Mid Term Review

Colliding Bose-Einstein condensates produces entangled pairs of atoms

Mr David Shin
Laser Physics Center ANU

Non-classical properties such as the violation of a classical Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and relative number squeezing have been demonstrated in the past in quantum optics and more recently in matter waves scattered from colliding Bose-Einstein condensates. The scattered matter wave has been observed as individual pairs of atoms which are correlated in momentum, at large spatial separations. An open question remained as to if such massive pair-source is “quantum” enough to be useful for demonstrating non-locality and furthermore viable in testing some exotic theories of gravitational decoherence.

To this end we experimentally demonstrate that the scattered pair-source, specifically from the collision of oppositely spin-polarised BECs, is entangled in spin. Moreover, there is some evidence for the archetypal Bell non-local state.

In this seminar, I will present an overview of my PhD research from the design and characterisation of the experiment along with some recent results.

Date & time

Thu 28 Jun 2018, 2–3pm



Le Couteur Seminar Room (3.17)


Members of RSPE welcome