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Akhmediev N,
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Hoffmann NRogue waves of the Sasa-Satsuma equation in a chaotic wave fieldEuropean Quantum Electronics Conference EQEC 2015 ?,
Allmond J,
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Galindo-Uribarri A,
Padilla-Rodal E,
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Ankiewicz A,
Akhmediev NMulti-rogue waves and triangle numbersAustralian and New Zealand Conference on Optics and Photonics, 2015 ?,
Antonosyan D,
Solntsev A,
Sukhorukov AParity-time anti-symmetric parametric amplifierConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015 ?,
Atakaramians S,
Miroshnichenko A,
Shadrivov I,
Monro T,
Kivshar Y,
Afshar Vahid SDipole-fiber systems: Radiation field patterns, effective magnetic dipoles, and induced cavity modesSPIE Micro+Nano Materials, Devices, and Applications Symposium 2015 ?,
Bandelow U,
Amiranashvili S,
Akhmediev NLimitation for ultrashort solitons in nonlinear optical fibers by cusp formation2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015 ?,
Bartschat K,
Venzke J,
Emmons J,
Buczek S,
Grum-Grzhimailo A,
Gryzlova E,
Ivanov I,
Kheifets APulse-shape effects in strong-field atomic ionization by an XUV pulseInternational Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, ICPEAC 2015 ?,
Carletti L,
Allioux D,
Ma P,
Yu Y,
Luther-Davies B,
Madden S,
Hudson D,
Sinobad M,
Moss D,
Brun M,
Ortiz S,
Labeye P,
Nicoletti S,
Orobtchouk R,
Monat C,
Grillet CMid-infrared nonlinear optics in SiGe waveguidesSummer Topicals Meeting Series, SUM 2015 ?,
Carletti L,
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Allioux D,
Monat C,
Orobtchouk R,
Rojo-Romeo P,
Lin Z,
Jamois C,
Leclercq J,
Viktorovitch P,
Letartre X,
Grillet C,
Brun M,
Ortiz S,
Labeye P,
Nicoletti S,
Ma P,
Yu Y,
Luther-Davies B,
Hudson D,
Madden S,
Sinobab M,
Moss DMid-infrared integrated photonics on a SiGe platformOpto-Electronics and Communications Conference, OECC 2015 ?,
Carter I,
Dasgupta M,
Hinde D,
Luong D,
Kandasamy R,
Williams E,
Cook K,
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Tunningley TRecent developments of SOLEROO: Australia's first high energy radioactive Ion Beam capabilityHeavy-Ion Accelerator Symposium, HIAS 2014 ?,
Chang W,
Akhmediev NSoliton explosions and implosions in mode-locked lasers2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015 ?,
Chang W,
Akhmediev NSoliton explosions and implosions in mode-locked lasersEuropean Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2015 ?,
Cho Y, Park K, Lee J, Kim Y
Complete control of frequency-time correlation of narrow-band biphotons from cold atoms
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Cook K,
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Carter I,
Dasgupta M,
Hinde D,
McNeil S,
Rafferty D,
Ramachandran K,
Simenel C,
Williams EBreakup following interactions with light targets: Investigating new methods to probe nuclear physics input to the cosmological lithium problemHeavy-Ion Accelerator Symposium, HIAS 2014 ?,
Davis E, Pounds P, Spollard J
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Davis E, Spollard J, Pounds P
Passive Height Stability and Trajectory Repeatability of a Quadrotor Maneuvering in Ground Effect with Regulated Voltage Bus
2015 Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation, ACRA 2015 ?, ?(2015) 1-9
Decker M,
Staude I,
Falkner M,
Chong K,
Dominguez J,
Neshev D,
Brener I,
Pertsch T,
Kivshar YHighly efficient wave manipulation with all-dielectric Huygens' surfacesThe European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics co-located European Quantum Electronics Conference 2015 ?,
Gisselbrecht M,
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Mansson E,
Kroon D,
Kotur M,
Larsen E,
Kasper S,
Dahlstrom J,
Lindroth E,
Kheifets A,
Arnold C,
Mauritsson J,
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L'Huillier AAttosecond insight into electron correlation2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015 (
Gisselbrecht M,
Guenot D,
Mansson E,
Kroon D,
Kotur M,
Larsen E,
Kasper S,
Dahlstrom J,
Lindroth E,
Kheifets A,
Arnold CAttosecond insight into electron correlation[DUPLICATION of a383154xPUB11997] [DELETE]2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015 ?,
Gongora J,
Miroshnichenko A,
Kivshar Y,
Fratalocchi AUnidirectional emission from spherical nanoparticles: Ab-initio simulations and spatial dynamics of a core-shell spaser [DUPLICATION OF a383154xPUB6055] [To be deleted]European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2015 ?,
Gunsing F, Aberle O, Andrzejewski J, Audouin L, Becares V, Bacak M, Balibrea-Correa J, Barbagallo M, Barros S, Becvar F, Wallner A
Nuclear data measurements at the upgraded neutron time-of-flight facility n-TOF at CERN
International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, NRM 2015 ?, ?(2015) 333-340
