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Book chapter
Kruk S, Kivshar Y 5-Tailoring transmission and reflection with metasurfaces Dielectric Metamaterials: Fundamentals, Designs, and Applications Woodhead Publishing Limited, United Kingdom (2020) 145-174
Bender M, Bernard R, Bertsch G, Chiba S, Dobaczewski J, Dubray N, Giuliani S, Hagino K, Lacroix D, Li Z, Magierski P, Maruhn J, Simenel C Future of nuclear fission theory Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics47(2020) 1-58
Shaha K, Khaleque A, Hasan M Nested Antiresonant Hollow -Core Fiber with Ultra Low Loss[DUPLICATE][DELETE] 11th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE 2020)?, ?(2020) 29-32