High quality, reliable, state of the art equipment is key to achieving the outstanding research carried out at the Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility. The 14UD pelletron and superconducting linear booster accelerators are subject to a program of continuous upgrading and development that is focused on current and future research plans. The diverse range of research carried out at the facility places, often competing, demands on the ion beams delivered to the numerous beam-lines, and requires comprehensive planning, design and modelling of improvements to the accelerators. The development program is therefore closely integrated with all research programs, and has a team of experienced technical staff to both maintain the facility and take part in design, development and manufacture of accelerator components. The development group also has strong ties with technical staff from the Research School of Physics and Engineering (RSPE) mechanical workshop and with the RSPE electronics workshop and school computer unit for assistance with electronic components and computational issues.
The Accelerator development group welcomes requests from research groups or individuals interested in exploring the possibility of establishing new collaborations that could exploit the unique resources and instrumental capabilities of the laboratories.