Dr. Yan Sheng received her PhD degree in Optical Physics from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science (Beijing, China) in 2007. After this she undertook a two-year postdoctoral position at Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPIP), Mainz, Germany. This period involved versatile research programs from fundamental physics of light-matter interaction to advanced nonlinear phtonic structures and devices. In March 2010, she joined Laser Physics Center as an Australian Postdoctoral Fellow (APD) to develop her expertise in nonlinear optics. Dr. Sheng currently is a Fellow (level C) and her research interests include nonlinear photonic crystals and femtosecond laser writing of nonlinear photonic structures.
Research interests
Dr. Yan Sheng's research interests include nonlinear optics and femtosecond laser materials processing.
Y. Sheng*, X. Chen, and W. Krolikowski, Direct Femtosecond Laser Writing of Nonlinear Photonic Crystals, in Advances in Optics: Reviews, International Frequency Sensor Association (IFSA), Barcelona, Spain (2018).
X. Chen, W. Krolikowski,and Y. Sheng*,Nonlinear optical effects at ferroelectric domain walls, in Ferroelectrics and Their Applications, IntechOpen Publishing Group, London, United Kindom (2018).
Dr. Yan Sheng has established closed collaborations with research groups in Europe including Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (Germany), Tel Aviv University (Israel) and Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (Spain) as well as a number of Asian groups in Hongkong and Mainland of China.
Publication highlights
Our exciting breakthrough in ferroelectric domain engineering with ultrafast light pulses was highlighted by Optical Society of American as one of the most exciting optics researches in 2016. The full description on this achievement was published in the special issue "Optics in 2016" of Optics & Photonics News (01 December 2016 ).
Recent publications
S. Liu, W. Krolikowski and Y. Sheng*, “Broadband enhancement of ÄŒerenkov second harmonic generation in a sunflower spiral nonlinear photonic crystal”, Optics Express 26 (7), 8628-8633 (2018).
- B. Wang, K. Switowski, C. Cojocaru, V. Roppo, Y. Sheng, M. Scalora, J. Kisielewski, D. Pawlak, R. Vilaseca, H. Akhouayri, and J. Trull, “Comparative analysis of ferroelectric domain statistics via nonlinear diffraction in random nonlinear materials”, Optics Express 26 (2), 1083-1096 (2017).
- V. G. Shvedov, Y. V. Izdebskaya, Y. Sheng, W. Krolikowski, Magnetically controlled negative refraction of solitons in liquid crystals, Applied Physics Letters 110 (9), 091107 (2017).
- X. Chen, P. Karpinski, V. Shvedov, A. Boes, A. Mitchell, W. Krolikowski, and Y. Sheng*, “Quasi-phase matching via femtosecond laser-induced domain inversion in lithium niobate waveguides”, Opt. Lett. 41, 2410 (2016).
- X. Chen, K. Switkowski, X. Hu, W. Krolikowski, and Y. Sheng*, “Enhanced fourth harmonic generation via nonlinear Cerenkov radiation in periodically poled lithium niobate crystal”, Opt. Express 24, 29948 (2016).
- B. Wang, C. Cojocaru, W. Krolikowski, Y. Sheng, and J. Trull, “Transverse single-short cross-correlation scheme for laser pulse temporal measurement via planar second harmonic generation”, Opt. Express 24, 22210 (2016).
- R. Ni, L. Du, Y. Wu, X. P. Hu, J. Zou, Y. Sheng, A. Arie, Y. Zhang, and S. N. Zhu, “Nonlinear Cherenkov difference-frequency generation exploiting birefrigence of KTP“, Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 031104 (2016).
- X. Chen, P. Karpinski, V. Shvedov, B. Wang, J. Trull, C. Cojocaru, A. Boes, A. Mitchell, W. Krolikowski, and Y. Sheng*, “Two-dimensional domain structures in lithium niobate via domain inversion with ultrafast light”, Photonics Lett. Pol. 8, 33 (2016). Cover Story.
- X. Chen, P. Karpinski, V. Shvedov, K. Koynov, B. Wang, J. Trull, C. Cojocaru, W. Krolikowski, and Y. Sheng*, “Ferroelectric domain engineering by focused infrared femtosecond pulses”, App. Phys. Lett. 107, 141102 (2015).
- P. Karpinski, X. Chen, V. Shvedov, C. Hnatovsky, A. Grisard, E. Lallier, B. Luther-Davies, W. Krolikowski, Y. Sheng, “Nonlinear diffraction in orientation-patterned semiconductors”, Opt. Express 23, 14903 (2015).
- J. Trull, I. Sola, B. Wang, A. Parra, W Krolikowski, Y. Sheng, R. Vilaseca, and C. Cojocaru, “Ultrashort pulse chirp measurement via transverse second-harmonic generation in strontium barium niobate crystal”, App. Phys. Lett. 106, 221208 (2015).
- D. T. Trinh, V. Shynkar, A. Arie, Y. Sheng, W. Krolikowski, and J. Zyss, “Electro-optical interferometric microscopy of periodic and aperiodic ferroelectric structures”, Laser & Photon. Rev. 9, 214 (2015).
- V. Shvedov, P. Karpinski, Y. Sheng, X. Chen, W. Zhu, W. Krolikowski, C. Hnatovsky, “Visualizing polarization singularities in Bessel-Poincaré beams”, Opt. Express 23, 12444 (2015).
- Y. Sheng*, X. Chen, T. Lukasiewicz, M. Swirkowicz, K. Koynov, and W. Krolikowski, “Calcium barium niobate as a functional material for broadband optical frequency conversion”, Opt. Lett. 39, 1330 (2014).
- B. Chen, M. Ren, R. Liu, C. Zhang, Y. Sheng, B. Ma, and Z. Li, “Simultaneous broadband generation of second and third harmonics from chirped nonlinear photonic crystals”, Light: Science & Applications 3, e189/1-6 (2014).
- W. Wang, Y. Sheng, X. Niu, M. Huang, S. Zheng, Y. Kong, “Manipulation of quadratic cascading processes in a locally quasi-periodic medium”, Opt. Express 22, 6976 (2014).
- W. Wang, Y. Sheng, S. Liu, X. Niu, and W. Krolikowski, “Second harmonic Cerenkov radiation in bulk birefringent quadratic medium without any χ(2) modulation”, Opt. Laser Technol. 58, 16 (2014).
Grants and awards
ARC APD Fellowship (DP1095981) “Optical parametric processes in randomized nonlinear photonic structures”
Max-Planck Society Postdoctoral Fellowship 2007-2009 “Quasi-periodic nonlinear photonic crystals”