Semiconductor nanowires hold outstanding potential as key components of future devices and systems. Offering reduced dimensionality, outstanding materials properties and the capability for bottom-up assembly, these nanostructures are highly promising nanobuilding blocks. Nanowires have a broad range of applications, which encompasses many science and engineering areas (such as electronics, photonics, bio and medical technologies). Indeed, the success of nanowires as building blocks for nano-devices relies not only on the ability to precisely control the growth of these materials but also on the development of the fabrication techniques.
The fabrication of a nanowire device is a challenging task. Not only are the nanowires intrinsically small and difficult to handle by standard means, but many fabrication steps for nanowire devices are not compatible with planar fabrication technology of most semiconductor device processing tools. Hence, various processing steps need to be developed such as conformal coating with a passivating layer, planarization and making selective contacts to core and shell regions. A wide range of nanowire-based optoelectronic devices are being investigated in this project such as solar cells, lasers, light emitting diodes and photodetectors using state-of-the-art facilities of the ACT Node of the Australian National Fabrication Facilities.