Nonlinear and quantum photonics group

Built in quality control to make quantum tech more reliable

One of quantum technology’s most powerful tools is interference, in which two or more identical particles interact in surprising ways – sometimes adding together, but sometimes subtracting from each other. This property can be used for quantum...

Spooky but tiny: scientists unveil new quantum light source

A key element for future quantum technology is a step closer with the unveiling of a tiny quantum light source, less than one hundredth the diameter of a hair thick. The device’s practical qualities will make it a valuable component for future...

Unleashing the superpowers of materials with the flash of a laser

Scientists have devised a way to reveal the superpowers of a crystal, with a mere flash of laser light. The superpowers in question, known as topological phases of light, include the ability to guide light along winding paths perfectly with no loss,...

A step closer to a data superhighway for future internet

An international team of researchers led by ANU is helping to build a safe data superhighway for the highly anticipated quantum internet, which promises a new era of artificial intelligence and ultra-secure communication. Associate Professor Andrey Sukhorukov...

Tiny camera lens may help link quantum computers to network

An international team of researchers led by The Australian National University (ANU) has invented a tiny camera lens, which may lead to a device that links quantum computers to an optical fibre network. Quantum computers promise a new era in ultra-secure...