Dr Stuart Szigeti

Szigeti, Stuart profile
Position Research Fellow
Department Quantum Science & Technology
Research group Atom laser group
Office phone (02) 612 58896
Office Off Campus LP


Stuart Szigeti is a theoretical physicist, currently working as an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow within the Department of Quantum Science. His research interests span myriad topics in quantum science, including quantum (atom) optics, quantum measurement and control, quantum metrology, and ultracold atomic gases. He is particularly enthused by working at the interface between theory and experiment, developing theoretical innovations that drive practical improvements in quantum technologies. Stuart envisions a future where quantum entanglement and degenerate quantum gases have enabled measurement devices of unparalleled sensitivities, facilitating advances in fundamental physics and new technological capabilities.

Stuart received a Bachelor of Philosophy (Science) (Honours) from ANU in 2008, for which he was awarded a University Medal in Theoretical Physics. In 2013 he graduated with a PhD from the ANU with a thesis titled “Controlled Bose-Condensed Sources for Atom Interferometry”. Alongside his PhD, he completed a Graduate Certificate in Higher Education and in 2010 received the ANU Award for Excellence in Tutoring or Demonstrating.

From 2013-2017 Stuart was a postdoctoral research fellow with the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems (EQuS) at the University of Queensland, Brisbane. During this period, Stuart worked with outstanding international leaders in the fields of theoretical degenerate quantum gases, experimental ultracold atomic physics, theoretical condensed matter, and quantum metrology.

In the latter half of 2017, Stuart undertook a competitively-awarded Australian Awards-Endeavour Research Fellowship within the Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. This fellowship funded research into the feedback control of high temperature quantum gases and the collisionally-driven spin correlations between two bosonic atoms.

Stuart returned to ANU in early 2018 as a Research Fellow within the Atomlaser and Quantum Sensors Group.