Guo R,
Decker M,
Staude I,
Neshev D,
Kivshar Y,
Setzpfandt FUltra-compact on-chip spectral-band demultiplexing with plasmonic fano nanoantennas [DUPLICATION of a383154xPUB6053] [To be deleted]European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2015 ?,
He J,
Zhang X,
Jizan I,
Clark A,
Choi D,
Chae C,
Eggleton B,
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Hofling S,
Amthor M,
Rahimi-Iman A,
Kim N,
Fischer J,
Savenko I,
Kulakovskii V,
Shelykh I,
Reitzenstein S,
Forchel A,
Yamamoto Y,
Kamp M,
Schneider CAn electrically pumped polariton laserIEEE Photonics Conference, IPC 2015 ?,
Hole M, Fitzgerald M, Dennis G, Hudson A, Dewar R, von Nessi Jr. G
Advanced MHD models of anisotropy, flow and chaotic fields
European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2015 ?, ?(2015) 147-
Hudson D,
Singh N,
Yu Y,
Grillet C,
Read A,
Atanackovic P,
Duvall S,
Madden S,
Moss D,
Luther-Davies B,
Eggleton BOn-chip supercontinuum spanning 4000 nm in silicon on sapphireSummer Topicals Meeting Series, SUM 2015 ?,
Iorsh I,
Trushkov I,
Yermakov O,
Ovcharenko A,
Bogdanov A,
Belov P,
Kivshar YDyakonov-like plasmonic localized waves on graphene metasurfacesProgress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium(PIERS 2015) ?,
Jeung D,
Williams E,
Hinde D,
Dasgupta M,
DuRietz R,
Evers M,
Lin C,
Luong D,
Simenel C,
Wakhle ADynamical approach to heavy ion-induced fissionHeavy-Ion Accelerator Symposium, HIAS 2014 ?,
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Clark AHigh resolution bi-photon spectral correlation measurements from a silicon nanowire in the quantum and classical regimesConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015 ?,
Kruk S,
Weismann M,
Bykov A,
Mamonov E,
Kolmychek I,
Murzina T,
Panoiu N,
Neshev D,
Kivshar YEnhanced magnetic second-harmonic generation from resonant metasurfacesConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015 ?,
Kusoglu A,
Stuchbery A,
Georgiev G,
Gaosduff A,
Atanasova L,
Balabanski D,
Bostan M,
Danchev M,
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Yordanov DNuclear g-factor measurement with time-dependent recoil in vacuum in radioactive-beam geometryNUBA Conference Series 1: Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics ?,
Luther-Davies B,
Yu Y,
Zhang B,
Gai X,
Zhai C,
Qi S,
Guo W,
Yang Z,
Wang R,
Choi D,
Madden S,
Moller U,
Kubat I,
Petersen C,
Brilland L,
Mechin D,
Caillaud C,
Troles J,
Bang OMid infrared supercontinuum generation from chalcogenide glass waveguides and fibersNonlinear Optics 2015 (NLO 2015) (
Machacek J,
Mahapatra D,
Schultz D,
Ralchenko Y,
Moradmand A,
El Ghazaly M,
Chutjian AMeasurements and Theoretical Predictions of Charge Exchange Cross Sections and Emission Spectra for O6+ with H2O, CO, CO2, CH4, N2, NO, N2O and ArInternational Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, ICPEAC 2015 ?,
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Howard JElectron Cyclotron current drive studies on KSTAR using imaging MSEEuropean Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2015 ?,
Mirzaei A, Miroshnichenko A
Pure electric and magnetic hotspots by dielectric cylindrical dimers
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Moller U,
Petersen C,
Kubat I,
Yu Y,
Gai X,
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Mechin D,
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Bang OTwo-octave mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in As-Se suspended core fibersConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015 (
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Johnston MSingle nanowire terahertz detectorsCLEO: Science and Innovations, CLEO_SI 2015 15,
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Miroshnichenko A,
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Kivshar YDirect measurements of magnetic and electric optical responses from silicon nanoparticlesInternational Conference Days on Diffraction, DD 2015 ?,
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Walker POctupole transitions in the 208Pb region11th International Spring Seminar on Nuclear Physics: Shell Model and Nuclear Structure - Achievements of the Past Two Decades ?,
Rafferty D,
Dasgupta M,
Hinde D,
Simenel C,
Cook K,
Carter I,
Luong D,
McNeil S,
Kandasamy R,
Wakhle A,
Williams EInvestigating energy dissipation through nucleon transfer reactionsHeavy-Ion Accelerator Symposium, HIAS 2014 ?,
Sautter J,
Staude I,
Decker M,
Rusak E,
Brener I,
Neshev D,
Kivshar YLiquid crystal tuning of all-dielectric metasurfacesConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015 ?,
Schneider C,
Winkler K,
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Amthor M,
Ostrovskaya E,
Kamp M,
Höfling SPolariton condensates in complex potential landscapesConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015 ?,
Shalin A,
Belov P,
