Chabchoub A,
Onorato M,
Akhmediev NHydrodynamic envelope solitons and breathersRogue and shock Waves in Nonlinear Dispersive MediaSpringer Link, Online (2016) 55-87
Rizza G,
Ridgway MSynthesis of nanostructures using ion-beams: An overviewIon Beam Modification of SolidsSpringer International Publishing Switzerland, Switzerland (2016) 137-185
Rizza G,
Ridgway MIon-Shaping of NanoparticlesIon Beam Modification of SolidsSpringer International Publishing Switzerland, Switzerland (2016) 443-473
Wesch W,
Steinbach T,
Ridgway MSwift Heavy Ion Irradiation of Amorphous SemiconductorsIon Beam Modification of SolidsSpringer International Publishing Switzerland, Switzerland (2016) 403-440
Williams JDamage Formation, Amorphization and Crystallization in Semiconductors at Elevated TemperaturesIon Beam Modification of SolidsSpringer International Publishing Switzerland, Switzerland (2016) 243-285
Arriola A,
Gross S,
Ams M,
Gretzinger T,
Le Coq D,
Wang R,
Ebendorff-Heidepriem H,
Sanghera J,
Bayya S,
Shaw L,
Ireland M,
Tuthill P3D Photonics in the Mid-infrared: Parametric study of ultrafast laser inscribed waveguides for stellar interferometryPhotonics and Fiber Technology Congress, 2016 ?,
Aryanfar I,
Choudhary A,
Shahnia S,
Pagani M,
Liu Y,
Vu K,
Madden S,
Luther-Davies B,
Eggleton B,
Marpaung D"Reconfigurable microwave bandstop filter based on stimulated Brillouin scattering in a photonic chip"Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016 ?,
Baldwin K,
He Y,
Orr B,
Warrington R,
Luiten A,
Tzioumis T,
Phillips C,
Phillips C,
Aben G,
Newlands T,
Rayner TLong-distance fiber-optical transfer of a radio-frequency control signal for radio-astronomy and sensing applicationsAustralian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT 2016) ?,
Bogdanov A,
Sinev I,
Iorsh I,
Permyakov D,
Komissarenko F,
Mukhin I,
Samusev A,
Miroshnichenko A,
Kivshar YFrom high-Q magnetic dipole scattering to broadband electric field localization by silicon nanoparticle on metalConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016 ?,
Bogdanov A,
Yermakov O,
Ovcharenko A,
Song M,
Baranov D,
Sinev I,
Mukhin I,
Samusev A,
Iorsh I,
Lavrinenko A,
Kivshar YHybrid localized waves supported by resonant anisotropic metasurfacesConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016 ?,
Bosch F,
Hagmann S,
Hillenbrand P,
Lane G,
Litvinov Y,
Reed M,
Sanjari M,
Stohlker T,
Torilov S,
Tu X,
Walke PSearch for bound-state electron plus positron pair decayHeavy Ion Accelerator Symposium, HIAS 2015 ?,
Bosch F,
Hagmann S,
Hillenbrand P,
Lane G,
Litvinov Y,
Reed M,
Sanjari M,
Stöhlker T,
Torilov S,
Tu X,
Wälker PSearch for bound-state electron+positron pair decayHeavy Ion Accelerator Symposium, HIAS 2015 ?,
Bourgin D,
Courtin S,
Haas F,
Goasduff A,
Stefanini A,
Montagnoli G,
Montanari D,
Corradi L,
Huiming J,
Scarlassara f,
Simenel CSub-barrier fusion and transfers in the 40Ca + 58,64Ni systems12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, NN 2015 ?,
Calegari F,
Castrovilli M,
Galli M,
Mansson E,
Trabattoni A,
Ayuso D,
De Camillis S,
Frassetto F,
Poletto L,
Palacios A,
Decleva P,
Greenwood J,
Martin F,
Nisoli MUltrafast charge dynamics induced by XUV attosecond pulses in bio-relevant moleculesInternational Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2016 ?,
paper UM1A.1
Camacho-Morales M,
