Meet our people

Coffee with postdocs

Zuzana Slavkovska profile
Zuzana and her colleagues are pushing the boundaries of our knowledge about the nature of the universe and its fundamental building blocks.
Matt Thompson profile
Matt is currently developing radiation-resistant materials aimed to protect other components within the fusion reactor, like ITER.

Student profiles

Victoria Zinnecker profile
I fell in love with Australia. Every moment free I spend travelling
Tamara Babij profile
"Every day I walk into the lab and find out new things"
Wenjie Yang profile
"We're in a time where we no longer need to deal with what Nature gives us"
Dominik Koll profile
"When a star explodes, it travels through space, arrives on Earth, and settles on the ocean floor,"
Tom Shiell profile
"My supervisor has been really supportive, don't underestimate how important that is"
Jackson Dowie profile
"I'd heard that ANU was the best place in the southern hemisphere for research"
Ash Pascale profile
"As a child, I was constantly surrounded by strong female scientists in science fiction media."
Nutsinee Kijbunchoo profile
"That moment was when I first realized how important my work was"
Kai Wang profile
"We are the first to bring the use of metasurfaces to the imaging of quantum entangled photons"
Patrick McGlynn profile
As a kid Patrick McGlynn loved to take things apart and see how they worked, and then put them back together.
Jacob Ross profile
"There are already connections with a huge range of topics in physics, who's to say what's around the corner?"