Dr Boyd Blackwell

Blackwell, Boyd profile
Position Emeritus Professor
Department Materials Physics
Research group Experimental plasma science group
Office phone (02) 612 52482
Office Off Campus AM


Journal article

, , , , , , , , , , ,
Experimental confirmation of efficient island divertor operation and successful neoclassical transport optimization in Wendelstein 7-X
Nuclear Fusion 62, 4()
, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Demonstration of reduced neoclassical energy transport in Wendelstein 7-X
Nature 598() 221-226
, , , , , , , , , ,
Plasma radiation behavior approaching high-radiation scenarios in W7-X
Nuclear Fusion 61, 12() 1-12
, , , , , ,
Numerical estimate of multi-species ion sound speed of Langmuir probe interpretations in the edge plasmas of Wendelstein 7-X
Plasma Science and Technology 22, 8()
, , , , ,
The Langmuir probe system in the Wendelstein 7-X test divertor
Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 6() 1-18
, , , , , , , , , , , ,
Forward modeling of collective Thomson scattering for Wendelstein 7-X plasmas: Electrostatic approximation
Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 2() 1-12
, , , , , , , , , , ,
Radiative edge cooling experiments in Wendelstein 7-X start-up limiter campaign
Nuclear Fusion 59, 7() 1-16
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Drift effects on W7-X divertor heat and particle fluxes
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61 , 125001()
, , , , , , , , , , ,
Effect of toroidal plasma currents on the Wendelstein 7-X Scrape-Off Layer
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61() 9
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
"Effect of toroidal plasma currents on theWendelstein 7-X Scrape-Off Layer"
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61 , 125014() 10
, , , , , , , , , ,
Overview of first Wendelstein 7-X high-performance operation
Nuclear Fusion 59, 11()
, , , , , , , , , ,
Tuning of the rotational transform in Wendelstein 7-X
Nuclear Fusion 59, 12() 1-11
, , , , , , , , , , ,
"Tuning of the rotational transform in Wendelstein 7-X"
Nuclear Fusion 59() 1-11
, , , , , , , , , ,
First divertor physics studies in Wendelstein 7-X
Nuclear Fusion 59, 9()
, , , , , , , , , ,
Spectroscopic studies of fuel recycling and impurity behaviors in the divertor region of Wendelstein 7-X
Plasma Science and Technology 21, 10()
, , , , , , , , , ,
Observation of Marfes in the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator with inboard limiters
Nuclear Fusion 58, 9() 1-11
, , , , , , ,
Global Alfv?n eigenmodes in the H-1 heliac
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 59, 12() 12
, , , , , , ,
Global Alfv?n eigenmodes in the H-1 heliac
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 59, 12() 12
, , , , , , ,
Influence of magnetic configuration on edge turbulence and transport in the H-1 Heliac
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 59, 2() 1-11
, , , , , , ,
B2. 5-Eirene modeling of radial transport in the MAGPIE linear plasma device
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 26, 5() 9
, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Major results from the first plasma campaign of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
Nuclear Fusion 57, 10() 102020 13
, ,
Datamining Applications in Plasma Physics
Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research 92, 5() 342-346
Collisional damping of helicon waves in a high density hydrogen linear plasma device
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25, 5() 15.
, , , , , , , , , , ,
Confirmation of the topology of the Wendelstein 7-X magnetic field to better than 1:100,000
Nature Communications 7, -() 13493-13493
, , , , , , , , , , , ,
Overview of diagnostic performance and results for the first operation phase in Wendelstein 7-X (invited)
Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 11()
, , , , , , , , , ,
Main results of the first experimental campaign in the stellarator W7-X
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology 106, 6() 3-8
RF compensation of double Langmuir probes: modelling and experiment
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 24, 3()
, , , , , , ,
Experiment-theory comparison for low frequency BAE modes in the strongly shaped H-1NF stellarator
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 57, 9() 1-12
, , , , , ,
Effects of resistivity and rotation on the linear plasma response to non-axisymmetric magnetic perturbations on DIII-D
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 57, 2() 025015/1-11
, ,
Clustering of periodic multichannel timeseries data with application to plasma fluctuations
Computer Physics Communications 185, 6() 1669-1680
, , , , ,
Linear ideal MHD predictions for n = 2 non-axisymmetric magnetic perturbations on DIII-D
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 56, 3() 1-11
, , ,
Synchronous imaging of coherent plasma fluctuations
Review of Scientific Instruments 85, 3() 1-6
H1DS: A new web-based data access system
Fusion Engineering and Design 89, 5() 731-735
, , , , , , , ,
Initial damage processes for diamond film exposure to hydrogen plasma
Fusion Engineering and Design 88, 12() 3101-3107
, , , , , ,
A multichannel magnetic probe system for analysing magnetic fluctuations in helical axis plasmas
Review of Scientific Instruments 84, 9()
, ,
Ideal-magnetohydrodynamic theory of low-frequency Alfven waves in the H-1 Heliac
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 54, 5() 055009
, , , , ,
Wave modeling in a cylindrical non-uniform helicon discharge
Physics of Plasmas 19, 8() 083511
, , , ,
A reduced global Alfven eigenmodes model for Mirnov array data on the H-1NF heliac
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 53, 8() 14
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Influence of trapped electrons on ECCD in Heliotron J
Nuclear Fusion 51, 10() 103035-8
, , , , , , ,
Model Data Fusion: developing Bayesian inversion to constrain equilibrium and mode structure
Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research 9() 479-486
, , , , , ,
The use of Bayesian inversion to resolve plasma equilibrium
Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 10() 1E+128-1E+128
, , , , , , , , , , ,
Doppler coherence imaging and tomography of flows in tokamak plasmas
Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 10() 10E528-10E528
, , ,
Core magnetic islands and plasma confinement in the H-1NF heliac
Physics of Plasmas 17, 8() 082503,1-8
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
ECCD Experiments Using the Upgraded Launching System in Heliotron J
Contributions to Plasma Physics 50, 6-7() 656-660
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Physics of Heliotron J Confinement
Plasma and Fusion Research 5() S2003
, , , , , , , , , , , ,
Studies of MHD Stability Using Data Mining Technique in Helical Plasmas
Plasma and Fusion Research 5() 034
, , , , , , ,
Imaging photomultiplier array with integrated amplifiers and high-speed USB interface
Review of Scientific Instruments 79() 10F506-1 - 10F506-3
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Effect of Toroidal Current on Rotational Transform Profile by MHD Activity Measurement in Heliotron J
Plasma and Fusion Research 3, S1067() 1-6
, , ,
Reduction of magnetic confinement fusion data for data mining applications
Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal 50, SUPPL.() C729-C743
, ,
Wire tomography in the H-1NF heliac for investigation of fine structure of magnetic islands
Review of Scientific Instruments 78() 013501-013508
, , , , , ,
Tomographic interferometry of a filtered high-current vacuum arc plasma
Journal of Applied Physics 101() 073302 /1-11
, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Observation of magnetohydrodynamic instabilities in Heliotron J plasmas
Fusion Science and Technology 51() 92-96
, , , , ,
A supersonic gas injection system for fueling and probing fusion plasmas
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 15, 4() 797-804
, , ,
Ion Detachment in the Helicon Double-Layer Thruster Exhaust Beam
Journal of Propulsion and Power 22, 1() 24-30
, , , ,
Three view electronically scanned interferometer for plasma electron density measurements on the H-1 heliac
Review of Scientific Instruments 77, 10() 10E907-1-3
, ,
Fusion research: Australian connections - Past and future
Australian Physics 43, 4() 132-138
, ,
Visible Emission Tomography in the H-1NF Heliac
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 33, 2() 472-473
, , , , , , , , ,
Fluctuations and stability of plasmas in the H-lNF heliac
Nuclear Fusion 44() 279-286
, , , , , ,
Studies of Resonantly Produced Plasmas in the H-1NF Heliac using a Far-infrared Scanning Interferometer
Review of Scientific Instruments 74, 3() 1629-1632
, ,
Iterative Optimization of Auxiliary Coils for Stellarators
Nuclear Fusion 42, April() 383-387