Rahmani M,
Kruk S,
Wang L,
Xu L,
Miroshnichenko A,
Smirnova D,
Tan H,
Karouta F,
Naureen S,
Vora K,
Solntsev A,
Carletti L,
De Angelis C,
Jagadish C,
Kivshar Y,
Neshev DShaping the radiation pattern of second-harmonic generation from AlGaAs nonlinear nanoantennasBragg Gratings, Photosensitivity, and Poling in Glass Waveguides, BGPP 2016 ?,
Camacho-Morales M,
Rahmani M,
Kruk S,
Wang L,
Xu L,
Miroshnichenko A,
Smirnova D,
Tan H,
Karouta F,
Naureen S,
Vora K,
Solntsev A,
Carletti L,
De Angelis C,
Jagadish C,
Kivshar Y,
Neshev D"Shaping the radiation pattern of second-harmonicgeneration from AlGaAs nonlinear nanoantennas"Nonlinear Photonics 2016 ?,
Carlson A,
Pronyaev V,
Capote R,
Hale G,
Hambsch F,
Mannhart W,
Neudecker D,
Schillebeeckx P,
Simakov S,
Talou P,
Wallner AToward a New Evaluation of Neutron Standards15th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry, ISRD 2014 ?,
Casas-Bedoya A,
Morrison B,
Ren G,
Vu K,
Zarifi A,
Nguyen T,
Choi D,
Marpaung D,
Madden S,
Mitchell A,
Eggleton BNet Brillouin gain of 18.5 dB in a hybrid silicon chipFrontiers in Optics 2016 ?,
Chen Y,
Chung H,
Huang K,
Yang S,
Chang W,
Wu C,
Setzpfandt F,
Pertsch T,
Neshev DUltra-broadband adiabatic light transfer in titanium diffused lithium niobate waveguidesConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016 ?,
Chong K,
Wang L,
Staude I,
Kruk S,
James A,
Dominguez J,
Subramania G,
Decker M,
Brener I,
Neshev D,
Kivshar YHighly-efficient polarization-insensitive holograms based on dielectric metasurfacesConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016 ?,
Choudhary A,
Aryanfar I,
Shahnia S,
Morrison B,
Vu K,
Madden S,
Luther-Davies B,
Marpaung D,
Eggleton BOn-chip tunable microwave photonic filters with a reconfigurable bandwidth of up to 440 MHz2016 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2016 ?,
Choudhary A,
Liu Y,
Aryanfar I,
Morrison B,
Vu K,
Choi D,
Ma P,
Madden S,
Marpaung D,
Eggleton BAmplitude and phase control of RF signals using on-chip stimulated Brillouin scatteringInternational Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics ?,
Choudhary A,
Liu Y,
Morrison B,
Aryanfar I,
Marpaung D,
Eggleton B,
Choi D,
Ma P,
Madden S,
Vu KOn-chip EIT-like RF photonic signal processorInternational Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP) ?,
Davies J,
Bloxham G,
Boz R,
Bundy D,
Espeland B,
Fordham B,
Hart J,
Herrald N,
Nielsen J,
Sharp R,
Vaccarella A,
Vest C,
Young PGMTIFS: The adaptive optics beam steering mirror for the GMT integral-field spectrographAdvances in Optical and Mechanical Technologies for Telescopes and Instrumentation II ?,
Diakaki M,
Audouin L,
Berthoumieux E,
Calviani M,
Colonna N,
Dupont E,
Duran I,
Gunsing F,
Leal-Cidoncha E,
Le Naour C,
Wallner ATowards the high-accuracy determination of the U-238 fission cross section at the threshold region at CERN - n_TOFWonder-2015: 4th International Workshop on Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor Applications ?,
Diakaki M,
Eleftheriadis C,
Jenkins D,
Kokkoris M,
Mastinu P,
Mengoni A,
Patronis N,
Pavlik A,
Perkowski J,
Praena J,
Quesada J,
Schillebeeckx P,
Tagliente G,
Valenta S,
Vermeulen M,
Vlastou R,
Wallner A,
Ware T,
Wright TTowards the high-accuracy determination of the 238U fission cross section at the threshold region at CERN - N-TOF4th International Workshop on Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor Applications, WONDER 2015 ?,
