The nonlinear physics centre consists of several teams unified by closely related research directions, including nonlinear optics and photonics with the focus on active and tunable metasurfaces as well as topological states of light. The research covers both theoretical and experimental activities in the electromagnetic frequency ranges from visible light, through infrared, and terahertz and into microwaves. The Centre has pioneered research of metamaterials in Australia over 20 years ago, and it generated many groundbreaking discoveries over this time. The Centre includes optical, terahertz, and microwave laboratories.
Current research has shifted towards the study of recently discovered topological phases of light. Combining topological photonic structures with nonlinear effects is expected to unlock advanced functionalities such as magnet-free nonreciprocity and active tunability. The emerging field of nonlinear topological photonics is bridging the physics of topological phases with nonlinear optics, and it includes the design of novel photonic platforms which combine topological phases of light with appreciable nonlinear response and self-interaction effects leading to edge solitons in topological photonic lattices, frequency conversion, active photonic structures exhibiting lasing from topologically-protected localized modes.
We develop theoretical models and numerical simulations of the propagation of light in nonlinear photonic structures and metasurfaces; including Mire resonances and bound states in the continuum. Many studies are performed in a close collaboration with experimental groups. Recent research is developed to novel concepts of light control in periodic optical structures, as well as quantum effects realized with metasurfaces.
Focusing on the nonlinear and tunable structures in the terahertz and microwave frequency ranges. The group has developed novel concepts for tunable and reconfigurable metamaterials and supported them with novel experimental observations. More recent directions include the studies of the bound states in the continuum and topologically protected wave manipulation by the terahertz metasurfaces.
Studying linear and nonlinear properties of light generation, propagation, and localization in subwavelength integrated photonic structures including nonlinear self-action and harmonic generation in nanoscale resonators, nanolasers, metasurfaces, metamaterials, and topologically nontrivial nanostructures. Recently, the group’s experimental activities moved towards nonreciprocal optics and the physics of active optical metastructures.