Available student project - Directional dark matter measurements with CYGNUS

Research fields

An artistic illustration of the WIMP wind

Project details

There is a large and convincing body of astrophysical evidence indicating that most of the matter in the universe is dark. Understanding the nature of dark matter is one of the most important problems in modern physics.

The search for dark matter has driven fantastic improvements to particle detector technology over the past 20 years, which have increased the detection sensitivity to dark matter at a rate faster than Moore's law. However, this progress cannot continue forever, as the sensitivity of future dark matter detectors will be limited by a background of neutrinos, which cannot be shielded; this limit is known as the 'neutrino fog'.

The most abundant source of low energy neutrinos is the sun, while the incident dark matter flux comes from the direction of the constellation Cygnus. Therefore, a detector capable of inferring directional particle information can search for dark matter against a background of the neutrino fog. Furthermore, even if dark matter is discovered above the neutrino fog, directional detection is a vital tool for confirming the astrophysical origin of a putative dark matter signal and to perform 'dark matter astronomy'.

The ANU plays a leading role in the CYGNUS-Oz collaboration, and we are conducting pilot studies into directional detector technology, with the aim to build a large detector. Eventually such a detector could be located in Australia's new underground physics laboratory at Stawell, Victoria. We are also have an interest in neutron detection for defence and other applications.

Our group leads the CYGNUS-Oz experimental efforts through our prototype detectors, CYGNUS-1 and CYGNUS-n. A number of projects are available for students with an interest in this area:

Further information

Required background

Experience with other experimental projects is useful.
Engineering students with experience in electronics, signal processing, or coding are encouraged to become involved.

Project suitability

This research project can be tailored to suit students of the following type(s)

Contact supervisor

Bignell, Lindsey profile

Other supervisor(s)

Slavkovska, Zuzana profile
Lane, Gregory profile