Access To Buildings in RSPhys and After Hours Approval

Approval process for after hours working in RSPhys.

Normal business hours in RSPhys are 8.00am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday. It is recommended that all work be conducted during these hours where possible. During these hours, there is appropriate coverage in regard to First Aid, Security and Warden coverage.
Any work after hours will be restricted due to staff availability in regard to safety practices, and therefore ANU Security cannot be relied upon to cover emergencies out with these business hours. 
RSPhys staff and students must understand their WHS responsibilities and understand the requirements in the event of an Emergency. All School/Division Inductions and mandatory training must be completed, the list of mandatory courses are described below. These can be found on the ANU PULSE website:

Access to buildings after-hours (6:00pm - 8.00am weekdays and all hours on weekend) is by approval only from RSPhys WHS and your direct supervisor

Office Work After Hours 

Approval for office after hours work in RSPhys will be granted by WHS Physics via submission of the After-Hours Office Work SWP to the RSPhys WHS Office ( in which you agree to the following

Children are not allowed in University buildings where hazardous locations or restricted locations exist, unless special arrangements are made by the Budget Unit management to ensure children will not enter hazardous locations or restricted locations within the building or be exposed to hazardous agents.

The general public are not allowed in University buildings where hazardous locations or restricted locations exist, unless special arrangements are made by Budget Unit management to ensure the public will not enter hazardous locations or restricted locations within the building or be exposed to hazardous agents.


All after hours work will be approved by RSPhys WHS and your direct supervisor. Access to laboratories or workshops will not be approved until the induction and mandatory training for that area has been completed and the appropriate risk assessment and safe work procedure has been implemented. 
Where a Lab has organized for After-Hours work to be performed, a Safe Work procedure for the work will have been created. In these cases, the procedure will have been published in the RSPhys Risk Assessment Register. Submit the procedure with your agreement to the procedure and the area supervisors approval to the WHS Office

Where a safe work procedure has not been developed one can be created using the following templates but the lab manager
Risk Assessment Template
Safe Work Procedure Template

To further reduce the risk of after-hours working to RSPhys staff, it has been deemed necessary not to authorize the following procedures:

The following must have a buddy system implemented, minimum 2 people in the lab/area where the activity is taking place.

Please note that after-hours works must have been identified in the Room risk assessment for after-hours approval. 

If you must work after hours, you must have prior approval from your supervisor and RSPhys WHS and what you're planning to do and where you will be. As a general rule do not work alone in the lab or workshop and no high-risk activities may be conducted out of hours. 

Employee responsibility: It is important that an employee does not inadvertently invite an individual, who is not a University employee or approved visitor, into a location that is hazardous or otherwise restricted.

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