Incident and Injury Management

Incident Management

An incident is defined as a dangerous occurrence that did occur and could have caused death, injury, or harm.

hazard is defined as anything which has the potential to cause harm or injury.

An illness is defined as anything that adversely affects or aggrevates a persons health whilst at work, or during a work endorsed activity.

near miss is defined as an unplanned event that has the potential to cause, but does not actually result in, human injury, environmental or equipment damage, or an interruption to normal operation.

All must be reported to you supervisor and recorded on Figtree as soon as possible after the event. Figtree is accessible to all staff and students with a U identification number. If you are not a member of staff or a student, then please speak with your supervisor or the WHS team at 

If a serious injury, or incident has occured, the site must be preserved until a Government inspector from Comcare or the ANU WHS office advises otherwise.

These reports are used by WHS staff to identify the causes of and provide solutions to hazardous situations. This information assists with the ongoing safety of all staff and students and is used to prevent further incident or injury. The incident management procedure can be found here


Injury Management

ANU is now a self-insured university. As such, all workers compensation or related claims are managed by ANU. If you are injured whilst in the workplace or duing a work endorsed activity, you may be eligable for compensation. 


If you are a member of staff, you may be eligible to receive workers compensation for any injury incurred during working hours.

You will need to contact the WHS team for further information and to begin the workers compensation process. An Early Intervention Assistance program is also available if deemed appropriate.

You will be required to record the incident via FigTree. If for any reason the injured is unable to submit the report, the supervisor or WHS team can submit it on their behalf.



If you are a student and are injured at ANU, there are several resources available to assist you.

Students may be eligible for a Personal Injury Claim, and if you are an overseas student, you may already be covered under that insurance.

In the first instance, please speak with the WHS team should any injury occur for further assistance and information.

The incident needs to be recorded on FigTree. If for any reason the injured is unable to submit the report, the supervisor or WHS team can submit it on their behalf.

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