Abbott B,
Abbott R,
Adhikari R,
Ageev A,
Allen B,
Amin R,
Anderson S,
Anderson W,
Araya M,
Armandula H,
Nocera F,
Nutzman P,
Vyachanin S,
Bayer K,
Ehrens P,
Pitkin M,
Olson T,
Rose D,
Koranda S,
Takamori A,
Jones L,
Ganezer K,
O'Reilly B,
Hrynevych M,
Schutz B,
Robertson N,
Shawhan P,
Frolov V,
Logan J,
Schofield R,
Heptonstall A,
Jungwirth D,
Betzwieser J,
Billingsley G,
Strain K,
Ouimette D,
Harry G,
Vecchio A,
Mittleman R,
Cutler C,
King P,
Winjum B,
Kalogera V,
Nash T,
Myers J,
Parameswariah V,
Hewitson M,
Frey R,
Ito M,
Quetschke V,
Asiri F,
Raab F,
Yoshida T,
Barker D,
Chickarmane V,
Ballmer S,
D'Ambrosio E,
MacInnis M,
Yamamoto H,
Taylor I,
Stuver A,
Tibbits M,
Katsavounidis E,
Castiglione J,
Johnson W,
Hartunian A,
Cardenas L,
Johnston W,
Shu Q,
Reilly K,
Reithmaier K,
Babak S,
Scott S,
Machenschalk B,
Bullington A,
Taylor R,
Langdale J,
Rong H,
Elliffe E,
Vorvick C,
Aulbert C,
Williams R,
Wen L,
Lantz B,
Berukoff S,
Hindman N,
Searle A,
Sazonov A,
Zawischa I,
Plissi M,
Tinto M,
Mavalvala N,
Kloevekorn P,
Sanders G,
Rizzi A,
Cagnoli G,
Lormand M,
Sibley A,
Siemens X,
Giaime J,
Chin D,
Bilenko I,
Balasubramanian R,
Barnes M,
McHugh M,
Davies R,
Skeldon K,
Matherny O,
Mours B,
Burgess R,
Robertson D,
Miyakawa O,
Chen Y,
Willke B,
Blackburn K,
Etzel T,
Killbourn S,
Weidner A,
DeBra D,
Weiland U,
Zotov N,
Byer R,
Mohanty S,
Lawrence R,
Romano J,
Barton M,
Marin A,
Walther H,
Coles M,
Summerscales T,
Ryan K,
Sumner M,
Delker T,
Hough J,
McNamara P,
Ottewill A,
Daw E,
Welling H,
Rudiger A,
Camp J,
Brau J,
Overmier H,
Crema E,
Heefner J,
Sigg D,
Killow C,
Gretarsson A,
Luck H,
Csatorday P,
Cusack B,
Mann F,
Regimbau T,
Klimenko S,
Bogue L,
Thorne K,
Lyons T,
Nayak R,
van Putten M,
Miyoki S,
Grimmett D,
Rahkola R,
Gustafson E,
Papa M,
Radkins H,
Cadonati L,
Ebeling C,
Dupuis R,
Shoemaker D,
Richman S,
Weinstein A,
Finn L,
Lazzarini A,
Sannibale V,
Kawabe K,
Hefetz Y,
Wallace L,
Butler W,
Gossler S,
Tilav S,
Riles K,
Christensen N,
Rollins J,
Winkler W,
Belczynski K,
Sneddon P,
Wise S,
Sathyaprakash B,
Kim C,
Flanagan E,
Wiseman A,
Mendell G,
Regehr M,
Dhurandhar S,
Sengupta A,
Gray C,
Hepler N,
Evans T,
Zhang L,
DeSalvo R,
Smith J,
Mason J,
Strom D,
Grant A,
Bork R,
Itoh Y,
Gillespie A,
Reitze D,
Fine M,
Schrempel M,
Bose S,
Grote H,
Wilson A,
Schilling R,
Saulson P,
King C,
Sintes A,
Guenther M,
Gonzalez G,
Brady P,
Bennett R,
Mageswaran M,
Romie J,
Bhawal B,
Naundorf H,
Kells W,
Lindquist P,
Buonanno A,
Jennrich O,
Penn S,
Busby D,
Heurs M,
Leonhardt V,
Sears B,
Meshkov S,
Sylvestre J,
Creighton J,
Rotthoff E,
Coldwell R,
Ivanov A,
Rowan S,
Khan A,
Charlton P,
Libbrecht K,
Rao S,
Ugolini D,
Black E,
Schwinberg P,
Ware B,
Russell P,
Hanson J,
Cook D,
Torres C,
Diaz M,
Ding H,
Dreuw A,
Kotter K,
Krishnan B,
Tanner D,
Parameswariah C,
Watts K,
Barr B,
Fritschel P,
Whitcomb S,
Wooley R,
Roddy S,
Redding D,
Nagano S,
Farnham D,
Schmidt V,
Aufmuth P,
Owen B,
Mailand K,
Kawamura S,
Smith M,
Weiss R,
Whiting B,
Churches D,
Evans M,
Zucker M,
Mason K,
