RSPE need more First Aiders!

Published in the Research School of Physics Event Horizon
Vol44 Issue28 15–19 July 2019

RSPE needs more First Aiders!

RSPE South need more First Aid officers. If you want to know more about it, feel free to talk to one of our RSPE First Aid officers.

What is First Aid  :  First aid covers the steps taken to help an injured or sick person in the first minutes after the event. Often this first aid can help someone feel better, recover more quickly, and can even save lives. First aid can be useful in many different situations, from sprains to electric shocks to heart attacks.  If you learn the basics of first aid, you might one day save the life of a loved one, colleague or stranger. First aid might involve a simple action, such as placing a person in the correct position to breathe freely. It might involve a more skilled activity, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if they have stopped breathing.

There are two levels of First Aid courses in the ANU.  Read more details here: 
WHHR15 Senior First Aid  
WHHR12 Advanced First Aid

If you don’t currently hold a valid First Aid certificate, please enrol in WHHR15 (Senior First Aid) or WHHR12 (Advanced First Aid). The Senior First Aid courses are run over two days and the next ones are scheduled for either 22nd & 29th July or 1st & 8th October.

If you prefer, you can also enrol straight in an Advanced First Aid course (you don’t have to go through the Senior level first).  Also, if you currently hold a valid First Aid certificate at a Senior level, please consider enrolling in the advanced course, which will allow you to learn advanced resucitation (including oxygen). The courses are held over three days and the next ones are either 25th July & 1st & 8th August or 14th & 21st & 28th November.

Please note that you can receive a First Aid allowance, if you have also completed the Mental First Aid training (SHHR02).


If you are interested, please contact us for a charge code and register through Horus