Our people

Department of Nuclear Physics & Accelerator Applications

People filter

NamePhoneEmail addressPosition
(02) 612 50609 PhD Student
PhD Student
MPhil Student
(02) 612 52083 PhD Student
(02) 612 54837 PhD Student
(02) 612 53648 Technical Officer
(02) 612 52544 Engineer Officer
(02) 612 52077 Departmental Visitor
(02) 612 52083 Technical Officer
(02) 612 59626 Research Fellow
(02) 612 53442 Emeritus Professor
(02) 612 52083
(02) 612 52402 Professor
(02) 612 54837 Postdoctoral Fellow
(02) 612 53416 Engineer Officer
Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Fellow
(02) 612 58068 Professor
PhD Student
(02) 612 52083
(02) 612 52077 Senior Fellow
(02) 612 50609 Postdoctoral Fellow
(02) 612 52085 Engineer Officer
Honours Student
(02) 612 52083 PhD Student
(02) 612 52081 Professor
(02) 612 52083 PhD Student
(02) 612 56673
(02) 612 52083
(02) 612 52083 Student
(02) 612 52083 MPhil Student
(02) 612 52424
PhD Student
(02) 612 50521 Emeritus Professor
(02) 612 55181
(02) 612 52095
(02) 612 52083 Departmental Visitor
(02) 612 51612 Senior Fellow
(02) 612 52083 Technical Officer
Honorary Professor
MPhil Student
(02) 612 52083 PhD Student
Visiting Student
(02) 612 52544 Technical Officer
(02) 612 52083 PhD Student
(02) 612 52085 Technical Officer
(02) 612 52083 Student
(02) 612 52094
(02) 612 52083
PhD Student
(02) 612 52085 Technical Officer
(02) 612 52083 Student
(02) 612 52093
(02) 612 50198 Technical Officer
PhD Student
(02) 612 52083 MPhil Student
PhD Student
(02)61250375 Professor
(02) 612 52083 PhD Student
PhD Student
(02) 612 52862
(02) 612 54838
(02) 612 56151 Fellow
(02) 612 52085 Engineer Officer
(02) 612 52484 Adjunct Professor
Departmental Visitor
(02) 612 57358
(02) 612 54837 PhD Student
(02) 612 54837 PhD Student
(02) 612 52083 PhD Student
(02) 612 53526 Senior Fellow
Honours Student
(02) 612 52080
(02) 612 51308 Research Fellow
PhD Student
(02) 612 52085 Technical Officer
(02) 612 52096
(02) 612 52083
PhD Student
(02) 612 52083 Departmental Administrator
0468 443 420
(02) 612 52943 Head of Department
(02) 612 52082 Senior Fellow
Honours Student
(02) 612 55179 Postdoctoral Fellow
(02) 612 52083 Departmental Visitor
(02) 612 50609 PhD Student
PhD Student
(02) 612 52097 Head of Department
(02) 612 52083 PhD Student
(02) 612 50040 Professor
(02) 612 52085 Technical Officer
(02) 612 51571 Technical Officer
(02) 612 52086 Professor
(02) 612 52083
PhD Student
(02) 612 52412 Technical Officer
(02) 612 52401 Departmental Visitor
(02) 612 52864 Technical Officer
PhD Student
(02) 612 52083 Student
(02) 612 52083 PhD Student
(02) 612 52083 Honours Student
(02) 612 59432
PhD Student
(02) 612 53407 Honorary Professor

113 records displayed

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