Kivshar YSuppression of light scattering with ENZ-metamaterialsProgress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium(PIERS 2015) ?,
Shcherbakov M,
Neshev D,
Hopkins B,
Shorokhov A,
Staude I,
Melik-Gaykazyan E,
Miroshnichenko A,
Brener I,
Fedyanin A,
Kivshar YThird-harmonic generation from silicon oligomers and metasurfacesConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015 ?,
Singh N,
Hudson D,
Yu Y,
Grillet C,
Read A,
Atanackovic P,
Duvall S,
Madden S,
Moss D,
Luther-Davies B,
Eggleton BSilicon-on-sapphire nanowire for mid-IR supercontinuum generationConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015 ?,
Titchener J,
Solntsev A,
Sukhorukov ABell State Generation and Pump Filtering Using Inhomogeneously Poled Nonlinear WaveguidesFrontiers in Optics 2015, FIO 2015 ?,
Torlina L,
Morales F,
Kaushal J,
Ivanov I,
Kheifets A,
Zielinski A,
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Smirnova OInterpreting attoclock measurements of tunnelling times2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015 ?,
Tsinganis A, Barbagallo M, Calviani M, Chiaveri E, Aberle O, Audouin L, Bacak M, Billowes J, Brugger M, Damone L, Deo K, Dressler R, Duran I, Finocchiaro P, Frost R, Ganesan S, Goverdovski A, Jenkins D, Jenkins D, Kappeler F, Kadi Y, Ketlerov V, Khryachkov V, Leal-Cidoncha E, Leeb H, Lerendegui J, Losito R, Marganiec J, Mastromarco M, Mengoni A, Milazzo P, Montesano S, Nolte R, Paradela C, Patronis N, Pavlik A, Praena J, Quesada J, Rauscher T, Riego-Perez A, Robles M, Ryan J, Sabaté-Gilarte M, Saxena A, Schumann D, Sedyshev P, Steinegger P, Suryanarayana S, Variale V, Vlachoudis V, Warren S, Wallner A, Wright T
Measurement of the 240Pu(n,f) cross-section at the CERN n_TOF facility: First results from EAR-2
International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, NRM 2015 ?, ?(2015) 23-28
Vernaz-Gris P,
Everett J,
Higginbottom D,
Campbell G,
Buchler B,
Lam PCross-phase modulation in gradient echo memory using stationary light2015 European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015 ?,
Vu K,
Yan K,
Madden SInternal gain in er-doped as2s3 planar waveguide amplifiersEuropean Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2015 ?,
Wang B,
Cojocaru C,
Sola I,
Krolikowski W,
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Sheng Y,
Vilaseca R,
Trull JChirp determination of ultrashort pulses via transverse second-harmonic generation random nonlinear crystals [DUPLICATION of a383154xPUB11999] [DELETE]European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2015 106(
Wang B,
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Sola I,
Parra A,
Krolikowski W,
Sheng Y,
Vilaseca R,
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Wang BChirp determination of ultrashort pulses via transverse second-harmonic generation random nonlinear crystals [DUPLICATION of a383154xPUB11999] [DELETE]European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2015 ?,
Wang R,
Xueqiong S,
Bulla D,
Wang T,
Gai X,
Yang Z,
Madden S,
Luther-Davies BIdentifying the best chalcogenide glass compositions for the application in mid-infrared waveguidesInternational Seminar on Photonics, Optics, and Its Applications, ISPhOA 2014 ?,
Williams E,
Hinde D,
Dasgupta M,
DuRietz R,
Carter I,
Evers M,
Luong D,
McNeil S,
Rafferty D,
Ramachandran K,
Wakhle AHow signatures of quasifission evolve in reactions forming Curium6th International Conference on FUSION 2014 86,
Wolf R,
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Reimer R,
Burckhart A,
Dinklage A,
Hobirk J,
Howard J,
Reich M,
Stober JMotional stark effect measurements of the local magnetic field in high temperature fusion plasmas1st EPS Conference on Plasma Diagnostics, ECPD 2015 ?,
Zhong Z,
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Fu L,
Gao Q,
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Peng K,
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Zhang G,
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Tan H,
Jagadish CInP single nanowire solar cellsLight, Energy and the Environment 2015 ?,
Zugec P,
Barbagallo M,
Colonna N,
Bosnar D,
Altstadt S,
Andrzejewski J,
Audouin L,
Becares V,
Becvar F,
Belloni F,
Wallner AExperimental neutron capture data of 58Ni from the CERN n-TOF facility15th International Symposium on Capture Gamma Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, CGS15 ?,
Zugec P, Colonna N, Bosnar D, Mengoni A, Altstadt S, Audouin L, Barbagallo M, Berthoumieux E, Billowes J, Diakaki M, Dressler R, Duran I, Eleftheriadis C, Fraval K, Ganesan S, Gunsing F, Jenkins D, Kappeler F, Kokkoris M, Marganiec J, Mastromarco M, Milazzo P, Pavlik A, Praena J, Quesada J, Saxena A, Schumann D, Valenta S, Variale V, Vlastou R, Wright T, Vermeulen M, Wallner A, Ware T
Integral cross section measurement of the 12C(n,p) 12B reaction
International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, NRM 2015 ?, ?(2015) 285-291