Workshop Safety

All staff using machine tools etc are to undertake the ANU Workshop and Trade Safety Course (WHHR32)

Only staff that are suitably trained and qualified are allowed to operate machinery and powered tools.

All research, teaching and operational work in workshops shall be undertaken (as a minimum) in accordance with requirements and guidelines documented in the University's Workshop Safety manual.

No out-of-hours work is to be conducted in the workshops without another person being present, nor is any high risk activity to be conducted out of hours.

A risk assessment must first be undertaken for work requiring the use of machine tools or hand tools.

SAFE TOOL USE guideline

When using hand or machine tools, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of personal injury and damage to equipment.

Read Instructions for Safety Warnings and Precautions

  1. Keep work area clean. Cluttered areas invite injuries. Do not use tools in damp, wet or poorly lit locations. Don't expose to rain. Keep work area well lit.
  2. Follow the safe work procedure. Failure to follow safe instruction may lead to severe injury or damage. No work should begin without a safe work procedure in place.
  3. Use the right tool, for the right job. Do not use a tool for a purpose for which it was not intended.
  4. Do not force the tool. It will do the job better and more safely at the rate for which it was intended. Do not exceed the tool's capacities.
  5. Use eye protection. Always wear approved impact safety goggles.
  6. Dress appropriately. Always wear appropriate work clothing. Do not wear loose clothing or jewellery, as they can be caught in moving parts. Non-skid footwear is recommended. Wear restrictive hair covering to contain long hair.
  7. Do  not overreach. Keep proper footing and balance at all times. Do not reach over or across running machines.
  8. Store away idle equipment. When not in use, tools should be locked up in a dry location to inhibit rust.
  9. Maintain tools with care. Keep tools maintained and clean for better and safer performance.
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