QST publications 2020
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Journal article
Bernhardt N,
Koshelev K,
White S,
Meng K,
Froch J,
Kim S,
Tran T,
Choi D,
Kivshar Y,
Solntsev AQuasi-BIC Resonant Enhancement of Second-Harmonic Generation in WS2MonolayersNano Letters 20,
Cao Q,
Yang P,
Gong M,
Yu M,
Retzker A,
Plenio M,
Mueller C,
Tomek N,
Naydenov B,
McGuinness L,
Jelezko FProtecting Quantum Spin Coherence of Nanodiamonds in Living CellsPhysical Review Applied 13,
Gandhi H,
Pastor D,
Tran T,
Kalchmair S,
Smillie L,
Mailoa J,
Milazzo R,
Napolitani E,
Loncar M,
Williams J,
Aziz M,
Mazur EGold-Hyperdoped Germanium with Room-Temperature Sub-Band-Gap Optoelectronic ResponsePhysical Review Applied 14,
Hanlon L,
Gautam V,
Wood J,
Reddy P,
Barson M,
Niihori M,
Silalahi A,
Corry B,
Wrachtrup J,
Sellars M,
Daria V,
Maletinsky P,
Stuart G,
Doherty MDiamond nanopillar arrays for quantum microscopy of neuronal signalsNeurophotonics 7,
Huang X,
Shiell T,
de Tomas C,
Suarez-Martinez I,
Wong S,
Mann S,
McKenzie D,
Marks N,
McCulloch D,
Bradby JThe mechanical response of glassy carbon recovered from high pressureJournal of Applied Physics 127,
Jansen-Sturgeon T,
Hartig B,
Madsen G,
Bland P,
Sansom E,
Devillepoix H,
Howie R,
Cupak M,
Towner M,
Cox M,
Nevill N,
Hoskins Z,
Bonning G,
Calcino J,
Clark J,
Henson B,
Langendam A,
Matthews S,
McClafferty T,
Mitchell J,
O'Neill C,
Smith L,
Tait ARecreating the OSIRIS-REx slingshot manoeuvre from a network of ground-based sensorsPublications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 37,
Kim D,
Han S,
Hwang J,
Do I,
Jeong D,
Lim J,
Lee J,
Choi M,
Lee Y,
Choi D,
Lee SUniversal light-guiding geometry for on-chip resonators having extremely high Q-factorNature Communications 11,
Krol M,
Rechcinska K,
Nogajewski K,
Grzeszczyk M,
Lempicka K,
Mirek R,
Piotrowska S,
Watanabe K,
Taniguchi T,
Molas M,
Potemski M,
Szczytko J,
Pietka BExciton-polaritons in multilayer WSe2 in a planar microcavity2D Materials 7,
McKay L,
Merklein M,
Choudhary A,
Liu Y,
Jenkins M,
Middleton C,
Cramer A,
Chilton A,
Devenport J,
Vu K,
Choi D,
Ma P,
Madden S,
DeSalvo RBroadband Brillouin Phase Shifter Utilizing RF Interference: Experimental Demonstration and Theoretical AnalysisJournal of Lightwave Technology 38,
McKay L,
Merklein M,
Liu Y,
Cramer A,
Maksymow J,
Chilton A,
Yan K,
Choi D,
Madden S,
DeSalvo R,
Eggleton BIntegrated microwave photonic true-time delay with interferometric delay enhancement based on Brillouin scattering and microring resonatorsOptics Express 28,
Pieczarka M,
Estrecho E,
Boozarjmehr M,
Bleu O,
Steger M,
West K,
Pfeiffer L,
Snoke D,
Levinsen J,
Parish M,
Truscott A,
Ostrovskaya EObservation of quantum depletion in a non-equilibrium exciton-polariton condensateNature Communications 11,
Sinobad M,
Della Torre A,
Armand R,
Luther-Davies B,
Ma P,
Madden S,
Mitchell A,
Moss D,
Hartmann J,
Fedeli J,
Monat C,
Grillet CHigh Coherence at f and 2f of Mid-Infrared Supercontinuum Generation in Silicon Germanium WaveguidesIEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 26,
Sinobad M,
DellaTorre A,
Armand R,
Luther-Davies B,
Ma P,
Madden S,
Mitchell A,
Moss D,
Hartmann J,
Fedeli J,
Monat C,
Grillet CMid-infrared supercontinuum generation in silicon-germanium all-normal dispersion waveguidesOptics Letters 45,
Sobolev E,
Zolotarev S,
Giewekemeyer K,
Bielecki J,
Okamoto K,
Reddy H,
Andreasson J,
Ayyer K,
Barak I,
Bari S,
Barty A,
Bean R,
Bobkov S,
Chapman H,
Chojnowski G,
Daurer B,
Rode AMegahertz single-particle imaging at the European XFELCommunications Physics 3,
Wurdack M,
Yun T,
Estrecho E,
Pieczarka M,
Lockrey M,
Lu Y,
Truscott A,
Syed N,
Bhattacharyya ,
Zavabeti A,
Chen ,
Haas B,
M?ller J,
Bao Q,
Schneider C,
Fuhrer M,
Ostrovskaya E,
Daeneke TUltrathin Ga203 Glass: A Large-Scale Passivation and Protection Material for Monolayer WS2.Advanced Materials 33,
Yang I,
Kim S,
Niihori M,
Alabadla A,
Li Z,
Li L,
Lockrey M,
Choi D,
Aharonovich I,
Wong-Leung J,
Tan H,
Jagadish C,
Fu LHighly uniform InGaAs/InP quantum well nanowire array-based light emitting diodesNano Energy 71(
(60 publications)
Conference paper
Bernhardt N,
Koshelev K,
White S,
Meng K,
Froch J,
Tran T,
Kim S,
Choi D,
Kivshar Y,
Solntsev ASecond-Harmonic Generation from WS2 Monolayers Enhanced by BIC ResonancesConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2020) ?,
Bernhardt N,
Koshelev K,
White S,
Meng K,
