Advanced materials group

We aim to create new advanced materials and demonstrate their application. Our key focus is the synthesis of novel high pressure phases using diamond anvil cells and the modification of materials using swift heavy ions.

Our approach is to build a solid fundamental understanding of the physics of new materials using a unique combination of cutting-edge nano fabrication tools as well as lab- and synchrotron-based analytical techniques. We aim to develop novel functional materials and devices that address some of the most challenging issues our world faces.

Key areas of focus include:

Our group values teamwork and diversity. We aim to create a collaborative working environment where students and staff work side-by-side to both perform experiments and analyse results.

Our former group members have found positions in Universities and National Research Facilities around the world, including the Australian Synchrotron, Los Alamos National Laboratories (USA), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA), CSIRO, among others.

Bradby, Jodie profile


Dept Administrator, MP profile
