Intensive short courses

Physics ANU runs specialised short, intensive courses throughout the year at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Depending on the short course, they can target professionals, international visitors or Australian students. They leverage on the School’s world class teaching staff and facilities, and are designed to rapidly teach or train specific physics related knowledge and skillsets.

Canberra International Physics Summer School

Canberra International Physics Summer School

The Canberra International Physics Summer School invites Australian and international students to learn about cutting edge research in physical sciences. The School is an exciting opportunity to improve your knowledge in physics and meet inspiring academics from Australia and around the world.

This is a regular event which has been running at the Research School of Physics & Engineering since 1988. Past events included a broad range of topics including mathematical physics, plasma physics, quantum optics, topological matter and many others.

The program combines intensive study with social and cultural events - guest lectures, facility tours, science in the Pub, BBQ and more.