Froch J,
Kim S,
Tran T,
Choi D,
Kivshar Y,
Solntsev AObservation of Extraordinary SHG from WS2 Monolayers Boosted by Optical Bound States in the Continuum14th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO PR 2020) ?,
Della Torre A,
Sinobad M,
Armand R,
Luther-Davies B,
Ma P,
Madden S,
Debbarma S,
Vu K,
Moss D,
Mitchell A,
Hartmann J,
Fedeli J,
Monat C,
Grillet CCoherent Mid-Infrared Supercontinuum Sources in Silicon-Germanium Waveguides2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2020 ?,
Della Torre A,
Sinobad M,
Armand R,
Luther-Davies B,
Ma P,
Madden S,
Moss D,
Mitchell A,
Hartmann J,
Reboud V,
Fedeli J,
Monat C,
Grillet CMid-Infrared Supercontinuum Generation in Germanium-on-Silicon Waveguides14th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO PR 2020) ?,
Della Torre A,
Sinobad M,
Armand R,
Luther-Davies B,
Ma P,
Madden S,
Hartmann J,
Reboud V,
Fedeli J,
Monat C,
Grillet CExperimental mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in a germanium on silicon waveguideNonlinear Photonics 2020 ?,
Della Torre A,
Sinobad M,
Armand R,
Luther-Davies B,
Ma P,
Madden S,
Moss D,
Mitchell A,
Hartmann J,
Reboud V,
Fedeli J,
Monat C,
Grillet CMid -Infrared Supercontinuum Generation in Germanium -on -Silicon Waveguides2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, CLEO-PR 2020 ?,
Koshelev K,
Zograf G,
Korolev V,
Zalogina A,
Choi D,
Hollinger R,
Luther-Davies B,
Zürch M,
Kartashov D,
Spielmann C,
Makarov S,
Kruk S,
Kivshar YBound states in the continuum for enhanced generation of high optical harmonicsNonlinear Photonics 2020 ?,
Löchner F,
George A,
Koshelev K,
Bucher T,
Najafidehaghani E,
Fedotova A,
Choi D,
Pertsch T,
Staude I,
Kivshar Y,
Turchanin A,
Setzpfandt FMoS2 monolayer coupled to a multi-resonant dielectric metasurface exhibiting enhanced second-harmonic generationNonlinear Photonics 2020 ?,
McKay L,
Merklein M,
Liu Y,
Cramer A,
Maksymow J,
Chilton A,
Vu K,
Choi D,
Ma P,
Madden S,
DeSalvo R,
Eggleton BChip-based broadband true-time delay using Brillouin scattering and phase amplification14th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO PR 2020) ?,
paper C8D_2
Rapp L,
Smillie L,
Gamaly E,
Rode A,
Ozaki N,
Sagae D,
Mukai K,
Matsuoka T,
Pikuz T,
Seto Y,
Syobu T,
Tominaga A,
Firestein K,
Golberg DHigh-Pressure Silicon Phase Created by High Power Ultrashort Laser Pulse at the Intensity of 1019 W/cm214th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO PR 2020) ?,
Santagati R,
Gentile A,
Knauer S,
Schmitt S,
Paesani S,
Granade C,
Wiebe N,
Osterkamp C,
McGuinness L,
Wang J,
Thompson M,
Rarity J,
Jelezko F,
Laing AQuantum sensing of magnetic fields using quantum hamiltonian learningFrontiers in Optics 2020 ?,
Sinobad M,
Della Torre A,
Armand R,
Luther-Davies B,
Ma P,
Madden S,
Mitchell A,
Moss D,
Hartmann J,
Fedeli J,
Monat C,
Grillet CCoherent mid-infrared supercontinuum generation for pulse compression in a silicon-based chipOSA High-brightness Sources and Light-driven Interactions Congress 2020 (EUVXRAY, HILAS, MICS) ?,
Sinobad M,
Della Torre A,
Armand R,
Luther-Davies B,
Ma P,
Madden S,
Mitchell A,
Moss D,
Hartmann J,
Fedeli J,
Monat C,
Grillet CLow-noise mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in a silicon-based chipAdvanced Solid State Lasers 2020 ?,
Zhang Y,
Merklein M,
Zhu Z,
Shu C,
Vu K,
Ma P,
Choi D,
Madden S,
Eggleton BTailoring the Phase-Matching Condition of Four-Wave Mixing via Brillouin Scattering in a Chalcogenide Waveguide2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2020 ?,
Zhou W,
Choi D,
Sautter J,
Arslan D,
Zou C,
Fasold S,
Lepeshov S,
Pertsch T,
Staude I,
Kivshar YOptically-Induced Antiferromagnetic Order in Mie-Resonant Dielectric MetasurfacesConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2020) ?,
Zograf G,
Koshelev K,
Korolev V,
Zalogina A,
Choi D,
Hollinger R,
Luther-Davies B,
Zürch M,
Kartashov D,
Spielmann C,
Makarov S,
Kruk S,
Kivshar YEfficient high-order optical harmonics generation from resonant semiconductor metasurfaces supporting bound states in the continuumFrontiers in Optics 2020 ?,
Zograf G,
Zalogina A,
Koshelev K,
Choi D,
Korolev V,
Hollinger R,
Kartashov D,
Zurch M,
Spielmann C,
Makarov S,
Luther-Davies B,
Kruk S,
Kivshar YHigh-Harmonic Generation in Dielectric Metasurfaces Empowered by Bound States in the ContinuumConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2020) ?,
(35 publications)