Professor Ping Koy Lam

Lam, Ping Koy profile
Position Other
Department Quantum Science & Technology
Research group Quantum optics group
Office phone (02) 612 58378
Office Physics North Link 1 24

Research interests

Quantum Optics, Quantum Information, Atom-Light Interaction, Quantum Metrology, Nonlinear Optics


Ping Koy Lam completed his degree with a double major in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Auckland in 1990. He worked as a process engineer for Sony (Audio Electronics) and Hewlett-Packard (Semiconductor LED) for 3 years prior to his post-graduate studies at the ANU where he obtained a Masters in theoretical physics, and a PhD in experimental physics. He was awarded the Australian Institute of Physics Bragg Medal and the ANU Crawford Prize for his PhD in 1999. He was an Alexander von Humboldt fellow at the Erlangen-Nürnberg Universität in 2000 and a CNRS visiting professor at Paris University in 2007. He was awarded the 2003 British Council Eureka Prize for inspiring science (Quantum Teleportation) and the 2006 UNSW Eureka Prize for innovative research (Quantum Cryptography). Ping Koy was the chief scientist and co-founder of QuintessenceLabs Pty. Ltd, a spin-off company of his group that commercialises quantum communication technology.

Ping Koy’s research interests include quantum optics, optical metrology, nonlinear optics and quantum information. Within the Centre, he manages the ANU node and is the quantum communication work package leader. His research covers quantum key distribution, quantum memory, quantum repeater and optical quantum information processing. He has published more than 200 scientific articles with more than 35 papers appearing in Physical Review Letters, Science and the Nature suite journals. His research expertise is in the field of quantum optics and metrology.