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Ivanov A,
Ashley M,
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Black E,
Bork R,
Bose S,
Braginsky V,
Brau J,
Byer R,
Cardenas L,
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Chatterji S,
Christensen N,
Coyne D,
Creighton T,
Dergachev V,
DeSalvo R,
Dhurandhar S,
Ehrens P,
Etzel T,
Finn L,
Fritschel P,
Frolov V,
Giaime J,
Gustafson R,
Harry G,
Hewitson M,
Kawabe K,
Kells W,
King P,
Kozak D,
Landry M,
Lazzarini A,
Lindquist P,
MacInnis M,
Mageswaran M,
Mailand K,
Maros E,
Mavalvala N,
Melissinos A,
Mendell G,
Meshkov S,
Mitrofanov V,
Mittleman R,
Miyakawa O,
Mueller G,
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Penn S,
Pitkin M,
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Reitze D,
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Sathyaprakash B,
Savage R,
Schofield R,
Schwinberg P,
Sears B,
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Kawamura SUpper limits from the LIGO and TAMA detectors on the rate of gravitational-wave burstsPhysical Review D 72(
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Ashley M,
Smith M,
Ageev A,
Allen B,
Bilenko I,
Bose S,
Braginsky V,
Brau J,
Byer R,
Christensen N,
Dergachev V,
Dhurandhar S,
Finn L,
Frolov V,
Gustafson R,
Hewitson M,
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Kawamura S,
Landry M,
Mendell G,
Mitrofanov V,
Mueller G,
Owen B,
Penn S,
Pitkin M,
Plissi M,
Reitze D,
Riles K,
Sathyaprakash B,
Saulson P,
Savage R,
Schofield R,
Schwinberg P,
Sintes A,
Strain K,
Tanner D,
Thorne K,
Tinto M,
Ungarelli C,
Vorvick C,
Vyachanin S,
Whiting B,
Woan GA search for gravitational waves associated with the gamma ray burst GRB030329 using the LIGO detectorsPhysical Review D 72(
Cusack B,
McClelland D,
Scott S,
Searle A,
Heefner J,
Heurs M,
Hough J,
Ivanov A,
Abbott B,
Ageev A,
Allen B,
Anderson S,
Araya M,
Armandula H,
Barish B,
Barton M,
Bilenko I,
Billingsley G,
Black E,
Bork R,
Bose S,
Braginsky V,
Brau J,
Byer R,
Cardenas L,
Christensen N,
Coyne D,
Creighton T,
Dergachev V,
DeSalvo R,
Ehrens P,
Etzel T,
Finn L,
Fritschel P,
Frolov V,
Giaime J,
Gustafson R,
Harry G,
Hewitson M,
Kawabe K,
Kawamura S,
King P,
Kozak D,
Landry M,
Lazzarini A,
Lindquist P,
Mageswaran M,
Mailand K,
Maros E,
Mavalvala N,
Mendell G,
Meshkov S,
Mitrofanov V,
Mittleman R,
Miyakawa O,
Mueller G,
Owen B,
Pedraza M,
Penn S,
Pitkin M,
Plissi M,
Reitze D,
Riles K,
Sathyaprakash B,
Sears B,
Shoemaker D,
Sigg D,
Strain K,
Sutton P,
Tanner D,
Thorne K,
Tinto M,
Torrie C,
Ungarelli C,
van Putten M,
Vass S,
Vorvick C,
Vyachanin S,
Wallace L,
Ware B,
Weinstein A,
Whitcomb S,
Whiting B,
Willems P,
Woan G,
Yamamoto H,
Zhang L,
Kramer M,
Ashley M,
Smith MLimits on Gravitational-Wave Emission from Selected Pulsars Using LIGO DataPhysical Review Letters 94,
Cusack B,
McClelland D,
Scott S,
Searle A,
Wette K,
Heefner J,
Heurs M,
Hough J,
Ivanov A,
Ashley M,
Smith M,
Abbott B,
Adhikari R,
Ageev A,
Allen B,
Allen J,
Amin R,
Anderson S,
Araya M,
Armandula H,
Barish B,
Barton M,
Bilenko I,
Billingsley G,
Black E,
Bork R,
Bose S,
Braginsky V,
Brau J,
Byer R,
Cardenas L,
Charlton P,
Chatterji S,
Christensen N,
Coyne D,
Creighton T,
Dergachev V,
DeSalvo R,
Dhurandhar S,
Ehrens P,
Etzel T,
Finn L,
Fritschel P,
Frolov V,
Giaime J,
Gustafson R,
Harry G,
Hewitson M,
Kawabe K,
Kawamura S,
Kells W,
King P,
Kozak D,
Landry M,
Lazzarini A,
Lindquist P,
MacInnis M,
Mageswaran M,
Mailand K,
Maros E,
Mavalvala N,
Melissinos A,
Mendell G,
Meshkov S,
Mitrofanov V,
Mittleman R,
Miyakawa O,
Mueller G,
Owen B,
Pedraza M,
Penn S,
Pitkin M,
Plissi M,
Reitze D,
Riles K,
Sathyaprakash B,
Saulson P,
Savage R,
Schofield R,
Schwinberg P,
Sears B,
Shoemaker D,
Sigg D,
Sintes A,
Strain K,
Sutton P,
Tanner D,
Thorne K,
Tinto M,
Torrie C,
Ungarelli C,
van Putten M,
Vass S,
Vorvick C,
Vyachanin S,
Wallace L,
Ware B,
Weinstein A,
Whitcomb S,
Whiting B,
Willems P,
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Yamamoto H,
Zhang LUpper limits on gravitational wave bursts in LIGO's second science runPhysical Review D 72(
Cusack B,
McClelland D,
Scott S,
Searle A,
Heefner J,
Heurs M,
Hough J,
Ivanov A,
