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Lewis B, Gibson S, Yoshino K Comment on Ab initio Dynamic Dipole Polarizabilities for O2, its Photoabsorption Spectrum in the Schumann-Runge Region, and Long-Range Interaction Coefficients for its Dimer Journal of Chemical Physics111(1999) 11236-11237
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Lewis B, Gibson S, Slanger T, Huestis D The B3S-u bS+g Transition of Molecular Oxygen Journal of Chemical Physics110(1999) 11129-11132
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Lewis B, Gibson S High-resolution oscillator strength measurements of the CO B 1S+-? 1S+ (0, 0) and (1, 0) vibrational bands Astrophysical Journal Letters520, 2 PART 1(1999) 732-736
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Baldwin K, Sprengers J, Ubachs W, Lewis B, Gibson S Ultrahigh Resolution Pulsed XUV Laser Applications: Lifetimes for the Excited 1u States of Molecular Nitrogen European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/IQEC 2004)?, ?(2004) 001-002