Dr Robert Sok
Journal article
Kumar M,
Sok R,
Knackstedt M,
Latham S,
Senden T,
Sheppard A,
Varslot T,
Arns CMapping 3D Pore Scale Fluid Distributions: How Rock Resistivity is Influenced by Wettability and Saturation HistoryPetrophysics 51,
Sok R,
Varslot T,
Ghous A,
Latham S,
Sheppard A,
Knackstedt MPore scale characterization of carbonates at multiple scales: integration of micro-CT BSEM and FIBSEMPetrophysics 51,
Goel A,
Arns C,
Holmstad R,
Gregersen O,
Bauget F,
Averdunk H,
Sok R,
Sheppard A,
Knackstedt MAnalysis of the impact of papermaking variables on the structure and transport properties of paper samples by X-ray microtomographyJournal of Pulp and Paper Science 32,
Knackstedt M,
Arns C,
Saadatfar M,
Senden T,
Limaye A,
Sakellariou A,
Sheppard A,
Sok R,
Schrof W,
Steininger HElastic and transport properties of cellular solids derived from three-dimensional tomographic imagesProceedings of the Royal Society of London Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 462,
Arns C,
Bauget F,
Limaye A,
Sakellariou A,
Senden T,
Sheppard A,
Sok R,
Pinczewski W,
Bakke S,
Berge L,
Oren P,
Knackstedt MPore-Scale Characterization of Carbonates Using X-Ray MicrotomographySPE Journal December 2005(
Ghous A,
Pinczewski W,
Knackstedt M,
Arns C,
Bauget F,
Sakellariou A,
Senden T,
Sheppard A,
Sok R,
Kelly JDigital Core Laboratory: Petrophysical Analysis from 3D Imaging of Reservoir Core FragmentsPetrophysics 46,
Jones A,
Milthorpe B,
Averdunk H,
Limaye A,
Senden T,
Sakellariou A,
Sheppard A,
Sok R,
Knackstedt M,
Brandwood A,
Rohner D,
Hutmacher DAnalysis of 3D Bone Ingrowth into Polymer Scaffolds via Micro-computed Tomography ImagingBiomaterials 25(
Jones A,
Sheppard A,
Sok R,
Arns C,
Limaye A,
Averdunk H,
Brandwood A,
Sakellariou A,
Senden T,
Milthorpe B,
Knackstedt MThree-dimensional Analysis of Cortical Bone Structure using X-ray Micro-computed TomographyPhysica A: Statistical mechanics and its applications 339(
(22 publications)
Conference paper
Knackstedt M,
Arns C,
Ghous A,
Sakellariou A,
Senden T,
Sheppard A,
Sok R,
Nguyen V,
Pinczewski W3D imaging and characterization of the pore space of carbonate core; implications to single and two phase flow propertiesSPWLA 47th Annual Logging Symposium 2006 ?,
Kumar M,
Knackstedt M,
Latham S,
Senden T,
Sheppard A,
Sok R,
Varslot T,
Arns CMapping fluid distributions in 3D at the pore scale: Quantifying the influence of wettability and saturation history on rock resisitivityAnnual Logging Symposium of the Society of Petrophysicists & Well Log Analysts (SPWLA 2009) ?,
Sok R,
Varslot T,
Ghous A,
Latham S,
Sheppard A,
Knackstedt MPore scale characterization of carbonates at multiple scales: integration of micro-CT, BSEM and FIBSEMInternational Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts 2009 ?,
Ghous A,
Knackstedt M,
Arns C,
Sheppard A,
Kumar M,
Sok R,
Senden T,
Latham S,
Jones A,
Averdunk H,
Pinczewski W3D Imaging of Reservoir Core at Multiple Scales; Correlations to Petrophysical Properties and Pore Scale Fluid DistributionsInternational Petroleum Technology Conference 2008 4(
Knackstedt M,
Sok R,
Sheppard A,
Latham S,
Madadi M,
Varslot T,
Arns C,
Bachle G,
Eberli GProbing Pore Systems in Carbonates: Correlations to Petrophysical PropertiesSociety of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts Annual Symposium 2008 ?,
Ghous A,
Senden T,
Sok R,
Sheppard A,
Pinczewski W,
Knackstedt M3D Characterisation of Microporosity in Carbonate CoresMiddle East Regional SPWLA Symposium: Petrophysics and Brown Field Resource Optimization ?,
Knackstedt M,
Arns C,
Sheppard A,
Senden T,
Sok R,
Cinar Y,
Olafuyi A,
Pinczewski W,
Padhy G,
Ioannidis MPore scale analysis of electrical resistivity in complex core materialInternational Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts 2007 ?,
Paper Number SCA2007-P53
Knackstedt M,
Arns C,
Sheppard A,
Senden T,
Sok R,
Cinar Y,
Pinczewski W,
Ioannidis M,
Padhy GArchie's exponents in complex lithologies derived from 3D digital core analysisAnnual Logging Symposium of the Society of Petrophysicists & Well Log Analysts (SPWLA 2007) ?,
