Energy Update 2016

The ANU Energy Update brings together energy researchers, policymakers, industry and the public to provide an overview of the latest world energy trends.

The day will feature national and international presenters from government, research and the private sector discussing a range of energy issues including global and regional outlooks, new technologies, energy security, energy access and energy productivity.

Highlights of Energy Update include:

  • Opening Address by the Hon Josh Frydenberg, Minister for the Environment and Energy
  • The 2016 World Energy Outlook presented by the International Energy Agency
  • Progress in the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) and Fusion Energy
  • Panel discussion on Climate Change Response Post Paris
  • Panel discussion on Dominantly Renewable Energy Futures
  • ACT Govt / ANU Solar Oration - The Carbon War:  a dispatch from the front lines followed by drinks

Registration for Energy Update is essential - click here to register on Eventbrite.


8.00-8.30         Registration

8.30-8.40         Welcome - by Professor Ken Baldwin, Director, ANU Energy Change Institute & by ANU Deputy Vice Chancellor

8.40-9.00         Opening Address - The Hon Josh Frydenberg,  Minister for the Environment and Energy

9.00-10.30       Special Presentation on the 2016 World Energy Outlook - Mr Ian Cronshaw, International Energy Agency

Followed by panel discussion and Q&A:

  • Prof David Stern, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU
  • Honorary Assoc Prof Hugh Saddler, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU

10.45-11.15     Tea and coffee

11.15-12.30     Keynote address:  Progress in thermonuclear fusion energy and in the construction of ITER, the international experimental reactor - Jean Jacquinot, Senior Advisor to the ITER Director General

Introduction by Chair, Assoc Prof Matthew Hole, ANU Energy Change Institute

12.30-1.30       Lunch

13.30-15.00     WEO2016 theme – Climate Change Response Post Paris Climate Agreement

Introduction by Chair, Associate Prof Nerilie Abram, ANU Climate Change Institute

Climate Change Update - Prof Mark Howden, Director, ANU Climate Change Institute

Presentation by each panel member:

  • International progress post Paris Climate Agreement - Representative from the Department of Foreign Affairs
  • Prospects for Deep Decarbonisation of the world economy - Assoc Prof Frank Jotzo, Director of the Centre for Climate Economics and Policy, Crawford School, ANU
  • Net zero emissions targets for the States of Australia - Anna Skarbek, Climateworks

Panel discussion and Q & A

15.00-15.30     Tea and coffee

15.30-17.00     WEO2016 theme – Dominantly Renewable Energy Futures

Introduction by Chair, Assoc Prof Kylie Catchpole, ANU Energy Change Institute

Presentation by Simon Corbell, formerly ACT Minister for the Environment

Presentation by each panel member:          

  • Integration of high levels of renewables with storage - Professor Andrew Blakers, ANU Energy Change Institute
  • Enhancing distributed renewable energy in the retail market - Steven Devlin, General Manager Energy Networks, ActewAGL
  • Establishing market rules to enable all technology options - Brian Spalding, Australian Energy Market Commission
  • Energy resilience through cyber security - Michelle Price, Crawford School, ANU (on secondment from the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet)

Panel discussion and Q & A

 17.00-17.10  Closing remarks - Professor Ken Baldwin, Director, Energy Change Institute

Energy Update will be followed by the ACT Government / ANU annual Solar Oration:  

17.30-19.00  The Carbon War: a dispatch from the front lines -Jeremy Leggett, founder of Solarcentury and SolarAid, and Chair of Carbon Tracker

The Solar Oration will be in the same lecture theatre (Manning Clark 1) and will be followed by drinks and finger food.

Please ensure you register separately for Solar Oration on Eventbrite.    More details can also be found here.   

Energy Update is 2016 is hosted by the ANU Energy Change Institute.   This year, for the first time, Energy Update is sponsored by ActewAGL.

More information

Date & time

Tue 29 Nov 2016, 8am–7pm



Manning Clark Lecture Theatre 1


Staff, students and public welcome


Clare de Castella