A/Prof Bram Slagmolen

Slagmolen, Bram profile
Position Senior Fellow
Department Centre for Gravitational Astrophysics
Research group Centre for Gravitational Astrophysics
Office phone (02) 612 59094
Office Gravity Wave Building 1 80
Webpage https://cga.anu.edu.au

Prospects of future ground-based gravitational-wave detector network

In this project, we study the gravitational-wave astronomy and astrophysics science cases and observational prospects with future ground-based gravitational-wave observatories.

Dr Lilli (Ling) Sun, A/Prof Bram Slagmolen, Distinguished Prof David McClelland

Vibration control for optical interferometry

Develop an active vibraiton isolation platform to provide a quiet, small displacement environment for high precision inteferometry.

A/Prof Bram Slagmolen, Distinguished Prof David McClelland

Quantum squeezed states for interferometric gravitational-wave detectors

Using non-classical light states on laser interferometric gravitational-wave detectors, to further enhance the best length measurement devices in the world.

Distinguished Prof David McClelland, Professor Daniel Shaddock, A/Prof Bram Slagmolen

Dual torsion pendulum for quantum noise limited sensing

Construct a small dual tosion pendulum which have their centre of mass co-incide and their rotational axis colinear. Inital diagnostics will be done using shadow sensors.

A/Prof Bram Slagmolen, Distinguished Prof David McClelland

Calibrate gravitational wave detectors

For gravitational-wave detections and analyses, the raw outputs from the gravitational-wave detectors need to be converted into analysable data through some calibration apparatus. This project investigates new techniques to improve calibration accuracy and precision and better integrate the calibration bias into astrophysical analyses. 

Dr Lilli (Ling) Sun, A/Prof Bram Slagmolen, Distinguished Prof Susan Scott

Fibre optic sensor arrays for vibrometry and acoustic sensing

By leveraging hybrid digital-optical methods, we develop new distributed and quasi-distributed fibre-optic acoustic sensors. These acoustic sensors aim to measure vibration, strain and displacement all while localising the signal source along an optical fibre.

Dr Chathura Bandutunga , Dr Paul Sibley, A/Prof Bram Slagmolen

Machine learning for optics and controls

Optical cavities are widely used in physics and precision measurement.  This project will explore the use of modern machine learning methods for the control of suspended optical cavities.

A/Prof Bram Slagmolen, Dr Jiayi Qin