Dr Jiri Janousek

Janousek, Jiri profile
Position Departmental Visitor
Department Quantum Science & Technology
Research group Quantum optics group
Office phone (02) 612 57996
Office Physics North Link 1 11


Dr Jiri Janousek is postdoctoral research fellow in the quantum imaging group at ANU. He has been involved in the project aiming to investigate properties of quantum states of light in the spatial domain since 2008. His role is to drive forward the development of novel squeezing, entanglement and detection techniques in the spatial domain. He is particularly interested in the challenge to build a device that generates squeezing in many spatial modes simultaneously.

He earned his PhD degree in 2008 at the Technical University of Denmark, where he worked on the idea of using nonclassical quantum states of light for ultra-sensitive measurements. He was also involved in research of solid state lasers operating in the yellow spectral region, in both pulsed and continuous-wave systems.

Research interests

  • Generation of squeezed and entangled states

  • Optical detection techniques

  • Techniques for controlling optical cavities and nonlinear optical systems

  • Technical design of optical cavities, optical parametric amplifiers and solid state lasers