Emeritus Professor Stephen Hyde

Hyde, Stephen profile
Position Emeritus Professor
Department Materials Physics
Research group
Office phone (02) 612 54553
Office Off Campus AM
Webpage http://people.physics.anu.edu.au/~s...

Origomu: rubber sheet folding

I am exploring the geometry of folding rubber sheets ("origomu"), thereby allowing local stretch and compression. The motivation is to explore possible multi-sheeted forms due ot flding that are common in biology. Examples include "lamellar bodies" that deliver lung surfactant to the lung surface, myelin sheaths that surround nerves in animals. 


Thi is a long-term project to enumerate and explore crystalline netoworks via 2d hyperboilc geometry. See <epinet.anu.edu.au>. It is on-going, with Vanessa Robins at Applied Mathematics, and colleagues in the US and Europe. 