Dickins G, Lennox P
Discussing the applicability of sound field techniques for larger audience entertainment
2nd Audio Engineering Society International Conference on Sound Field Control, AES 2016 ?, ?(2016) 10
Dinklage A,
Alonso A,
Baldzuhn J,
Beidler C,
Biedermann C,
Blackwell B,
Bozhenkov S,
Brakel R,
Buttenschön B,
Feng Y,
Fuchert G,
Geiger J,
Helander PCore confinement in wendelstein 7-X limiter plasmas43rd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2016 57(
086010 8
Edayillam P,
Hinde D,
Williams E,
Dasgupta M,
Carter I,
Cook K,
Jeung D,
Luong D,
McNeil S,
Palshetkar C,
Rafferty D,
Simenel C,
Wakhle A,
Ramachandran K,
Khuyagbaatar J,
Dullmann C,
Lommel B,
Kindler BMass-asymmetric fission in the 40Ca+142Nd reactionHeavy Ion Accelerator Symposium, HIAS 2015 ?,
03006 6
Eriksen T,
Kibedi T,
Reed M,
Stuchbery A,
Akber A,
de Vries M,
Dowie J,
Evitts L,
Garnsworthy B,
Gerathy M,
Hota S,
Lane G,
Mitchell A,
Palazzo T,
Smallcombe J,
Gabor Tornyi TThe 3 alpha Process Studied Through Pair Conversion Transitions From the Hoyle State in C-1214th International Symposium on the Nuclei in the Cosmos NIC-XIV (NIC2016) ?,
Eriksen T,
Kibedi T,
Reed M,
de Vries M,
Stuchbery A,
Akber A,
Dowie J,
Evitts L,
Garnsworthy A,
Gerathy M,
Lane G,
Mitchell A,
Mukhopadhyay S,
Palazzo T,
Peters E,
Ramirez A,
Smallcombe J,
Gabor Tornyi T,
Wood J,
Yates SSystematic Studies Of E0 Transitions In 54, 56, 58Fe26th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2016) ?,
Estrecho E,
Gao T,
Fraser M,
Comber Todd D,
Schneider C,
Höfling S,
Pfeiffer L,
West K,
Steger M,
Snoke D,
Ostrovskaya E,
Truscott AFour-wave mixing of spontaneously created exciton- polariton condensates2016 OSA Photonics and Fiber Technology Conference ?,
Evitts L,
Garnsworthy B,
Kibedi T,
Moukaddam M,
Alshahrani B,
Eriksen T,
Holt J,
Hota S,
Lane G,
Lee B,
McCormick B,
Palalani N,
Reed M,
Stroberg S,
Stuchbery AElectric Monopole Transition Strengths in Ni-62Heavy Ion Accelerator Symposium, HIAS 2015 ?,
Evitts L,
Garnsworthy B,
Kibedi T,
Moukaddam M,
Alshahrani B,
Eriksen T,
Holt J,
Hota S,
Lane G,
Lee B,
McCormick B,
Palalani N,
Reed M,
Stroberg S,
Stuchbery AElectric monopole transition strengths in 62NiHeavy Ion Accelerator Symposium, HIAS 2015 ?,
Feng R,
Kremer F,
Sprouster D,
Mirzaei S,
Decoster S,
Glover C,
Medling S,
Russo S,
Ridgway MEXAFS study of the structural properties of In and In plus C implanted Ge16th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure, XAFS 2015 ?,
Feng R,
Kremer F,
Sprouster D,
Mirzaei S,
Decoster S,
Glover C,
Medling S,
Russo S,
Ridgway MEXAFS study of the structural properties of In and In + C implanted Ge16th International Conference on X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure, XAFS 2015 ?,
Fernando P, Anderson P, Hutter M, Gould S
Discriminative hierarchical rank pooling for activity recognition
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Fogden A,
Arena A,
Zhang C,
Carnerup A,
Goergen E,
Olson T,
Cheng Q,
Middleton J,
Kingston A,
Zhang Y,
Armstrong RCombining high-resolution with larger volume images for improved characterization of mudstone reservoirsSPWLA 57th Annual Logging Symposium ?,
Fogden A,
Arena A,
Zhang C,
Carnerup A,
Goergen E,
