Dr Qingbo Sun

Sun, Qingbo profile
Position Other
Department Materials Physics
Research group Advanced materials group
Office Cockcroft 4 38


I am now a physicist and high pressure researcher at Research School of Physics, the Australian National University (ANU). I obtained my doctoral degree at Research School of Chemistry, the ANU in 2018, which was followed by my 4-year research experience from 2009-2013 at the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. I achieved my master degree in inorganic chemistry of Shanghai University in 2009 and was granted by bachelor degree in materials physics of Hefei University of Technology in 2004.

My research mainly focuses on

(1) the discovery of novel materials or new properties under extremely high pressure conditions;

(2) synthesis of various nanomaterials to understand intrinsic correlations between atomic/ionic/molecular structures and materials properties;

(3) design and development of scalable devices with high power, ultra-long lifetime for highly efficient utilization of green energy.