Dr Mika Kohonen

Kohonen, Mika profile
Position Technical Officer
Department Physics Education Centre
Quantum Science & Technology
Research group
Office phone (02) 612 52207
Office Physics North 1 61


Journal article

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Effect of particulate contamination on adhesive ability and repellence in two species of ant (Hymenoptera; Formicidae)
Journal of Experimental Biology 215, 4() 605-616
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The influence of surface energy on the self-cleaning of insect adhesive devices
Journal of Experimental Biology 215, 2() 279-286

On the Function of Wall Sculpturing in Xylem Conduits
Journal of Bionic Engineering 6, 4() 324-329
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On Capillary Bridges in Wet Granular Materials
Physica A: Statistical mechanics and its applications 339() 7-15
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Mixing and Condensation in a Wet Granular Medium
Physical Review Letters 90, 16() 168702- 1- 4
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Evaporation and Instabilities of Microscopic Capillary Bridges
PNAS - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 100() 803-808
Particles on melt-cut mica sheets are platinum
Langmuir 19, 3() 975-976

Capillarity at the nanoscale: An AFM view
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 16, 7() 951-964
Capillary condensation from vapors of n-hexane/perfluoro-n-hexane mixtures
Journal of Physical Chemistry B Materials 106, 26() 6685-6695
Adsorption from pure and mixed vapours of n-hexane and n-perfluorohexane
European Physical Journal E 6, 4() 315-323
Phase behavior of long-chain n-alkanes at one and between two mica surfaces
Journal of Physical Chemistry B Materials 105, 25() 5906-5913
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Debye Length in Multivalent Electrolyte Solutions
Langmuir 16() 5749-5753
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Phase Transition of n-Alkane Layers Adsorbed on Mica
Physical Review E 61() 7239-7242
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Kinetics of Capillary Condensation in a Nanoscale Pore
Physical Review Letters 82, 23() 4667-4670
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Use of the light-lever technique for the measurement of colloidal forces
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 144, 1-Mar() 1-Aug

(17 publications)