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Book chapter
Lei W, Chen Y, Wang Z Ordering of Self-Assembled QuantumWires on InP(001) Surfaces One-Dimensional Nanostructures Springer, New York USA (2008) 291-322
Sears K, Mokkapati S, Tan H, Jagadish C In(Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots grown by MOCVD for optoelectronic device applications Self-Assembled Quantum Dots Springer, New York (2008) 359-403
Buda M, Iordache G, Mokkapati S, Tan H, Jagadish C, Stancu V, Botila T Capacitance spectroscopy study of InGaAs/GaAs quantum dot structures Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials10, 2(2008) 323-326
Thelander C, Rehnstedt C, Fröberg L, Lind E, Martensson T, Caroff-Gaonac'h P, Lowgren T, Ohlsson B, Samuelson L, Wernersson L Development of a vertical wrap-gated InAs FET IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices55, 11(2008) 3030-3036
Wong-Leung J, Janson M, Kuznetsov A, Svensson B, Linnarsson M, Hallen A, Jagadish C, Cockayne D Ion implantation in 4H-SiC Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research: Section B266(2008) 1367-1372
Ghous A, Knackstedt M, Arns C, Sheppard A, Kumar M, Sok R, Senden T, Latham S, Jones A, Averdunk H, Pinczewski W 3D Imaging of Reservoir Core at Multiple Scales; Correlations to Petrophysical Properties and Pore Scale Fluid Distributions International Petroleum Technology Conference 20084(2008) 10
Minovich A, Hattori H, McKerracher I, Tan H, Neshev D, Jagadish C, Kivshar Y Light transmission through nanohole arrays of periodic and quasi-periodic geometries Optical Fabrication and Testing, OFT 2008?, ?(2008)