Available student project - Quantitative x-ray imaging with patterned illumination

Research fields

Project details

As X-rays interact with matter in a sample of interest, they alter both the flux of energy in the X-ray wave-field (called the "intensity"), and the direction of energy propagation (called the "phase"). Both the intensity and the phase of the X-rays can provide information about the sample: changes in the X-ray flux are most useful for indicating the presence (or absence) of dense materials such as bone. Meanwhile, changes in the X-ray phase are most useful for examining the lighter elements, such as Carbon and Oxygen, that make up the majority of soft biological structures.
An ideal X-ray microscope would be to measure both the intensity and phase of X-rays, and thus obtain complete knowledge of the X-way wave-field. Unfortunately, this remains difficult. The X-ray phase cannot be directly measured, and must be inferred from other measurements.
In this project the student will explore a cutting-edge "speckle tracking" method for measuring X-ray phase, in which computational image analysis is used to infer the X-ray phase from deformations in a known speckle pattern. This will include writing image analysis software, and performing pilot experiments to test the practicality of this method at the ANU CTLab.

Required background

  • Mathematics (Fourier transforms, Multivariable calculus, Linear algebra)
  • Physics (Optics)
  • Some experience in programming, preferably python.

Project suitability

This research project can be tailored to suit students of the following type(s)

Contact supervisor

Myers, Glenn profile

Other supervisor(s)

Kingston, Andrew profile