FTP publications 2016
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Journal article
Akhmediev N,
Branger H,
Kimmoun O,
Hsu H,
Li M,
Chen Y,
Kharif C,
Onorato M,
Kelleher E,
Kibler B,
Chabchoub AModulation Instability and Phase-Shifted Fermi-Pasta-Ulam RecurrenceScientific Reports 6,
Akhmediev N,
Kibler B,
Baronio F,
Chang W,
Vouzas P,
Soto-Crespo J,
Lecaplain C,
Dudley J,
Kudlinski A,
Masoller C,
Runge A,
Erkintalo M,
Taki MRoadmap on optical rogue waves and extreme eventsJournal of Optics 18,
Calvert J,
Xu H,
Palmer A,
Glover R,
Laban D,
Tong X,
Kheifets A,
Bartschat K,
Litvinyuk I,
Kielpinski D,
Sang RThe interaction of excited atoms and few-cycle laser pulsesScientific Reports 6(
Heuser S,
Jiménez-Galán A,
Cirelli C,
Marante C,
Sabbar M,
Boge R,
Lucchini m,
Gallmann L,
Ivanov I,
Kheifets A,
Dahlström J,
Lindroth E,
Argenti L,
Martin F,
Keller UAngular dependence of photoemission time delay in heliumPhysical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 94,
(49 publications)
Conference written presentation
Bourgin D,
Courtin S,
Haas F,
Goasduff A,
Stefanini A,
Montagnoli G,
Montanari D,
Corradi L,
Huiming J,
Scarlassara f,
Simenel CSub-barrier fusion and transfers in the Ca-40+Ni-58,Ni-64 systems12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, NN 2015 ?,
Chong K,
Wang L,
Staude I,
James A,
Dominguez J,
Subramania G,
Liu S,
Decker M,
Neshev D,
Brener I,
Kivshar YHighly-efficient all-dielectric Huygens' surface holograms (Conference Presentation)Metamaterials X ?,
Melik-Gaykazyan E,
Shorokhov A,
Shcherbakov M,
Staude I,
Smirnova D,
Miroshnichenko A,
Brener I,
Neshev D,
Fedyanin A,
Kivshar YThird harmonic generation in isolated all dielectric meta-atoms (Conference Presentation)SPIE Photonics Europe, 2016 ?,
(3 publications)
Conference paper
Camacho-Morales M,
Rahmani M,
Kruk S,
Wang L,
Xu L,
Miroshnichenko A,
Smirnova D,
Tan H,
Karouta F,
Naureen S,
Vora K,
Solntsev A,
Carletti L,
De Angelis C,
Jagadish C,
Kivshar Y,
Neshev DShaping the radiation pattern of second-harmonic generation from AlGaAs nonlinear nanoantennasBragg Gratings, Photosensitivity, and Poling in Glass Waveguides, BGPP 2016 ?,
Hinde D,
Dasgupta M,
Jeung D,
Mohanto G,
Prasad E,
Simenel C,
Simpson E,
Wakhle A,
Williams E,
Carter I,
Cook K,
Devi S,
Rafferty D,
Walshe JCompetition between fusion and quasifission in the formation of super-heavy elements26th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC2016) ?,
Mitchell A,
Copp P,
Savard G,
Lister C,
Lane G,
Carpenter M,
Clark J,
Zhu S,
Ayangeakaa A,
Bottoni S,
Brown T,
Chowdhury P,
Smith MRecent advances in beta-decay spectroscopy at CARIBUHeavy Ion Accelerator Symposium, HIAS 2015 ?,
Wang L,
Shorokhov A,
Melentiev P,
Kruk S,
Decker M,
Helgert C,
Setzpfandt F,
Fedyanin A,
Kivshar Y,
Neshev DMultipolar Origin of the Third Harmonic Generation from Fishnet MetamaterialsConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2016 ?,
(7 publications)