Bochner B,
Gustafson R,
Hamilton W,
Robison L,
Torrie C,
Webber D,
Williams P,
Woan G,
Worden J,
Beausoleil R,
Savage R,
Messenger C,
Maros E,
Ottaway D,
Pratt M,
Moreno G,
Vass S,
Pedraza M,
Heinzel G,
Traeger S,
Heng I,
Schlaufman K,
Salzman I,
Chapsky J,
Braginsky V,
Ingley R,
Hammond M,
Wen S,
Traylor G,
Freise A,
Willems P,
Lei M,
Yakushin I,
Matone L,
Goda K,
Barker-Patton C,
Fallnich C,
Casey M,
Hennessy M,
Cantley C,
Barish B,
Kovalik J,
Kozak D,
Lubinski M,
Spero R,
Crooks D,
Hoang P,
Corbitt T,
Tokmakov K,
Liu S,
Rakhmanov M,
Seel S,
Tyler W,
Tariq H,
Kern J,
Chandler A,
Mossavi K,
Edlund J,
Bland-Weaver B,
Grunewald S,
Newton G,
Brown D,
Colacino C,
Majid W,
Leonor I,
Zweizig J,
McCarthy R,
Stapfer G,
Whelan J,
Vallisneri M,
Mitselmakher G,
Riesen R,
Shapiro C,
Landry M,
Grandclement P,
Sievers L,
Danzmann K,
Chatterji S,
Brozek S,
Malec M,
Coyne D,
Fyffe M,
Mitrofanov V,
Fekel F,
Ward H,
Marka S,
Hua W,
Hardham C,
Mukherjee S,
McClelland D,
Sutton P,
Mueller G,
Carter KSetting upper limits on the strength of periodic gravitational waves from PSR J1939+2134 using the first science data from the GEO 600 and LIGO detectorsPhysical Review D 69,
082004-1 to 082004-16
Abbott B,
Abbott R,
Adhikari R,
Ageev A,
Allen B,
Amin R,
Anderson S,
Anderson W,
Araya M,
Armandula H,
Weiss R,
Schmidt V,
Grote H,
Rowan S,
Ugolini D,
Marin A,
Lantz B,
Hefetz Y,
Roddy S,
Mason J,
Stuver A,
Jungwirth D,
Creighton J,
Zweizig J,
Cantley C,
Libbrecht K,
Kovalik J,
Wooley R,
Sati H,
DeSalvo R,
Sylvestre J,
Heefner J,
Krishnan B,
Rizzi A,
Barnes M,
Corbitt T,
Lei M,
Grandclement P,
Coldwell R,
Williams R,
Brozek S,
Saulson P,
Aulbert C,
Miyoki S,
Ingley R,
Churches D,
Naundorf H,
Smith M,
Flanagan E,
Whiting B,
Casey M,
Bland-Weaver B,
Smith J,
Mittleman R,
Hanson J,
Zhang L,
Shu Q,
Langdale J,
Lyons T,
Meshkov S,
Rahkola R,
Yamamoto H,
Pitkin M,
Mavalvala N,
Reilly K,
Radkins H,
Brau J,
Taylor I,
Ottaway D,
Nocera F,
Robertson N,
Cutler C,
Parameswariah V,
Thorne K,
DeBra D,
Welling H,
Nutzman P,
Barr B,
Mann F,
MacInnis M,
Beausoleil R,
Mendell G,
Coles M,
Jennrich O,
Gonzalez G,
Bennett R,
Burgess R,
Chatterji S,
Romano J,
Shapiro C,
Papa M,
Babak S,
Sumner M,
Weinstein A,
Spero R,
Chickarmane V,
Mohanty S,
Dreuw A,
Messenger C,
Whitcomb S,
Wen L,
Riles K,
Tibbits M,
Schofield R,
Logan J,
Fritschel P,
Parameswariah C,
Gustafson E,
Strain K,
Maros E,
Billingsley G,
Kim C,
Winkler W,
Johnston W,
Torres C,
Lubinski M,
Torrie C,
Vorvick C,
Buonanno A,
Bose S,
Kawamura S,
Penn S,
Takamori A,
Tokmakov K,
Harry G,
Ebeling C,
Weiland U,
Gobler S,
Crooks D,
Redding D,
Fekel F,
Ballmer S,
Kern J,
Wiseman A,
Wen S,
Zucker M,
Woan G,
Cagnoli G,
Klimenko S,
Farnham D,
Bayer K,
Williams P,
King P,
Wallace L,
Pedraza M,
Nayak R,
Mours B,
Black E,
Hartunian A,
Rudiger A,
Frolov V,
Marka S,
Kawabe K,
Diaz M,
Balasubramanian R,
Khan A,
Mageswaran M,
Braginsky V,
Byer R,
Dhurandhar S,
Chin D,
Grant A,
Walther H,
Giaime J,
Worden J,
Zawischa I,
Plissi M,
Mitselmakher G,
Moreno G,
