Available student project - Creating new materials using pressure and diamond anvil cells

Research fields

Looking into a diamond anvil cell

Project details

This project aims to understand how to make new materials using pressure and diamond anvil cells. Different pressure mediums have been shown to influence the phase transformation pathway and final structures in silicon, carbon and germanium. Novel amorphous starting materials of silicon, carbon and germanium can also be used to create new crystal structures. The final crystal structures are analysed using a variaty of techniques including electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and Raman microspectroscopy.

This project can be modified to suit a single semester project (ie to suit a PhB or 3rd year physics student) or for a whole year project (honours physics or engineering).

In addition to learning about the field of high pressure research the learning outcomes will be:

Further information

Required background

Interest in materials science/physics.

Good communication skills and ability to work as part of a wider national and international team.

Project suitability

This research project can be tailored to suit students of the following type(s)

Contact supervisor

Bradby, Jodie profile

Other supervisor(s)

Huang, Xingshuo profile