Olson T,
Cheng Q,
Middleton J,
Kingston A,
Zhang Y,
Armstrong RCombining high-resolution with larger volume images for improved characterization of mudstone reservoirsSPWLA 57th Annual Logging Symposium ?,
Gao T,
Estrecho E,
Li G,
Egorov O,
Ma X,
Winkler K,
Kamp M,
Schneider C,
Truscott A,
Höfling S,
Ostrovskaya ETalbot effect for exciton-polaritons2016 OSA Photonics and Fiber Technology Conference ?,
Guo R,
Decker M,
Setzpfandt F,
Gai X,
Choi D,
Kiselev R,
Chipouline A,
Staude I,
Pertsch T,
Kivshar Y,
Neshev DUltra-compact polarization demultiplexing by a plasmonic nanoantenna on a waveguideConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016 ?,
Hinde D,
Dasgupta M,
Jeung D,
Mohanto G,
Prasad E,
Simenel C,
Simpson E,
Wakhle A,
Williams E,
Carter I,
Cook K,
Devi S,
Rafferty D,
Walshe JCompetition between fusion and quasifission in the formation of super-heavy elements26th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2016) ?,
Hinde D,
Dasgupta M,
Jeung D,
Mohanto G,
Prasad E,
Simenel C,
Walshe J,
Wakhle A,
Williams E,
Carter I,
Cook K,
Devi S,
Rafferty D,
DuRietz R,
Simpson E,
David H,
Düllmann C,
Khuyagbaatar JQuasifission in heavy and superheavy element formation reactions2016 Nobel Symposium NS 160 - Chemistry and Physics of Heavy and Superheavy Elements 131,
Hinde D,
Williams E,
Mohanto G,
Simenel C,
Jeung D,
Dasgupta M,
Wakhle A,
Vo-Phuoc K,
Carter I,
Cook K,
Luong D,
Palshetkar C,
Rafferty D,
Simpson ENuclear structure effects in quasifission - Understanding the formation of the heaviest elementsHeavy Ion Accelerator Symposium, HIAS 2015 ?,
Hinde D,
Williams E,
Mohanto G,
Simenel C,
Dasgupta M,
Wakhle A,
Carter I,
Cook K,
Jeung D,
Luong D,
Palshetkar C,
Edayillam P,
Rafferty D,
DuRietz R,
Simpson ESystematic study of quasifission characteristics and timescales in heavy element formation reactions12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, NN 2015 ?,
08006 8
Karpinski P,
Shvedov V,
Krolikowski W,
Hnatovsky K"Femtosecond laser writing in lithium niobate"Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016 ?,
Kenchington Goldsmith H,
Cvetojevic N,
Ireland M,
Ma P,
Tuthill P,
Eggleton B,
Lawrence J,
Debbarma S,
Luther-Davies B,
Madden SChalcogenide glass planar MIR couplers for future chip based Bracewell interferometersSPIE ASTRONOMICAL TELESCOPES + INSTRUMENTATION 2016 ?,
Komar A,
Fang Z,
Staude I,
Decker M,
Miroshnichenko A,
Sautter J,
Brener I,
Kivshar Y,
Neshev DElectrical tuning of all dielectric metasurfaces10th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Metamaterials 2016 ?,
Leal-Cidoncha E,
Duran I,
Paradela C,
Audouin L,
Altstadt S,
Barbagallo M,
Billowes J,
Boccone V,
Brugger M,
Calviani M,
Chiaveri E,
Chin M,
Dressler R,
Eleftheriadis C,
Ganesan S,
Jenkins D,
Jenkins D,
Kadi Y,
Kappeler F,
Kokkoris M,
Lederer C,
Losito R,
Marganiec J,
Mastromarco M,
Milazzo P,
Pavlik A,
Praena J,
Quesada J,
Robles M,
Sabaté-Gilarte M,
Saxena A,
Schillebeeckx P,
Schumann D,
Tsinganis A,
Valenta S,
Variale V,
Vermeulen M,
Vlachoudis V,
Vlastou R,
Wallner A,
Ware T,
Wright TFission Fragment Angular Distribution measurements of 235U and 238U at CERN n-TOF facility4th International Workshop on Nuclear Data Evaluation for Reactor Applications, WONDER 2015 ?,
Lenzini F,
Titchener J,
Fisher P,
Boes A,
Poddubnyy A,
Kasture S,
Haylock B,
