FTP publications 2002

FTP publications 2002


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Book editor

, (Eds.)
Geometric Analysis and Applications to Quantum Field Theory
Birkhauser Verlag, Boston USA (2002) ?

(1 publications)

Book chapter

The Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov Equations
Geometric Analysis and Applications to Quantum Field Theory
Birkhauser Verlag, Boston USA (2002) 21-44
De portefeuillekeuzes van Nederlandse huishoudens
De Rol Van Vermogen in de Economie
KVSH, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2002) 1-30
Transport and Noise in Mesoscopic Conductors: A Censervative View
Noise and Fluctuations Control in Electronic Devices
American Scientific Publishers, California, USA (2002) 31-48

(3 publications)

Journal article

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?-delayed Deuteron Emission from 6He
Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics 65() 034310-1-7
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Metamorphosis of Plasma Turbulence-shear-flow Dynamics through a Transcritical Bifurcation
Physical Review E 66, 6() 066408-1-9

The 9Be(p, ?)10B Cross Section at Low Energies
Nuclear Physics A 697() 915-934

Electron Screening in Reactions between Light Nuclei
Nuclear Physics A 707() 277-300

6Be and 8C Level Widths
Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics 66() 047603-1-4
Gene Stanley, the n-vector model and random walks with absorbing boundaries
Physica A: Statistical mechanics and its applications 314() 77-82
Exact solution for random walks on the triangular lattice with absorbing boundaries
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 35() 5951-5959
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The Rotor model and combinatorics
International Journal of Modern Physics B 16, 14-15() 1883-1889
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Twisted K-theory and K-Theory of Bundle Gerbes
Communications in Mathematical Physics 228, 1() 17-49
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D-Branes on Group Manifolds and Fusion Rings
Journal of High Energy Physics 12() 065
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Di-proton Decay of the 6.15 MeV 1- State in 18Ne
Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics 65() 051309-1-3
JPC-Exotic Mesons from the Bethe-Salpeter Equation
Few-Body Systems 32, 3() 119-126
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Tc Enhancement in Multiphonon-mediated Multiband Superconductivity
Philosophical Magazine B 82, 16() 1749-1754
Effective Hamiltonian of the Two-band Hubbard Model: An Exact Result
Philosophical Magazine Letters 82, 12() 671-680
Recent Advances in Ion Channel Research
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: International journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics 1565() 267-286
Ion Channels: Recent Progress and Prospects
European Biophysics Journal 31() 283-293
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Conducting-State Properties of the KcsA Potassium Channel from Molecular and Brownian Dynamics Simulations
Biophysical Journal 82() 628 - 645
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Modeling Diverse Range of Potassium Channels with Brownian Dynamics
Biophysical Journal 83() 263 - 277
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Reservoir Boundaries in Brownian Dynamics Simulations of Ion Channels
Biophysical Journal 82() 1975 - 1984
Excitonic Superconductivity in Charge Injected Organics
Nonlinear Optics 29, 4-6() 219-225

Asymptotology - A Cautionary Tale
ANZIAM Journal 44() 33-40
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Continuum Electrostatics Fails to Describe Ion Permeation in the Gramicidin Channel
Biophysical Journal 83() 1348 - 1360
Excited State TBA for the ?2,1 Perturbed M3,5 Model
Nuclear Physics B 647() 404-432
General Properties of Cosmological Models with an Isotropic Singularity
General Relativity and Gravitation 34, 10() 1657 - 1673
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New Light on Electromagnetic Corrections to the Scattering Parameters Obtained from Experiments on Pionium
Nuclear Physics A 699, 3-4() 732-742
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The Effect of Vacuum Polarization on Muon-proton Scattering at Small Energies and Angles
Canadian Journal of Physics 80, 1() 39-42
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Integrable Variant of the One-Dimensional Hubbard Model
Journal of Mathematical Physics 43, 7() 3445/13
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Integrability and Exact Solution for coupled BCS Systems Associated with su(4) Lie Algebra
Nuclear Physics B 642() 501-514

Duetting: More Than Just a Lark
Nature Australia 27, 7() 52-59
Schrodinger Equation from an Exact Uncertainty Principle
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 35() 3289-3303
Quantum Mechanics from a Heisenberg-type Equality
Fortschritte der Physik-Progress of Physics 50, 5-7() 646-651
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Plasma Instability of a Vacuum Arc Centrifuge
Physical Review E-Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics 65() 046409
Near-threshold Properties of a 1/r4 plus 1/r5 Potential Tail
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 35() 4839-4845
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Ferromagnetic Phases in the Kondo Lattice Model
Philosophical Magazine B 82, 11() 1211-1224

Randomness Does Not Destroy Interference
Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 65() 034701-1-3
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A New Probe for Coherent Many-Body Dynamics: Nonergodic Molecules in Continuum
International Journal of Modern Physics E - Nuclear Physics 11, 4() 273-280
Permeation Models and Structure-function Relationships in Ion Channels
Journal of Biological Physics 28() 289-308
Mean Field Study of the Quadrupole-octupole Degree of Freedom in the spdf Boson Model
Physical Review C: Nuclear Physics 65() 064323-1-14
The Non-Abelian Density Matrix Renormalization Group Algorithm
Europhysics Letters 57, 6() 852-858
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Localized Spin Ordering in Kondo Lattice Models
Physical Review B 65, 5() 052410-1-4
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Iterative Optimization of Auxiliary Coils for Stellarators
Nuclear Fusion 42, April() 383-387
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Intermetallic Compounds of the Heaviest Elements: The Electronic Structure and Bonding of Dimers of Element 112 and its Homolog Hg
Chemical Physics Letters 365() 176-183
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Anderson Localization of Ballooning Modes, Quantum Chaos and the Stability of Compact Quasiaxially Symmetric Stellarators
Physics of Plasmas 9, 5() 1990-1996

A Generation Model of the Fundamental Particles
International Journal of Modern Physics E - Nuclear Physics 11, 6() 555-566

Multipartitions, generalized Durfee squares and affine Lie algebra characters
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 72, 3() 395-408

Double ionization of helium by electron impact in the impulsive regime
Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 65, 3() 1-8

Symmetrized amplitudes of the helium-atom double photoionization
Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 65, 2() 1-8

Double photoionization of He at 80 eV excess energy in the equal-energy-sharing condition
Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 65, 3() 1-4

Convergence properties of gradient descent noise reduction
Physica D 165, 1-2() 26-47

(52 publications)

Conference paper

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Exact Results for BCS Systems
Workshop on Integrable Theories, Solitons and Duality ?, ?() online

(1 publications)