paper UU:1-16
Sok R,
Arns C,
Knackstedt M,
Senden T,
Sheppard A,
Averdunk H,
Pinczewski W,
Okabe HEstimation of Petrophysical Parameters from 3D images of Carbonate CoreMiddle East Regional SPWLA Symposium: Petrophysics and Brown Field Resource Optimization ?,
Knackstedt M,
Arns C,
Ghous A,
Sakellariou A,
Senden T,
Sheppard A,
Sok R,
Averdunk H,
Pinczewski W,
Padhy G,
Ioannidis M3D imaging and flow characterization of the pore space of carbonate care samplesInternational Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts 2006 ?,
Knackstedt M,
Arns C,
Ghous A,
Sakellariou A,
Senden T,
Sheppard A,
Sok R,
Nguyen V,
Pinczewski W3D imaging and characterization of the pore space of carbonate core: implications to single and two phase flow propertiesAnnual Logging Symposium of the Society of Petrophysicists & Well Log Analysts (SPWLA 2006) ?,
Olafuyi A,
Sheppard A,
Arns C,
Sok R,
Cinar Y,
Knackstedt M,
Pinczewski WExperimental Investigation of Drainage Capillary Pressure Computed from Digitized Tomographic ImagesSPE/DOE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery 2(
Sheppard A,
Sok R,
Averdunk H,
Robins V,
Ghous AAnalysis of Rock Microstructure using High-resolution X-ray TomographyInternational Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts 2006 ?,
Arns C,
Sheppard A,
Sok R,
Knackstedt MNMR Petrophysical Predictions on Digitized Core ImagesSociety of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts Annual Symposium 2005 ?,
Bauget F,
Turner M,
Arns C,
Saadatfar M,
Sheppard A,
Sok R,
Knackstedt MRock Typing and Petrophysical property estimation via direct analysis on microtomographic imagesInternational Symposium of the Society of Core Analysts 2005 ?,
Ghous A,
Bauget F,
Arns C,
Sakellariou A,
Senden T,
Sheppard A,
Sok R,
Pinczewski W,
Harris R,
Beck G,
Knackstedt MResistivity and Permeability Anisotropy Measured in Laminated Sands via Digital Core AnalysisSociety of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts Annual Symposium 2005 ?,
Saadatfar M,
Turner M,
Arns C,
Averdunk H,
Senden T,
Sheppard A,
Sok R,
Pinczewski W,
Kelly J,
Knackstedt MRock Fabric and Texture from Digital Core AnalysisSociety of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts Annual Symposium 2005 ?,
Jones A,
Knackstedt M,
Sheppard A,
Sok R,
Hutmacher D,
Arns C,
Sakellariou A,
Senden T,
Brandwood A,
Milthorpe B,
Jones AMorphological Examination of Complex Microstructure via micro-CT imagingWorld Biomaterials Congress 2004 ?,
Knackstedt M,
Arns C,
Limaye A,
Sakellariou A,
Senden T,
Sheppard A,
Sok R,
Pinczewski W,
Bunn GDigital Core Laboratory: Properties of reservoir core derived from 3D imagesSPE Asia Pacific Conference on Integrated Modelling for Asset Management 204 ?,
SPE 87009/1-14
Sakellariou A,
Sawkins T,
Senden T,
Arns C,
Limaye A,
Oren P,
Sheppard A,
Sok R,
Knackstedt M,
Pinczewski W,
Inge Berge LMicro-CT Facility for Imaging Reservoir Rocks at Pore ScalesInternational Exposition and Annual Meeting of the Society for the Exploration Geophysicists 2003 ?,
Turner M,
Sakellariou A,
Arns C,
Sok R,
Limaye A,
Senden T,
Knackstedt MTowards modelling regolith permeability with high resolution X-ray tomographyCRC LEME Regional Regolith Symposia 2003 ?,
(31 publications)
Conference written presentation
Knackstedt M,
Arns C,
Bauget F,
Sakellariou A,
Senden T,
Sheppard A,
Sok RQuantitative transport properties of granular material calculated from Xray CT imagesInternational Petroleum Conference and Exhibition (Petrotech-2005) ?,
Sakellariou A,
Senden T,
Sawkins T,
Knackstedt M,
Turner M,
Jones A,
Saadatfar M,
Roberts R,
Limaye A,
Arns C,
Sheppard A,
Sok RAn x-ray tomography facility for quantitative prediction of mechanical and transport properties in geological, biological and synthetic systemsInternational Society for Optical Engineering Conference 2004 5535(
(4 publications)
Journal short contribution (non refereed)
(1 publications)