Ashley M,
Smith M,
Abbott B,
Ageev A,
Allen B,
Anderson S,
Araya M,
Armandula H,
Barish B,
Barton M,
Bilenko I,
Billingsley G,
Black E,
Bork R,
Bose S,
Braginsky V,
Brau J,
Byer R,
Cardenas L,
Christensen N,
Coyne D,
Creighton T,
Dergachev V,
DeSalvo R,
Dhurandhar S,
Ehrens P,
Etzel T,
Finn L,
Fritschel P,
Frolov V,
Giaime J,
Gustafson R,
Harry G,
Hewitson M,
Kawabe K,
Kawamura S,
Kells W,
King P,
Kozak D,
Landry M,
Lazzarini A,
Lindquist P,
MacInnis M,
Mageswaran M,
Mailand K,
Maros E,
Mavalvala N,
Mendell G,
Meshkov S,
Mitrofanov V,
Mittleman R,
Miyakawa O,
Mueller G,
Owen B,
Pedraza M,
Penn S,
Pitkin M,
Plissi M,
Reitze D,
Riles K,
Sathyaprakash B,
Saulson P,
Schofield R,
Schwinberg P,
Sears B,
Shoemaker D,
Sigg D,
Sintes A,
Strain K,
Sutton P,
Tanner D,
Thorne K,
Tinto M,
Torrie C,
Ungarelli C,
van Putten M,
Vass S,
Vorvick C,
Vyachanin S,
Wallace L,
Ware B,
Weinstein A,
Whitcomb S,
Whiting B,
Willems P,
Woan G,
Yamamoto HSearch for gravitational waves from primordial black hole binary coalescences in the galactic haloPhysical Review D 72(
Cusack B,
McClelland D,
Scott S,
Searle A,
Heefner J,
Heurs M,
Hough J,
Ivanov A,
Ashley M,
Smith M,
Abbott B,
Ageev A,
Allen B,
Anderson S,
Araya M,
Armandula H,
Barish B,
Barton M,
Bilenko I,
Billingsley G,
Black E,
Bork R,
Bose S,
Braginsky V,
Brau J,
Byer R,
Cardenas L,
Christensen N,
Coyne D,
Creighton T,
Dergachev V,
DeSalvo R,
Dhurandhar S,
Ehrens P,
Etzel T,
Finn L,
Fritschel P,
Frolov V,
Giaime J,
Gustafson R,
Harry G,
Hewitson M,
Kawabe K,
Kawamura S,
Kells W,
King P,
Kozak D,
Landry M,
Lazzarini A,
Lindquist P,
MacInnis M,
Mageswaran M,
Mailand K,
Maros E,
Mavalvala N,
Mendell G,
Meshkov S,
Mitrofanov V,
Mittleman R,
Miyakawa O,
Mueller G,
Owen B,
Pedraza M,
Penn S,
Pitkin M,
Plissi M,
Reitze D,
Riles K,
Sathyaprakash B,
Saulson P,
Savage R,
Schofield R,
Schwinberg P,
Sears B,
Shoemaker D,
Sigg D,
Sintes A,
Strain K,
Sutton P,
Tanner D,
Thorne K,
Tinto M,
Torrie C,
Ungarelli C,
van Putten M,
Vass S,
Vorvick C,
Vyachanin S,
Wallace L,
Ware B,
Weinstein A,
Whitcomb S,
Whiting B,
Willems P,
Woan G,
Yamamoto HSearch for gravitational waves from galactic and extra-galactic binary neutron starsPhysical Review D 72(
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Jahnke T,
Weber T,
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Akhmediev N,
Tsoy EBoundaries of Existence for Pulsating Solitons in Dissipative SystemsNonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications Topical Meeting 2005 ?,
Akhmediev N,
Soto-Crespo J,
Ankiewicz AChaotic and Regular Pulsations of Solitons in Fibre LasersAustralian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT 2005) ?,
Akhmediev N,
Soto-Crespo J,
Ankiewicz AEntrainment of Pulse Modulation Frequency in fiber LasersNonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications Topical Meeting 2005 ?,
Akhmediev N,
Soto-Crespo J,
Grelu P(3+1)-D dissipative Solitons: Numerical StudiesInternational Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN 2005) ?,
Arns C,
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Knackstedt MRock Typing and Petrophysical property estimation via direct analysis on microtomographic imagesInternational Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts 2005 ?,
Bauget F,
Turner M,
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Saadatfar M,
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Knackstedt MTowards modelling regolith permeability with high resolution X-ray tomographyInternational Petroleum Conference and Exhibition (Petrotech-2005) ?,
Bezryadina A,
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Kivshar YVortex Interaction with a Two-Dimensional Soliton LatticeConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science/Conference on Photonic Applications, Systems and Technologies (CLEO/QELS 2005) 1(
Bulla D,
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Chow J,
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Chow J,
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Desyatnykov A,
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Desyatnykov A,
Sukhorukov A,
