Departmental Seminar

Bronze-mean hexagonal quasicrystal

Professor Tomonari Dotera
Kindai University, Japan

Quasicrystals are believed to have non-traditional crystallographic symmetry such as icosahedral, decagonal, dodecagonal, and octagonal rotational symmetries. Indeed, quasiperiodicity is characterized by two or more spacings whose length ratio is an irrational number associated with the unconventional rotational symmetry: for instance, the golden mean Penrose tiling with decagonal symmetry and the silver mean Ammann–Beenker tiling with octagonal symmetry. Contrary to the belief that quasicrystals are originated from the unusual rotational symmetries, we present a "6-fold" self-similar quasiperiodic tiling related to the "bronze mean", which number is a natural extension in the literature. Using a two-lengthscale potential, which has turned out to be a minimal and efficient tool to produce quasicrystals, we have obtained a random-tiling of the bronze-mean quasicrystal. In this talk, we further present two sets of infinite series of metallic-mean and 6-fold self-similar quasiperiodic tilings associated with the bronze-mean tiling.

Date & time

Fri 29 Mar 2019, 11am–12pm



Oliphant Seminar Room (414)


Members of RSPE welcome