Nash T,
Savage R,
Ottewill A,
Kells W,
Ehrens P,
Gray C,
Sigg D,
Sintes A,
Miyakawa O,
Traylor G,
Csatorday P,
Skeldon K,
Tanner D,
Sutton P,
Tilav S,
Busby D,
Kloevekorn P,
Barish B,
Sibley A,
Malec M,
Killow C,
Vecchio A,
Kozak D,
Frey R,
Mason K,
Coyne D,
Cardenas L,
Itoh Y,
Liu S,
Evans M,
Lindquist P,
Chandler A,
Creighton T,
Castiglione J,
Grunewald S,
Etzel T,
Matherny O,
McClelland D,
Siemens X,
Ware B,
Rollins J,
Riesen R,
Daw E,
Heptonstall A,
Camp J,
Reitze D,
Ryan K,
Katsavounidis E,
Hamilton W,
Shoemaker D,
Regehr M,
Hardham C,
Regimbau T,
Heng I,
Tariq H,
Wise S,
Brown D,
Ouimette D,
Betzwieser J,
Richman S,
Schilling R,
Edlund J,
Ding H,
Hoang P,
King C,
Delker T,
Majid W,
Sazonov A,
Sievers L,
Whelan J,
Johnson W,
Shawhan P,
Ward H,
Traeger D,
Robison L,
Chapsky J,
Reithmaier K,
Sannibale V,
Ganezer K,
Lazzarini A,
Rakhmanov M,
Dupuis R,
Heurs M,
Overmier H,
Belczynski K,
Heinzel G,
Mailand K,
Hennessy M,
O'Reilly B,
Jones L,
Seel S,
Elliffe E,
Bork R,
Mukherjee S,
van Putten M,
Nagano S,
Kalogera V,
Hindman N,
Danzmann K,
Leonhardt V,
Ito M,
Carter K,
Bogue L,
Bullington A,
Lawrence R,
Pratt M,
Landry M,
McCarthy R,
Raab F,
Colacino C,
Leonor I,
Cadonati L,
Schwinberg P,
Schlaufman K,
Matone L,
Cusack B,
Romie J,
Hough J,
Koranda S,
Stapfer G,
Asiri F,
Quetschke V,
Taylor R,
Russell P,
Sears B,
Rose D,
McHugh M,
Finn L,
Searle A,
Willke B,
Killbourn S,
Guenther M,
Chen Y,
Cook D,
Scott S,
Evans T,
Sanders G,
Luck H,
McNamara P,
Rao S,
Bilenko I,
Schutz B,
Wilson A,
Aufmuth P,
Yakushin I,
Mitrofanov V,
Hewitson M,
Christensen N,
Watts K,
Barker D,
Vass S,
Owen B,
D'Ambrosio E,
Machenschalk B,
Weidner A,
Newton G,
Gillespie A,
Schrempel M,
Barker-Patton C,
Mueller G,
Zotov N,
Butler W,
Webber D,
Tyler W,
Gustafson R,
Barton M,
Summerscales T,
Hrynevych M,
Rong H,
Salzman I,
Tinto M,
Hepler N,
Grimmett D,
Olson T,
Bhawal B,
Brady P,
Vallisneri M,
Rotthoff E,
Hua W,
Sengupta A,
Willems P,
Myers J,
Lormand M,
Vyachanin S,
Bochner B,
Yoshida T,
Winjum B,
Berukoff S,
Blackburn K,
Ivanov A,
Hammond M,
Strom D,
Goda K,
Mossavi K,
Fyffe M,
Fallnich C,
Freise A,
Charlton P,
Davies R,
Robertson D,
Gretarsson A,
Fine M,
Kotter K,
Sneddon PAnalysis of LIGO data for gravitational waves from binary neutron starsPhysical Review D-Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology 69(
Adler S,
Afanasiev S,
Aidala C,
Ajitanand N,
Akiba Y,
Alexander J,
Amirikas R,
Aphecetche L,
Aronson S,
Averbeck R,
DuRietz RIdentified charged particle spectra and yields in Au+Au collisions at root(s)NN=200 GeVPhysical Review C: Nuclear Physics 69(
Adler S,
Afanasiev S,
Aidala C,
Ajitanand N,
Akiba Y,
Alexander J,
Amirikas R,
Aphecetche L,
Aronson S,
Averbeck R,
DuRietz RBose-Einstein Correlations of Charged Pion Pairs in Au + Au collisions at root(s) NN = 200GeVPhysical Review Letters 93,
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Afanasiev S,
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Akiba Y,
Alexander J,
Amirikas R,
Aphecetche L,
Aronson S,