Villa M,
Mitchell A,
Solntsev A,
Sukhorukov A,
Lobino MMeasurement of photon-pair generation in waveguide arrays with specialized polingFrontiers in Optics 2016 ?,
Lenzini F,
Titchener J,
Kasture S,
Boes A,
Poddubnyy A,
Fisher P,
Haylock B,
Villa M,
Mitchell A,
Solntsev A,
Sukhorukov A,
Lobino MA nonlinear waveguide array with inhomogeneous poling pattern for the generation of photon pairs and its characterization in the quantum and classical regimes2016 OSA Photonics and Fiber Technology Conference ?,
Lenzini F,
Titchener J,
Kasture S,
Poddubnyy A,
Boes A,
Haylock B,
Villa M,
Mitchell A,
Solntsev A,
Sukhorukov A,
Lobino M"A nonlinear waveguide array with inhomogeneous poling pattern for the generation of photon pairs"Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016 ?,
Malinauskas M,
Rekstyte S,
Jonavicius T,
Mizeikis V,
Gamaly E,
Juodkazis SFemtosecond pulsed light polarization induced peculiarities in direct laser writing 3D nanolithography2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015 ?,
Marpaung D,
Aryanfar I,
Casas-Bedoya A,
Choudhary A,
Jiang H,
Morrison B,
Pagani M,
Shahnia S,
Vu K,
Choi D,
Madden S,
Luther-Davies B,
Eggleton BOn-chip stimulated Brillouin scattering for microwave photonic signal processing2016 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition, OFC 2016 ?,
Martijn de Sterke C,
Sturmberg B,
Chong T,
Choi D,
White T,
Botten L,
Dossou K,
Poulton C,
Catchpole K,
McPhedran RTotal absorption in Structured Ultrathin Semiconductor LayersOptical Nanostructures and Advanced Materials for Photovoltaics, PV 2016 ?,
Mitchell A,
Copp P,
Savard G,
Lister C,
Lane G,
Carpenter M,
Clark J,
Zhu S,
Ayangeakaa A,
Bottoni S,
Brown T,
Chowdhury P,
Smith MRecent advances in beta-decay spectroscopy at CARIBUHeavy Ion Accelerator Symposium, HIAS 2015 ?,
Mitchell A,
Copp P,
Savard G,
Lister C,
Lane G,
Carpenter M,
Clark J,
Zhu S,
Ayangeakaa A,
Bottoni S,
Brown T,
Chowdhury P,
Chillery T,
David HRecent advances in ?-decay spectroscopy at CARIBUHeavy Ion Accelerator Symposium, HIAS 2015 ?,
Rafferty D,
Dasgupta M,
Hinde D,
Simenel C,
Simpson E,
Williams E,
Carter I,
Cook K,
Luong D,
McNeil S,
Ramachandran K,
Vo-Phuoc K,
Wakhle AProbing cluster structures through sub-barrier transfer reactionsHeavy Ion Accelerator Symposium, HIAS 2015 123,
03004 (
Rapp L,
Gamaly E,
Guist R,
Furfaro L,
Lacourt P,
Dudley J,
Juodkazis S,
Courvoisier F,
Rode AUltrafast laser-induced micro-explosion: Material modification toolPhotonics and Fiber Technology Congress, 2016 ?,
Sharp R,
Bloxham G,
Boz R,
Bundy D,
Davies J,
Espeland B,
Fordham B,
Hart J,
Herrald N,
Nielsen J,
Vaccarella A,
Vest C,
Young P,
McGregor PGMTIFS: The Giant Magellan Telescope integral fields spectrograph and imagerGround-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI ?,
Shcherbakov M,
Vabishchevich P,
Shorokhov A,
Chong K,
Choi D,
Staude I,
Miroshnichenko A,
Neshev D,
Fedyanin A,
Kivshar YUltrafast nonlinearities driven by magnetic response in all-dielectric nanostructuresConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016 ?,
Shorokhov A,
Melik-Gaykazyan E,
Smirnova D,
Hopkins B,
Chong K,
Choi D,
Shcherbakov M,
Miroshnichenko A,
Neshev D,
Fedyanin A,
Kivshar YEnhanced third-harmonic generation in silicon oligomers driven by magnetic Fano resonanceConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016 ?,
