Dr Mark Andrews

Andrews, Mark profile
Position Other
Department Quantum Science & Technology
Research group Atom laser group


Joined ANU Department of Theoretical Physics, School of General Studies in January 1965, when it was headed by Prof. Hans A. Buchdahl. Lectured on many theoretical topics, including quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, scattering theory, relativity, electromagnetism, classical mechanics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, and on mathematical methods used in physics. Researched mainly on non-relativistic quantum mechanics, but also on geometrical optics and on electrostatics. Served for periods as Sub-Dean of Science and as head of the Department of Theoretical Physics. After that department was combined with the Department of Physics, I served for periods as head of that department. Retired in 1997.

Recent publications

Equilibrium charge density on a conducting needle, Mark Andrews,  Am J Phys 65, 846-850, 1997.

Wave packets bouncing bouncing off walls, Mark Andrews, Am J Phys 66, 252-254, 1998.

Invariant operators for quadratic Hamiltonians, Mark Andrews, Am J Phys, 67, 336-343, 1999.

Total time derivatives of operators in elementary quantum mechanics, Mark Andrews, Am J Phys, 71, 326-332, 2003.

Alternative separation of Laplace's equation in toroidal coordinates and its application to electrostatics, Mark Andrews, Journal of Electrostatics, 64, 664-672, 2006.

Bounds to unitary evolution, Mark Andrews, Phys Rev A, 75, 062112, 2007.

Coherent states for the bouncing pendulum and the paddle ball, Mark Andrews, Am J Phys, 76, 236-240, 2008.

The evolution of free wave packets, Mark Andrews, Am J Phys, 76, 1102-1107, 2008.

Quantum mechanics with uniform forces, Mark Andrews, Am J Phys, 78, 1361-1364, 2010.

The evolution of oscillator wave functions, Mark Andrews,  Am J Phys, 84, 270-278, 2016.

The evolution of piecewise polynomial wave functions, Mark Andrews, Eur Phys J Plus, 132, 1, 2017.

Some simple solutions of Schrödinger's equation for a free particle or for an oscillator, Mark Andrews, Eur J Phys, 39, 035408, 2018.