Laboratory WHS Risk Assessment


It is University policy that the School and all its staff have the responsibility to ensure that work conditions are safe and present minimal risks to health.  The following is a short evaluation proforma to assist in health and safety awareness for new (and existing) procedures/experiments.  This evaluation should be performed by the supervisor or delegated person in charge of the work area.

Location of experiment/Procedure –







1. Hazard Identification

                           What hazards are associated with the work?






Checked literature.  e.g. Safety Data Sheets, for information about the properties and hazards of new (unfamiliar) materials and equipment to be used in new and existing procedures.






Consult relevant persons regarding proper handling procedures and work practices.

Check recommended safe work practices, as detailed in local, school, ANU and Australian Standard document.

2. Risk Assessment

Undertake a risk assessment of each identified hazard.  Where possible quantify the probable level of exposure to the hazard and assess their potential as a

     Safety Hazard







     Health Hazard









Note:  Where quantification is not possible estimate according to four general levels of qualitative risk:

* high                         *  significant                *  moderate                *  low


3. Control the Risk

Having assessed the risk, controls need to be put in place to effectively reduce the risk as far as is reasonable practicable.  These controls are to be explicitly written into the experiment/procedure protocol.  Attach a signed copy of the written risk assessment to this protocol.

Some typical control options would be as follows –

Are all areas where serious potential hazards exist sign posted.

Are persons trained (tertiary, OHS Unit courses etc.) in the science and practice of the hazard.

Are procedures in place to be followed in case of a:

Chemical spill


Ionising Radiation Exposure/Contamination


Accident (First Aid)

What appropriate protective equipment is available and ready to use.

List equipment available: ______________________________________________________


Note that detailed control recommendations for:





are available in the University’s training manuals for these materials and relevant Australian standards in the AS2243 series.

Person responsible for organising assistance in case of an accident:


Has the appropriate school procedure/experiment proforma been completed.

Authorisation for procedure/experiment


(Head of Department/Laboratory Supervisor)

cc. Head of Department, Head Technical Officer, RSPE WHS Committee Chair

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