Continues Applied Math's tradition of encouraging creative thinking across traditional disciplinary boundaries.
Supports the Barry Ninham Chair of Natural Sciences & Stjepan Marcelja Fellowships
The Ben Williams Endowment fund was set up to assist undergraduate and postgraduate students with special difficulties such as, but not exclusively related to, mental illness, disability or family issues to continue and complete their studies.
Supports the Ben Williams Student Support Grant
The Tom Rhymes Technical Development Endowment Fund was established to assist one or more technical staff members to further the School’s research through their career development.
Supports the Tom Rhymes Technical Development Award
The fund gives students and researchers from developing countries the chance to travel to the Research School of Physics and Engineering at ANU to pursue collaborative research.
Supports the Chennupati and Vidya Jagadish Visiting Scholarship and Fellowship Awards
The Oliphant Endowment Fund serves as the overarching umbrella fund within which more specific individual endowment funds are contained. It serves to support priority teaching and research requirements of the School.
Supports technical staff to engage in activities that will advance their career and enhance the research of the Department of Nuclear Physics. The Endowment is now aiming to provide support to other Department members beyond the accelerator staff including PhD student scholarship top-ups.
Assists PhD and MPhil students to undertake part of their research program overseas by supporting collaborative visits to an overseas institution for 3-6 months.
Supports the Robert & Helen Crompton Award
Awarded annually to graduate students who have completed outstanding Physics PhD theses within the School.
Supports the Jagadishwar Mahanty Prize
Established in memory of the late Professor Noel David Dunbar who was the foundational Professor of Physics at the ANU to support physics education and to build a community of excellence.
Supports the Dunbar Honours Scholarship
An annual prize has been granted to the most outstanding undergraduate student enrolled in the Fibre and Optical Communications course since 1998.
Supports the Wanda Henry Scholarship in Photonics
Established in memory of the late Professor John Carver provides two annual scholarships to high performing students enrolled in the Physics Honours program.
Supports the John Carver Honours Scholarship
Aids postgraduate students studying Space Plasma, Astronomy or Astrophysics.
Supports the Boswell Technologies Scholarship
The Geoffrey Russell Memorial Award commemorates the passion and dedication Geoffrey Russell had for physics. He was a keen physicist and intellectual who would have made an immense contribution to society if he had not died prematurely at the age of 25.
Supports the Geoffrey Russell Memorial Award
The bequest will support future Love scholars, create a prestigious Vice Chancellor's Award and an accommodation bursary for regional physics students, along with a generous gift in support of world-class cancer research at ANU.
Supports the Love Scholarship
The ANU Achievement Prize for Third Year Physics is awarded to the student who, in that year was enrolled in a program leading to the award of a degree of Bachelor in the ANU College of Science.
Supports the Best Third Year Physics Student Award