Departmental Seminar

Automated manufacturing of composite parts for aerospace applications

Matthias Feuchtgruber & Fabian Diemar

After a general presentation of the Chair of Carbon Composites they both will give an overview of their research fields. In their talk they will present a workflow for automated manufacturing of composite parts including the 3D printing of the tool and the consecutive material placement with an automated robot system.

Matthias: Large Format Additive Manufacturing for Tooling

  • 3D Printing of composite tools
  • Adding continuous carbon fibre tape for improved material properties
  • Material characterization of the hybrid material

Fabian: Automated Fiber Placement for aerospace parts

  • General technology overview
  • Towards a digital process twin: Defect detection and evaluation
  • Effects of manufacturing defects: Combination of CT-Scanning and mechanical behaviour analysis

Matthias and Fabian are visiting researchers from Technical University of Munich – Chair of Carbon Composites where they pursue a PhD program in the field of automated composite manufacturing ( They currently work in the group of Paul Compston where they analyse CT image data from composite specimen produced with different manufacturing techniques.

Date & time

Wed 22 Mar 2023, 11am–12pm


Conference Room (R4.03), Bldg. 160


Members of RSPE welcome