Kivshar YAzimuthons: Spatial Solitons with a Rotating PhaseNonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications Topical Meeting 2005 ?,
Dewar R, McMillan B, Kenny B
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Dreischuh A,
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Kivshar YSoliton Control in Modulated Optically-induced Photonic LatticesNonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications Topical Meeting 2005 ?,
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Bauget F,
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Sakellariou A,
Senden T,
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Pinczewski W,
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Humphrey M, Cifuentes M, Samoc M
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Khalil A, Stewart A, Llewellyn D, Ridgway M, Chadderton L, Byrne A
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Koynov K,
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Krolikowski W,
Bang O,
Briedis D,
Dreischuh A,
Edmundson D,
Luther-Davies B,
Neshev D,
Nikolov N,
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Wyller JNonlocal solitonsSPIE Nonlinear Optics Applications 2005 5949(
Li W,
Bulla D,
Love J,
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Charles CReduction of the Sidewall Roughness of Silica Optical WaveguidesAustralian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT 2005) ?,
Lobanov N,
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Lynch G, O'Byrne S, Houwing A
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Lyytikainen K, Canning J, Gibson B, Huntington S, Love J
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Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT 2005) ?, ?(2005) 170-172
McMillan B, Dewar R
Stability for Kinetic Ballooning Modes in Stellarators
National Congress Australian Institute of Physics 2005 ?, ?(2005) 235-1-4
Molloy A,
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Love JAdiabatic 3-Wavelength Planar Multiplexer/DemultiplexerNational Congress Australian Institute of Physics 2005 ?,
Notley S,
Wagberg LDirect Measurement of Attractive Van der Waals Forces and Repulsive Electrostatic Forces between Regenerated Cellulose Surfaces in an Aqueous EnvironmentFundamental Research Symposium 2005 ?,
O'Byrne S, Stotz I, Neely A, Boyce R, Mudford N, Houwing A
OH PLIF Imaging of Supersonic Combustion using Cavity Injection
AIAA/CIRA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Systems and Technologies 2005 3(2005) 1-12
Rasmussen P,
Bang O,
Krolikowski WEscape angles for out-of-phase nematiconsNonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications Topical Meeting 2005 ?,
Rosberg C,
Hanna B,
Neshev D,
Sukhorukov A,
Krolikowski W,
Kivshar YDiscrete Interband Mutual Focusing in Nonlinear Photonic LatticesNonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications Topical Meeting 2005 ?,
Ruan Y,
Luther-Davies B,
Rode A,
Li WStrong self-modulation in low loss As2S3 waveguidesAustralian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT 2005) ?,
Saadatfar M,
Kabla A,
Senden T,
Aste TThe geometry and the number of contacts on monodisperse sphere packs using X-ray tomographyInternational Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media (Powders & Grains 2005) 1(
Saadatfar M,
Turner M,
Arns C,
Averdunk H,
Senden T,
Sheppard A,
Sok R,
Pinczewski W,
Kelly J,
Knackstedt MRock Fabric and Texture from Digital Core AnalysisSociety of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts Annual Symposium 2005 ?,
Sagemerten N,
Traeger D,
Imbrock J,
Denz C,
Desyatnykov A,
Neshev D,
Fischer R,
Dreischuh A,
Krolikowski W,
Kivshar YTwo-dimensional Complex Optically-induced Nonlinear Photonic LatticesNonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications Topical Meeting 2005 ?,
Samoc M, Humphrey M
Nonlinear absorption and nonlinear refraction in ruthenium alkynyl complexes
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Samoc M,
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Luther-Davies B,