Averbeck R,
DuRietz RMeasurement of Nonrandom Event-by-Event Fluctuations of Average Transverse Momentum in root(s) NN = 200 GeV Au + Au and p + p CollisionsPhysical Review Letters 93,
Adler S,
Afanasiev S,
Aidala C,
Ajitanand N,
Akiba Y,
Alexander J,
Amirikas R,
Aphecetche L,
Aronson S,
Averbeck R,
DuRietz RHigh-p(T) charged hadron suppression in Au+Au collisions at root(S)NN=200 GeVPhysical Review C: Nuclear Physics 69(
Adler S,
Afanasiev S,
Aidala C,
Ajitanand N,
Akiba Y,
Alexander J,
Amirikas R,
Aphecetche L,
Aronson S,
Averbeck R,
DuRietz RJ/psi production in Au-Au collisions at root(S) NN=200GeVPhysical Review C: Nuclear Physics 69(
Afanasiev S,
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Aidala C,
Ajitanand C,
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Alexander J,
Amirikas R,
Aphecetche L,
Aronson S,
DuRietz RJ/? Production from Proton-Proton Collisions at ?s=200 GeVPhysical Review Letters 92,
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Rubensson JResonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering at hollow lithium states in solid LiClPhysical Review Letters 93,
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Searle A,
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Abbott R,
Adhikari R,
Amin R,
Farnham D,
Koranda S,
Gustafson E,
Gustafson R,
Hamilton W,
Logan J,
Hammond M,
Jungwirth D,
Flanagan E,
Balasubramanian R,
Hardham C,
Berukoff S,
Arazi A,
Harry G,
Aulbert C,
Hartunian A,
Heefner J,
Hefetz Y,
Heinzel G,
Kalogera V,
Heng I,
Hoang P,
Betzwieser J,
Lormand M,
Bullington A,
Hough J,
Hrynevych M,
Lubinski M,
Hua W,
Ingley R,
Ito M,
Kovalik J,
DeSalvo R,
Daw E,
Itoh Y,
Katsavounidis E,
Buonanno A,
Ivanov A,
Charlton P,
Kawabe K,
Kawamura S,
Kells W,
Aufmuth P,
Kern J,
Bhawal B,
Killbourn S,
Lyons T,
Burgess R,
Killow C,
Chatterji S,
Kim C,
Cutler C,
Kozak D,
Krishnan B,
Billingsley G,
Landry M,
Langdale J,
Lantz B,
Freise A,
Lawrence R,
Lazzarini A,
Lei M,
Chen Y,
Babak S,
Leonhardt V,
Black E,
D'Ambrosio E,
Anderson S,
Leonor I,
Machenschalk B,
Busby D,
Fekel F,
MacInnis M,
Gonzalez G,
Mageswaran M,
Chickarmane V,
Churches D,
Mailand K,
Majid W,
Malec M,
Liu S,
Mann F,
Danzmann K,
Butler W,
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Marka S,
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Blackburn K,
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Mason J,
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Beausoleil R,
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Bennett R,
Hennessy M,
Bochner B,
Bogue L,
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Neshev D,
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Nikolov N,
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Shadrivov I,
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Shadrivov I,
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Sukhorukov A,
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Tomljenovic-Hanic S,
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