Departmental Seminar

Nuclear moments with radioactive ion beams: challenges, results and perspectives

Professor Georgi Georgiev
Centre de Sciences Nucléaires et de Science de la Matière,
Orsay (France)

The nuclear moment observable is a very sensitive probe to the composition and the purity of the nuclear wave function. Therefore experimental nuclear-moment studies are of key importance around shell closures or in regions of the nuclear chart where sudden structure modifications are expected.
Nuclear moment studies with radioactive ion beams (RIB) are of great experimental challenge due to a number of factors. Among those one can mention the low quality (e.g. beam contamination) and low intensity of the RIB's. The focus of the talk will be on the application of time-dependent techniques like Time Dependent Perturbed Angular Distribution (TDPAD) for studies of isomeric states in projectile-fragmentation or Time Dependent Recoil In Vacuum (TDRIV) for short-lived states with post-accelerated beams. Recent results of TDPAD measurements, performed at RIKEN, Japan, will be presented and the near-future perspectives will be discussed.
The preliminary results from a recent experiment, performed at ISOLDE, CERN, applying the TDRIV technique will be presented. The challenges of the use of high-intensity RIB's and ideas for future developments will be discussed.

Date & time

Mon 14 May 2018, 11am–12.30pm



Nuclear Seminar Room (1.05)


Members of RSPE welcome

