Emeritus Professor Stephen Hyde

Hyde, Stephen profile
Position Emeritus Professor
Department Materials Physics
Research group
Office phone (02) 612 54553
Office Off Campus AM
Webpage http://people.physics.anu.edu.au/~s...


Research interests

I am interested in the structuring in complex, physical, geological and biological system and the relevance of low-dimensional geometry and topology. Physical structures include self-assembly of molecular and macromolecular amphiphiles and lipids in solution into liquid crystals, formation of inorganic materials in biological and abiotic conditions (including silica-carbonate biomorphs. Novel hyperbolic interfaces, bicontinuous and polycontinuous spatial partitions are of particular interest. I also work on characterisation and enumeration of geometric networks in various spaces, including two-dimensional hyperbolic networks and higher- dimensional euclidean networks. These include geometrically ordered crystalline networks and related disordered variants. Network characterisation of complex systems is also of interest, using techniques from graph theory and topology.