Observations on water distribution in soybean seed during hydration processes using nuclear magnetic resonance imaging
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 82, 3() 513-519

Results from helical axis stellarators
Physics of Plasmas 8, 5() 2238-2244
, , ,
Algorithms for real time magnetic field tracing and optimization
Computer Physics Communications 142() 243-247
, ,
The MOSS Camera on H-1NF
Review of Scientific Instruments 72() 1034-1037
, , ,
Dynamic behaviour of the low-to-high confinement transitions in the H-1 heliac
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 43() 559-570
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Physics Design of a High-B Quasi-Axisymmetric Stellarator
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 41() B273-B283
, ,
Thresholds and the role of the radial electric field in confinement bifurcations in the H-1 heliac
Physics of Plasmas 5, 6() 2390-2398

(77 publications)

Conference paper

, , , , , , , , , ,
Characterisation of power flux reduction in the Wendelstein 7-X divertor plasma with Langmuir probes
45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2018 ?, ?() 653-656
, , , , , , , , , ,
Position and dynamics of the edge visible radiating belt at Wendelstein 7-X
44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2017 () 1-4
, , , , , , , , , , , ,
Core confinement in wendelstein 7-X limiter plasmas
43rd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2016 57() 086010 8
, ,
"Initial characterization of Argon plasmas in the "MAGnetized Plasma Interaction Experiment" (MAGPIE)"
39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2012, EPS 2012 and the 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics 3() 2007-2010
, , , , ,
Wave modelling in a cylindrical non-uniform helicon discharge
39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2012, EPS 2012 and the 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics 2() 994-997
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Identification of variables causing clustering in the global energy confinement data by use of discriminant analysis
38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2011, EPS 2011 35 2() 1380-1383
, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Connecting physics models and diagnostic data using bayesian graphical models
37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics 2010, EPS 2010 1() 169-172
, , , , ,
Reduction of magnetic confinement fusion data for data mining
Computational Techniques and Applications Conference (CTAC 2008) ?, ?() C729-C743

(8 publications)

Conference written presentation

, , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Configurational Effects on Stability and Confinement in the H-1NF Heliac
International Atomic Energy Agency Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2008) ?, ?()
, , , , , , , ,
Observations of Alfvenic MHD Activity in the H-1 Heliac
International Atomic Energy Agency Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2006) ?, ?() 8

(2 publications)

Journal short contribution

, , , , , , , , , ,
Publisher Correction: Magnetic configuration effects on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator
Nature Physics 14() 855-860

(1 publications)

Journal short contribution (non refereed)

, , , , , , , , , , , ,
Erratum to: Magnetic configuration effects on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator (Nature Physics, (2018), 14, 8, (855-860), 10.1038/s41567-018-0141-9)
Nature Physics 14, 8() 867
, ,
Joint 19th ISHW and 16th RFP workshop
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 56, 9() 090301

(3 publications)

Newspaper / magazine article

, , ,
Fusion Down Under
ITER Newsline ?()

(1 publications)