Soderstrom P,
Walker P,
Wu J,
Liu H,
Regan P,
Watanabe H,
Doornenbal P,
Korkulu Z,
Lee P,
Liu J,
Lorusso G,
Nishimura S,
Phong V,
Lane GCollective and Single-particle Structures In The Neutron-rich Doubly Mid-shell Nucleus 170Dy26th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2016) ?,
Tsifakis D,
Lobanov N,
Linardakis PDevelopment of a Beam Pulse Monitor for the Heavy Ion Accelerator FacilityInternational Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC) 2015 ?,
Tveten G,
Spyrou A,
Schwengner R,
Naqvi F,
Larsen A,
Renstrom T,
Eriksen T,
Garrote F,
Bernstein L,
Bleuel D,
Crespo Campo L,
Guttormsen M,
Gorgen A,
Hagen T,
Hadynska-Klek K,
Klintefjord M,
Meyer B,
Nyhus H,
Rose S,
Sahin E,
Siem S,
Gabor Tornyi TThe Statistical Properties of 92Mo and Implications for the p-process26th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2016) ?,
Vaccarella A,
Sharp R,
Ellis M,
Singh S,
Bloxham G,
Bouchez A,
Conan R,
Boz R,
Bundy D,
Davies J,
Espeland B,
Hart J,
Herrald N,
Ireland M,
Jacoby G,
Nielsen J,
Vest C,
Young P,
Fordham B,
Zovaro HAvalanche photo diodes in the observatory environment: Lucky imaging at 1-2.5 micronsGround-Based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI ?,
Wagner H,
Kaveh M,
Mohammadi F,
Schmitzer H,
Gao Q,
Jagadish C,
Kunert GExciton Emission from Plasmonic-organic-III-V-semiconductor Nanowires and Nanorods2016 Progress In Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS) ?,
Wallner A,
Aberle O,
Bacak M,
Barbagallo M,
Berthoumieux E,
Billowes J,
Bosnar D,
Brugger M,
Calviani M,
Chiaveri E,
Damone L,
Dressler R,
Duran I,
Finocchiaro P,
Furman V,
Ganesan S,
Goverdovski A,
Gunsing F,
Heftrich T,
Kappeler F,
Kadi Y,
Ketlerov V,
Khryachkov V,
Kokkoris M,
Leal-Cidoncha E,
Lederer C,
Leeb H,
Lerendegui J,
Lo Meo S,
Losito R,
Massimi C,
Mastromarco M,
Milazzo P,
Montesano S,
Patronis N,
Pavlik A,
Perkowski J,
Praena J,
Quesada J,
Rauscher T,
Riego-Perez A,
Rout P,
Ryan J,
Sabaté-Gilarte M,
Saxena A,
Schumann D,
Sedyshev P,
Smith A,
Stamatopoulos A,
Valenta S,
Vannini G,
Variale V,
Vlastou R,
Warren S,
Wright TThe CERN n-TOF facility: A unique tool for nuclear data measurementInternational Workshop on Compound-Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics, CNR 2015 ?,
Wang L,
Shorokhov A,
Melentiev P,
Kruk S,
Decker M,
Helgert C,
Setzpfandt F,
Fedyanin A,
Kivshar Y,
Neshev DMultipolar Origin of the Third Harmonic Generation from Fishnet MetamaterialsConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016 ?,
Williams E,
Hinde D,
Dasgupta M,
Carter I,
Cook K,
Jeung D,
Luong D,
McNeil S,
Palshetkar C,
Rafferty D,
Kandasamy R,
Simenel C,
Simpson E,
Wakhle AExploring dissipative processes at high angular momentum in 58Ni+60Ni reactions12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, NN 2015 ?,
08021 6
Zarifi A,
Casas-Bedoya A,
Morrison B,
Zhang Y,
Ren G,
Nguyen T,
Madden S,
Vu K,
Mitchell A,
Wolff C,
Marpaung D,
Eggleton BNonlinear loss engineering in a silicon-chalcogenide hybrid optical waveguide2016 OSA Photonics and Fiber Technology Conference ?,
Zuev D,
Makarov S,
Milichko V,
Krasnok A,
Belov P,
Mukhin I,
Morozov I,
Baranov D,
Miroshnichenko AReversible and non-reversible tuning of hybrid optical nanoresonators2016 International Conference Days on Diffraction, DD 2016 ?,