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Book chapter
Samoc A, Galewski Z, Samoc M, Grote J Prism coupler and microscopic investigations of DNA films Nanobiotronics: Proceedings of SPIE Volume 6646 SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, US (2007) 664607/1-9
Samoc M, Samoc A, Miniewicz A, Markowicz P, Prasad P, Grote J Cubic nonlinear optical effects in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) based materials containing chromophores Nanobiotronics: Proceedings of SPIE Volume 6646 SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, US (2007) 66460A 10
Boschetto D, Gamaly E, Rode A, Garl T Excitation of Coherent Phonons in Crystalline B: theory for driving atomic vibrations by femtosecond pulses Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings1016, CC06-03(2007) 1-7
Juodkazis S, Rode A, Kondo T, Misawa H, Samoc M, Luther-Davies B Femtosecond Laser Structuring of As2S3 Glass for Erasable and Permanent Optical Memory Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings997, 105-05(2007) 1-6
Minovich A, Neshev D, Dreischuh A, Krolikowski W, Kivshar Y Experimental reconstruction of nonlocal response of thermal nonlinear optical media Optics Letters32, 12(2007) 1599-1601
Rode A, Arcon D, Zorko A, Jaglicic Z, Christy A, Madsen N, Luther-Davies B, Lau D, McCulloch D Positive magnetism in Carbon Nanoclusters produced by high-repetition Rate-Laser Ablation Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings998, J03-05(2007)
Rode A, Baldwin K, Wain A, Delaporte P Ultrafast lasers for conservation of heritage artefacts AICCM Bulletin30(2007) 17-26