Work health and safety

The Research School of Physics has an extensive work, health and safety (WHS) program that aims to provide staff and students with the structures, systems and support to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all people within the school. The School has many and varied potential hazards. These potential hazards must be identified, risk assessed, and appropriate controls implemented. The goal is to eliminate harmful incidents or injury.

For life threatening emergencies you should first call:

(0) 000 - then call ANU Security on 612 52249

Chief Warden - Graeme Cornish - 612 53062 / 0404 857 302.

RSPhys WHS Manager - Rick Walsh - 612 50105

RSPhys Work, Health and Safety Committee chair - Prof Tim Senden. Quick link to RSPhys WHS committee

HSR (Health and Safety Representative)

     Ilya Shadrivov - 612 58095

Incidents: If a hazardous incident or injury occurs, please contact your supervisor immediately or the appropriate person for assistance.

All Hazards/Incidents/Exposures MUST be reported as quickly as practical via Figtree


Risk Assessment and Safe Work Procedure Templates

Please complete the various risk assessment templates and forward to when approved and signed. Contact our WHS team for assistance.

WHS contacts

Mental Health First Aid personnel

Graeme Cornish58, C3.09, 53062graeme.cornish
Last Updated: 23/02/2023