 805() 451-516
, ,
Quantum geometry of three-dimensional lattices
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment July 2008() 27p
, ,
Exact solution of the Faddeev-Volkov model
Physics Letters A 372, 10() 1547-1550
The Eight-Vertex Model and Painlevé VI
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39() 12235-12243
Zamolodchikov's Tetrahedron Equation and Hidden Structure of Quantum Groups
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39, 13() 3295-3310
Eight-vertex Model and Non-stationary Lame Equation
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38() L145-L153
, ,
Analytical Results for the Coqblin-Schrieffer Model with Generalized Magnetic Fields
Physical Review B 68, 9() 094427-1-5
, ,
Higher-level Eigenvalues of Q-operators and Schr?dinger Equation
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 7() 711-725
Excited State TBA for the ?2,1 Perturbed M3,5 Model
Nuclear Physics B 647() 404-432
, ,
Spectral Determinants for Schroedinger Equation and Q-Operators of Conformal Field Theory
Journal of Statistical Physics 102, 3/4() 567-576
, ,
On Nonequilibrium States in QFT Model with Boundary Interaction
Nuclear Physics B B, 549() 529-545
, ,
Integrable Structure of Conformal Field Theory III. The Yang-Baxter Relation
Communications in Mathematical Physics 200() 297-324

Thermodynamic Bethe ansatz for the subleading magnetic perturbation of the tricritical Ising model
Nuclear Physics B 512, 3() 563-580

(42 publications)

Journal short contribution (non refereed)

, , ,
Special issue on fifty years of the Toda lattice
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50, 31() 3

(2 publications)