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Humphrey MRefractive and Absorptive Optical Nonlinearities of Conjugated Polymers and Model MoleculesConference on Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2004) ?,
Samoc M, Samoc A, Miniewicz A, Grote J
Femtosecond Z-scan studies of cubic nonlinear optical properties of salmon DNA
Australasian Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy (ACOLS 2005) ?, ?(2005) online
Shokooh-Saremi M,
Ta'eed V,
Littler I,
Moss D,
Eggleton B,
Ruan Y,
Luther-Davies BPhase-Shifted Resonance Bragg Gratings in Chalcogenide Rib WaveguidesAustralian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT 2005) ?,
Shrestha S, Timmers H, Byrne A, Dogra R
Perturbed Angular Correlation Spectroscopy of Implantation-Damaged Indium Nitride
National Congress Australian Institute of Physics 2005 ?, ?(2005) 190-1-4
Sood D, Venkatachalam D, Bhargava S, Evans P
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Soto-Crespo J,
Akhmediev N,
Sorokina I,
Sorokin EComposite Solitons Generated by Solid State Passively Mode-Locked LaserNonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications Topical Meeting 2005 ?,
Ta'eed V,
Moss D,
Shokooh-Saremi M,
Fu L,
Littler I,
Rochette M,
Baker N,
Eggleton B,
Ruan Y,
Luther-Davies BNonlinear Pulse Propagation and All-Optical Regeneration in Chalcogenide Waveguides Integrated with Bragg Grating FiltersNonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications Topical Meeting 2005 ?,
Ta'eed V,
Shokooh-Saremi M,
Fu L,
Littler I,
Rochette M,
Baker N,
Moss D,
Eggleton B,
Ruan Y,
Luther-Davies BAll-optical pulse regeneration in chalcogenide waveguides using an integrated Bragg grating filterAustralian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT 2005) ?,
Tomljenovic-Hanic S,
Ankiewicz ACoupling Between Low Index Dissimilar Defects in Photonic CrystalsNational Congress Australian Institute of Physics 2005 ?,
Traeger D,
Fischer R,
Neshev D,
Sukhorukov A,
Denz C,
Krolikowski W,
Kivshar YReduced-symmetry Two-dimensional Solitons in Square Photonic LatticesNonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications Topical Meeting 2005 ?,
Trompeter H,
Krolikowski W,
Neshev D,
Desyatnykov A,
Sukhorukov A,
Kivshar Y,
Pertsch T,
Peschel U,
Lederer FOptical Bloch Oscillations and Zener Tunneling in Two-dimensional Photonic LatticesNonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications Topical Meeting 2005 ?,
Tsoy E,
Akhmediev NDynamical Model for Pulsating Solitons In Mode-Locked LasersAustralian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT 2005) ?,
Tsoy E,
Akhmediev NPulse Propagation in a Medium with Opposite Signs of Self-and Cross-Phase Modulation TermsNational Congress Australian Institute of Physics 2005 ?,
Varslot T, Masoy S, Angelsen B
Aberration and second-harmonic imaging
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium 2005 ?, ?(2005) 4
Vos M,
Cooper G,
Chatzidimitriou-Dreismann CQuasi-elastic scattering of Electrons at Large Momentum TransferInternational Conference on Electron and Photon Impact Ionization and Related Topics 2004 183(
Kerr L, O'Byrne S, Houwing A
Determination of Temperature Distributions in Air using a Scanning Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser
Australian Conference on Laser Diagnostics in Fluid Mechanics and Combustion 2005 ?, ?(2005) 141-144
Went M,
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Bowles C,
Vos MElectron Excited Auger Electron Spectroscopy of CopperNational Congress Australian Institute of Physics 2005 ?,
Wilson K
Quantum Leaps in blended learning: an online project for physics students
National UniServe Science Conference 2005 ?, ?(2005) 1-6
Wilson K, Goossens D, James M
Magnetic properties of Gd1?xSrxCoO3-? (x = 0.67, 0.90 and 0.95)
National Congress Australian Institute of Physics 2005 ?, ?(2005) 1-4
Yu X, Shum P, Love J
Properties of Interstitial Hole-assistant Microstructured Optical Fibers
Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT 2005) ?, ?(2005) 469-471
Zha C,
Luo X,
Luther-Davies BSynthesis of photosensitive fluorinated titania-doped hybrid glassy polymers for planar optical applicationsAustralian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT 2005) ?,